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  1. P

    Does race have an impact in getting women???

    Funny .. i am white, and I've seen white girls with white/black/asian/brown/indian guys. But how many asian girls have you seen with black/brown/indian guys? VERY few. Here are my list of THE most racist female racial groups Asian females>>>> one of the worst, most money hungry, stuck up...
  2. P

    Tom leykis say you have to make 7-figure income

    He always brag about his 7 figure income but, have you notice that he never talkes about his education level? Leykis also claims if you don't have a master's degree by age of 24, you are a worthless loser and you don't deserve to live.
  3. P

    Tom leykis say you have to make 7-figure income

    I seriously think this guy is all talk, gets his idea from reading Do some google serch on his pictures. He looks like this lazy janitor who used to work at my high school - short, fat, bitter, lonely white guy who never takes off his sunglasses. And who is this guy kidding? Of course if...
  4. P

    Screw ALL canadian/american women

    Haha, my friend thought that all asian chicks were polite, don't play head games, can cook or clean, royal and soft, he "dated" this japanese chick for a month, never got laid, took her places because the ***** didn't have a car, took her out to expensive places (according to him, she didn't...
  5. P

    What music should i listen to?

    King Diamond ... satanic metal :D
  6. P

    I think I may have been a victim of Asian racism!

    I know for FACT that most asians (East asians) do not like blacks and hispanics. Asian business owners in cali only hire mexicans and they treats them like dirt. And most of you think asians have respect for whites, just go visit L.A downtown, you'll find out how much respect they have for white...
  7. P

    A guy's height

    Well, tom cruise has a handsome face, a movie star and has lots, lots and lots of money.
  8. P

    Screening her before you ask for her digits.

    Isn't that a good thing ? I personally would never tell some stranger about my persoanl business unless im interested (and feel comfortable) in that person.
  9. P

    Get tired/quit easily

    My problem is I get tired very easily and just quit after few lifting. I used to take creatine but quit about a year (quit working out .. i look like spagetti noodle now). How do u guys stay motivate? I'm having hard time lifting 50 pounds .. don't laugh, i'm dead serious.
  10. P

    Younger looking Adults

    Re: Re: Younger looking Adults So are you saying women wants a men who has gray hair, wrinkley face and 40 inch waist?
  11. P

    Younger looking Adults

    I know this 33 yr old guy who only look about 24. If you put this guy in a college campus, he would blend right in. How is this possible?
  12. P

    Dating outside of one's own race...

    Well, you can't blame on your mom. I bet people of any RACE in america (over the age of 45) would be against race mixing. Its the way it is. Every race has its own stereotypes, but black (and hispanic) people have the worst repof all. But i do see bm/wf couples time to time but I can tell you...
  13. P

    do you think BRUCE LEE could fight in real life?

    Didn't he beat the living $hit out of Chuck norris ?? And he took down 3 western guys on sunset blvd back in the 60's when he first came to america. I saw 2 hour special show about him on history channel few months ago.
  14. P

    what about interracial dating???

    man why would you want to be marry to white women? **** them. They are the most overrated creatures on the planet. you probabaly have better chance with a hot asian women then some stuck up white women who cannot cook or clean. i see all the hottie asian girls dating rich spoil lexus driving...
  15. P

    Studying Abroad... Any reccomendations??

    if i were u, id avoid england and europe all together because of terrorism
  16. P

    Why do much, much older men on dating sites....

    dont listen to this dried up, bitter old hag. my cousin's 33 and he's engaged to a 24 yr old. he met her when she was 22. and you are full of ****. are u telling me that in 3 years, i'll be too old to date 19 yr olds????? are u crazy? i was born in 1983. 1983 vs 1989 .. 6 years difference. hell...
  17. P

    Im not ready yet!!

    damn ... your gf's hot.
  18. P

    What is this emo nonsense??

    Re: IMO ... but emo bands make millions of dollars , travel all over the world, probably banging hot girls left and right ...
  19. P

    What happens if

    What would happen to my body if i eat fast food once a day for two months? (i love carl's jr and i try to gain weight up to 160 .. i'm 5'9 and 150 pounds). Normal home made food doesn't seem to work, and i'm too lazy to cook. Is this a good idea ?