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  1. P

    Lance Armstrong's only 33?

    I know this guy is a cancer survivor but man, he looks way old for his age.
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    Does your job matter?

    most of people (guys) i know makes under 35k a year and they have no problem getting marry. think about it .. if u make 60k a year, your consider upper class aka "rich". and how many people you know around you makes that much money? high paying jobs are hard to find now days even with the BA or...
  3. P

    What age should you get worried that you aren't married?

    girls will not want you once you pass certain age, unless you're super rich and successful. a pretty older women can get any guy anytime she wants .. but it is hard for the guys. go read posts in mature dj forum .. some of those guys are over 40 still act like 21, just struggling. it is just sad...
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    Does your job matter?

    isn't 30 to 35k income fall into an average (middle class) category?
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    Do i have a mental disorder?

    guys, i am being VERY serious. since last year, i have this uncontrollable anger, due to my afc-ness (no gf for two years), now i am at the point that everytime i see any guy with an attractive female, i want to swing my baseball bat and just beat the crap out of him. damn .. i need to get...
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    WTF ?? Janitors make more than teachers

    she doesnt have to know. tell her u work for the school district :D
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    Purpose of School?

    now days everyone has a college degree. it's a worthless $50.000 dollar paper. it would be different story if ur an ivy league graduate.
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    Journal Entries-120 approaches/40 days-Week 1/Day 1

    on your second approach ... i thought asking a women if she's single or not is bad approach. i might be wrong on this but i read it on the bible
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    WTF ?? Janitors make more than teachers

    i just found out today that in our state, an average school janitor (who invested in 5 years in school district) makes more than certified teachers who has BA degrees. i dont know if i should just quit my college education and go work for school district. it is a government job too.. very...
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    shoe lift to increase height

    prepare to be suffer if u are going to wear them for more than few hours. i have a set of sharper image height booster sole. they're uncomfortable as hell .. it feels like im walking on a piece of hard wood.
  11. P

    intimidated by white chicks.

    hey jprjrjr .. ive heard that western europe is over run by african immigrants and quite few european women are intermarried with non-euros .. are u going to rescue all white females in germany? why are u so worked up about issue that u cannot control??
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    intimidated by white chicks.

    dude .. just read your local news paper or alternative magazines .. i bet u you'll find 5 or 6 ads of white females who are looking to hook up with blacks and hispanics
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    intimidated by white chicks.

    i was really pissed when i heard heidi klum got married to a black guy. i couldn't help but thinking "damn, whats wrong with us...".
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    intimidated by white chicks.

    oh come on now .. not all white women are like that. stop judging whole race based on few clowns.
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    Depressing fact (sad but true) ..

    nobody, i mean NOBODY in this board would be alive in 50 to 60 years. We're all going to die sooner or later ...
  16. P

    What is my problem ?

    im 22 .. i feel really comfortable with older women. trust me, these women are married, have 10 kids and i'm not attracted them (older women) even a one bit. i can make them laugh ... but i just can't do the same with younger girls.
  17. P

    What is my problem ?

    I can talk to any females, who are OLDER than me. But i'll turn into biggest piece of **** everytime i try to interact younger, attractive girls. I just blew my chance today @ gas station. This hot HOT HOT blond was asking me how to use credit card machine and my dumbass couldn't even put one...
  18. P

    intimidated by white chicks.

    im the other way around. i'm intimidated by asian girls. the ones that ive seen around here they all drive nice cars, dress up with expensive clothings, attend colleges, super stuck up, and they seems to only hang out with other rich asians. would they give this average whitey time of the day ? :D
  19. P

    Short / Thin / Young -- How Much of a Disadvantage?

    172cm is about 5'7 in american height. I'm almost 5'9 and i don't feel short at all. You're about average.
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    Tell HER to call!

    Ok .. seems like a good idea to me, but what if she was total RULES girl? She'll probably test u and never calls, and you'll be waiting for her phone call ..