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  1. L

    What does your room look like? [pics]

    I like their one song "this time around". its pretty nice
  2. L

    What does your room look like? [pics]

    I really like some of yalls rooms. Makes me feel like mine is cluttered, but I don't care, I love my little pad. So here it is for your viewing pleasure. Pic 1 - Main Section of my room In this picture you can see my bed, its a nice queen size and fits me well. Above that, we have rock n...
  3. L

    Maximize Strength Per Pound

    all of these are my maxes. i've got no real pictures except for one of me running and its blurry as ****. Im the guy in black, running the 800m just caught rm guy. here
  4. L

    Maximize Strength Per Pound

    my cardio includes a half hour for warmup which consists of lunge walks, high knees, etc... and stretching thoroughly. Also, about 10 minutes of ab work every day so about 45 minutes of my 2 hour carido is warmup and abs. Note: the rest of that time isnt straight running. I run intervals, tempo...
  5. L

    Maximize Strength Per Pound

    I dunno about the rest of you, but none of your workouts can work for me right now. I run track&field junior olympics, and for my highschool. So my days consist of a **** load of cardio, and in essence I eat everything! ill stuff my face with peanut butter, crackers, whatever is lying around...
  6. L

    Good tight stomach

    alright some of you guys are talking with no experience and its just stupid. I'll tell you right now, stretching before hand is a good idea. I run track at UNCW. we always stretch before we run. When I don't I feel worse, and the chances of pulling something increase. so stretch before and...
  7. L

    A Question of Truth

    PRL - You talk down to the people on this forum like you know everything. Are you so stubborn to look at things from Jesters perspectives. I mean seriously get over the hating America crap. Personally, I doubt the country has done anything to f-uck you over, yet you whine. So shut up you over...
  8. L

    im a failure

    Alright, heres my two cents. In highschool, or I should say people you go to highschool with, are much harder to approach and mac on because of one word... reputation. Every single person in highschool has some form of reputation. No matter if its geek, or football star nobody wants their...
  9. L

    Music to Live by

    lol well there goes this thread.
  10. L

    Music to Live by

    Musical lyrics helped me throughout highschool to express a lot of my emotions. When I would get down because of some chick, I'd find something to pick myself back up. When I was younger Eminem was one of the best to help me vent my pain. He made me feel like I still have it in me. It may be a...