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    Don Juans Everywhere!

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    lookin for someone to go out w/ downtown chicago......been learning a lot and looking to expand my knowledege, sick of the AFCs i used to hang out with so i've been going out alone lately, which has helped me grow...
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    Need help with my DJ Skills here at school

    cmon theres NO college DJs that go to school out in the middle of bufu that have some kind of advice?
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    Need help with my DJ Skills here at school i found this site a year ago and learned a lot from it, now i'm having a problem here.......first let me begin by telling you I'm 21 years old and i live in chicago but i go to school at Western Illinois University in macomb.....its a small hick town with absolutely nothing around it, u...
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    Chicago Weekend

    i'm from chicago, i'm big on the club scene down there but right now i'm at school (wiu) and it sucks my ass.....
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    Cold approaches do not work.

    they work, but i think how u look plays a big part in it, i cant' picture a scummy looking ugly dude walk up to a girl and throw some line like "wanna ****" or whatever and actually succeed, if you look your best and go up to every single one that your interested in one of them is bound to be...
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    Clubbin Part 1 (appearance)

    whatever works for u, its just a diff point of view, IMO a guy who walks into a club without doing his hair does not belong in a club, and when i say club i am thinking an upscale club like u would find in chicago, it all depends on what kind of girls you are trying to pull, club girls like club...
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    how do u deal with an attention wh0re

    yeah i hear ya guys, the only reason i want opinions is cuz i wanna try something different, theres a story behind this too, so i'm at the bar with my friends and im dancing and this girl keeps lookin at me and shes by herself (naturally AWs usually are either with a dude or their one...
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    Clubbin Part 1 (appearance)

    exactly, since everyone carries a phone use a pen be original, have her write it down it will show originality, i never even bring my phone in i hate the bulge in my pants from it.....
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    how do u deal with an attention wh0re

    i've been searching through so many threads on how to handle attention wh0res i just wanna make this one so people can share their opinions on how to keep an attention ***** interested or possibly have an LTR. My best friend is an AW, shes like my little sister definately no attraction with...
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    Clubbin Part 1 (appearance)

    all is well i edited it :)
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    Clubbin Part 2 (how To Act)

    now heres the part everyone just loves to ask about, how do u meet girls in a club......when u walk into a club, especially in a big city, most people have money, dont let that bother you, you walk in there like you own the place, gotta have that attitude anyways but just a reminder, when u walk...
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    Clubbin Part 1 (appearance)

    I hear a lot of guys talkin about how they have trouble in the club, how its harder in the club, blah blah blah....ok i'm gonna sum it up the best I can because frankly this is where I do my best.......First off your at a dance club, dance clubs are upscale enviroments, everyone takes care of...
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    Internet Dating is NOT the way to go!

    ok a lot of this would have been accurate in the late 90s all the up till about 02 or 03, but with the way things have advanced now, 90% of the time what u get is what u see meaning no they dont lie about something cuz theres multiple pictures to back them up, and as far as all that distance...
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    Opinion on this Schedule please!!

    you really should do legs on their own day, thats just my take, they are the largest muscle group and involve a lot of compound exercises........also try adding donkey calf raises on the smith'll really notice an increase in calf size
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    Alcohol-My New Best Friend

    you guys are ridiculous lol, like i said before if you aren't able to do it sober you won't be able to do it drunk, if u can do it sober you can do it drunk its simple, fact is if u do it drunk and cant' do it sober yeah you'll lose fear and be able to approach but that sure as hell doesnt' mean...
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    Dog Crap Training

    yeah i totally agree with you that this is for seasoned lifters, everything has to be done correctly because the volume isn't high so you really gotta know what your doing if your going to do this routine......
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    Dog Crap Training

    that was quoted by Dante......the man behind DC training.... Rob
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    Dog Crap Training

    It is so tough to talk about training when I am not in front of someone. In real life or at my gym people will see me or someone I train and be convinced that my system works very well. And in person I can explain how it all fits together. But for some reason giving an opinion on training online...
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    Dog Crap Training

    l) I use a certain method in my training because in my opinion it is the utmost method to rapidly gain strength. More on that later. Others might like a different method, that's up to them, doesn't matter as long as they are rapidly gaining strength. If you’re gaining appreciable strength on an...