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  1. S

    Women and "Bad Boys"

    I have not posted here for quite some time but something about this thread intrigued me, especially since I spoke to my brother about this topic yesterday. For some background information my brother is very successful with women and currently has a stunning Eastern European girlfriend one of...
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    wrong turn...i'm in the friend zone

    I am feeling for you, it is always disappointing when you really like a woman and think it is going well and then for whatever reasons it does not work out. At least you had the courage to go for the kiss, not an easy thing to put everything on the line like that. I hope the whole situation...
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    Guys, I need help! I'm about to do something REALLY stupid.

    I am feeling for you, this story is bad! First of all forget the girl she is not worth it after what she wrote in this letter. I would not act on impulse wait a few days and see how you feel, but I would not talk to her about the letter at all, but it is your decision. Learn from the experience...
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    I finally got the message of this web-site

    This will be my last post for a while. This web-site and forum have been great for me to finally get my groove back towards women. Read the posts and learn but ultimately you need to go out there and make the conscious decision to change your present situation. Let women into your life and do...
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    Can anyone recommend me some books?

    Any books by Brian Tracy: Maximum Achievement is his best and distills his best ideas, helped me significantly in my career
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    Going to London! Where do I go? What do i see? chicks???

    I live in London and cannot complain about the quality of women do not forget that London has many foreigners from all over the world living in the city.
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    Do you believe in friendship before relationship?"

    I do believe in this concept and have seen it work for a good friend of mine who has now been in a LTR for two years and still very happy. It is however very hard to pull through and can require a lot of nerves and stamina.
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    I can't read her. She's been a friend for so do I cross the line?

    It is good to actually hear from somebody who has successfully crossed the friends barrier.
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    should i ask a friend out??

    Ask her out otherwise you will really regret it. I assume she does not have a boyfriend now so better make a move or somebody else will and that will hurt! I speak of own experience.
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    Can Anyone recomend good Self Help Books?

    Books by Brian Tracy are excellent and cannot be beaten, Maximum Achievement is his best work and contains all his ideas, changed my life when I read it the first time.
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    How often should I call? Cultural differences?

    I would call her as often as you feel like it. I am not a big believer in this rule that you should not phone frequently.
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    Ban Me!!!

    Spider, do not get too depressed I know exactly how you feel!
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    My head's a mess (long) - Need to resolve things one way or another

    Sounds so similar to my situation it is scary and I live in the UK as well in London. I have made the choice to make a move on my friend this Tuesday when I meet for drinks. I know that I do not at least try to win her as girlfriend I will regret this all my life. If you do not try you will...
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    using the "friend frame"? by DeAngelo?

    I think the best thing is to never try and fall into the friends trap. Let her guess where to place you and if you do not act like a friend but a potential lover it will help significantly. Do not ask her as what she sees you do not mention it and let it slowly develop. This is my approach, do...
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    I Finally Get It

    In the 5 weeks I have known this site it has really completely changed my life and opened my eyes. I was sleepwalking in connection with women. Now I have added the excitement of letting women in my life and it is looking good! But the journey has still just only begun for me!
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    She's Obsessed With Fortune Tellers and Astrology

    If you really like her and want to keep her then try and move her interest to more credible occult areas, like astrology or numerology, but definitely not fortune telling. You can try and develop an interest for one of these occult areas like astrology. It would give you a chance to do it...
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    How do UK chicks compare to US chicks?

    I remember reading an article that showed that the emergence of Sex and the City has lead to a more than 1000% increase in bankruptcies for women aged 20 - 29 because of the portrayal of a lifestyle that is not affordable for 90% of the population.
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    gf goes out with male friend...

    I know the feeling, I would not be concerned if I were you however. Like I said women are different and are able to draw that line between friends and boyfriends. There are some women I know who have a large number of male friends, but their heart will only belong to their boyfriend!
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    gf goes out with male friend...

    I would not be too concerned, first of all she told you that she is going to meet him, your girlfriend could have also met him in secret. Second of all I know some women that will meet friends that are not their boyfriends. Unfortunately (but fortunately for you in this case) from my own...
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    Chasing a girl through a wire

    Do not tell her how you fell -> BAD IDEA