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  1. T

    Dog Crap Training

    f) Please think of the times when you made the best size gains---the first time is in the first 2 years of lifting WHEN YOU MAKE YOUR BEST STRENGTH GAINS TOO! Then things start to slow down.. What's the next time?--You start using steroids and boom what happens? YOUR TRAINING WEIGHTS GO FLYING...
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    Dog Crap Training

    d) The largest pro bodybuilders in the last 10 years (outside of Paul Dillett who is a genetic alien and I think could grow off of mowing lawns) are also the very strongest (Kovacs, Prince, Coleman, Yates, Francois, Nasser (although he trains lighter now). For anyone who argues that they have...
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    Dog Crap Training

    for those of you who aren't familiar with Dog Crap training here it is, it is similar to Mike Mentzer's HIT training principles.....i saw great gains from this and I like the principles....enjoy This is a post authored by the inventor of the DC Training system Dante himself aka doggcrapp so...
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    Bicep Excercises: Which is best and how much do you lift?

    straight bar curls (not olympic bar but straight curl bar) alternate DB curls and straight bar preachers are great for not a big fan of the ez curl bar the pumps aren't as great and the olympic bar is frankly too long, the straight curl bar has given me the best results.... rob
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    Diet and sex drive

    reducing too low for too long can lower test.....i did a 1500 calorie ckd without dextrose last year and 20 or less carbs.....biggest mistake ever, my test was down for a few months advice is unless your an endomorph, don't reduce too low and do HIIT for cardio, its proven to...
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    Alcohol-My New Best Friend

    no one should depend on alcohol as an aid to picking up girls, yeah you have no fear, cuz alcohol shuts down the CNS and gives you "false" confidence, so what are you gonna do when u see a hot babe in front of you in line at the grocery store, pull out a flask of whiskey, pound it and hope it...
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    can the attraction return?

    well either way i haven't shown any wuss behavior whatsoever, but i do suspect that i upset her when i blew her off sunday night......and its starting to come clear to me that the reason that we aren't communicating as well as the first two meetings is because i think there is a sense of...
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    two questions......first question is what should i have pre sleep? I dont feel like spending money on a time released protein and milk has 11 carbs per serving so that wouldn't work before bed........second question is, if i smoked pot a couple times how much do u think it will set me back?
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    can the attraction return?

    amen brother, i was thinkin the same thing, shes gonna be gone for the weekend so its inevitable that i don't see her, so i'm gonna give it a good week, she goes to the same bar every week so i'll know where to find her without even having to call her :)
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    can the attraction return?

    any suggestions.....anyone/
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    can the attraction return?

    ok i'm not drunk im just bad at writing haha.....anywys i met this girl last week i'm gonna skip all the bullshti but basically she was chasing me.......i met her thursday we met up at a bar friday and talked a lot, saturday she called me even though i exchanged numbers with her friend.......i...
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    can the attraction return?

    a girl once told me these words "rob once a girl is attracted to you, shes always attracted to you because theres that thing about you that she was attracted to and once u expose it again the attraction will return" i dont know how true this is but if it is i'm in a bind right now.......i met a...
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    hows this program look

    i dont have my own day for forearms, i do them with legs cuz i dont use my forearms when i do my legs adn they are a weak piont for me, and i do my cavles with legs but i also do them a seperate day cuz i hit them twice a week........i dont lo carb eiither, i just discontinue them as it gets...
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    hows this program look

    Monday: Chest/Back Smith Incline 3 sets Incline Flyes 3 sets Flat Dumbbell Bench 3 sets Decline Bench 3 sets Dumbbell Pullovers 3 sets Wide Grip Chins Behind-The-Neck 3 sets Close Grip Chins 3 sets 90 degree bentover Dumbbell Rows 3 sets Partial Deadlifts 3 sets...
  15. T

    Does my Muscle Gain Program pass?

    legs are key in gaining mass, unless you are a pure mesomorph (which doesnt sound like it otherwise you wouldn't be asking questions) your gonna have to do legs to gain mass. Legs are the largest muscle group on your body and therefore you release the most testosterone when you do compound...