hows this program look


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Monday: Chest/Back
Smith Incline 3 sets
Incline Flyes 3 sets
Flat Dumbbell Bench 3 sets
Decline Bench 3 sets
Dumbbell Pullovers 3 sets
Wide Grip Chins Behind-The-Neck 3 sets
Close Grip Chins 3 sets
90 degree bentover Dumbbell Rows 3 sets
Partial Deadlifts 3 sets

Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday Cardio/Abs/Lower Back & Calves (Saturday)
AM: Cardio: 20-25 mins HIIT Tuesday and Saturday and 30 minutes moderate pace thursday
PM: Abs workout A.
Weighted Crunches 3 sets
Hanging Reverse Crunches 3 sets
Side bends on hyperextension 3 sets (no weight)
Stomach Vacuums 3 sets 40 second breath hold
Abs workout B.
Decline weighted Crunches 3 sets
Cable Crunches 3 sets
Side bends on hyperextension (no weight)
Stomach Vacuums 3 sets 40 second hold
Good Mornings 3 sets (saturday)

Wednesday Legs/Forearms
Leg Extension (Warm up) 3 sets of 15-20
Leg Curls 3 sets
Full Squat 3 sets
Lunges 2 sets
Straight-Leg-Deadlift 3 sets
Standing Calf Raise 3 sets
Smith Donkey Calf Raise 3 sets
Seated Calf Raise 3 sets
Behind-The-Back Wrist Curls 3-4 sets

Friday Arms/Shoulders
21s 2 sets
Seated Alternate Hammer Curls 2 sets
Seated Alternate Dumbbell Curls 2 sets
Behind-The-Neck Press 3 sets
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 sets
Lateral Raise 2 sets
Bent over rear delt flyes 2 sets
Behind-The-Back Shrugs 3 sets
Weighted dips 3 sets
Seated Overhead Dumbbell Extension 3 sets
Skull Crushers 3 sets

I'm supplementing with whey protein (60 grams post workout+32 grams of dextrose, 20 grams + 32 dextrose pre weights and 20/20 pre cardio 20/20 post cardio, 20/0 pre abs, 20/20 post abs) and i'm also taking amino acids, multi vitamins, and flax seed oil, i eat anywhere between 30 and 60 grams of protein every 2.5 hours and i discontinue carbs after 7 (i go to bed around 11) the carbs i do get are mainly from the dextrose, vegetables and my one serving of fruit.....ocassionally i'll have something starchy to change it up..........and yes i know behind the neck stuff is "BAD" but i'll take my chances i feel the burn more and my shoulders are flexible enough......also i added rotator cuff specific exercises this week.......i hit a plateau on incline, bentover barbell rows, skull crushers (haven't decided what to replace them with), barbell curls, floor deadlifts, arnolds, BTN Press, and barbell bench, that is why i've switched to bentover dumbbell rows, partial deads, smith incline, shoulder presses, and BTN presses............i got a little overweight this winter i'm about 5'9 180-185 15% BF right now my lowest was 150 7.5% last summer lost too much mass thoguh doing a ckd without i'm trying to be moderate so any suggestions will be appreciated.........


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
I think you are going overboard on the chest part. 15 sets is too much.

Do squats before leg curl and leg extension.

Why do you have one seperate day for forarms? Why have you split up calves and legs?

And where did you get this routine?


Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2001
Reaction score
Indpls, IN USA
1. Why dont you try making your workouts 3 times a week instead of 5 with only one day for recovery.

2. Reduce your sets to just one set and use enough weight to where you can work your muscles to failure.

3. Fvck watching your carbs. Lo carb is bullshyt. WATCH YOUR CALORIES, NOT YOUR CARBS. Excess carbs dont cause you to be fat, but excess calories do. Try reducing your calorie intake to 1500 a day.

Also, consider picking up the book "Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guidebook"


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
Trondheim, Norway
**** watching his carbs?

What a great idea! Soon he'll get fat, and everybody will be happy. As I said in another thread, read this:

By the way, have you tried volume training before? If you have with success, great, but I'll have to tell you only 20-30% of a given population will be able to grow from volume training.

I'd reduce the volume, stick to compound exercises and keep adding JUST 2,5lbs every week. Beat your logbook every week, and you'll grow, trust me (as long as you get your protein in).


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
Where did you get that 20-30% from? Source?

And **** dude, you go to ntnu?


Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2001
Reaction score
Indpls, IN USA
Originally posted by line_in_the_sand
**** watching his carbs?

What a great idea! Soon he'll get fat, and everybody will be happy. As I said in another thread, read this:

By the way, have you tried volume training before? If you have with success, great, but I'll have to tell you only 20-30% of a given population will be able to grow from volume training.

I'd reduce the volume, stick to compound exercises and keep adding JUST 2,5lbs every week. Beat your logbook every week, and you'll grow, trust me (as long as you get your protein in).
Dude, do you truly understand the role carbs play in your nutrition?? Carbohydrates fuel your muscles, they dont make you fat. A lot of the lo carb hype is due to the media in it's attempt to create a fad.

Where do you get your information that carbs make you fat?? The last time I checked, excess calories do.


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
Trondheim, Norway
I used to go to NTNU, now I go to a business school in the same town. You've studied here?

Allow me to clarify my statement. What I mean was ignoring the carb cut will make you fat, not necessarily carbs in general. This communcation error is of course my mistake.

The reason ignoring the carb-cut will make you fat is this: at night, if insulin levels are high, your body will not be able to burn fat as it does naturally in sleep if (and only if) insulin is low or not present in the blood stream. That's the reason why DC (and others) recommend the carb cut-off at around 4-5 hours before you go to sleep (depends on your carb sensitivity, SOME people can only handle carbs after workouts, otherwise they get fat).

There are of course some lucky S.O.Bs who can eat carbs all the time and not gain fat at all, MOST of these guys are young (no older than 23/24). If you can still do this at 30, THEN you have great genes and can consider yourself in a fortunate position.

I admit that I'm "parroting" much of this information from what I've learned on (doggcrapp) and from Iron Addict, but hey, we all have to learn somewhere, don't we!

However, I recommend this on the basis of personal experience, if I keep ignoring the carb cutoffs, I gain fat, if I stick to them, I stay lean.

I also apologise for being "aggressive" in my first response to you Nightwing, I hope my explanation will cut me some slack in your book, even if you don't agree. ;)

Oh, and the source for the 20-30% response to volume training is an article by Iron Addict. I recommend you all read the information at - this guy knows what he's talking about.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
south west, uk
Volume training doesn't work for a lot of people because they aren't really doing volume training.

What they are doing is using some form of HIT and doing too much.

ie. They don't work submaximally most of the time and they don't believe in cycling intensity.

For most people, keeping it simple is the key and eating well, save the fancy stuff for when you're really big.


Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2001
Reaction score
Indpls, IN USA
Originally posted by line_in_the_sand
I used to go to NTNU, now I go to a business school in the same town. You've studied here?

Allow me to clarify my statement. What I mean was ignoring the carb cut will make you fat, not necessarily carbs in general. This communcation error is of course my mistake.

The reason ignoring the carb-cut will make you fat is this: at night, if insulin levels are high, your body will not be able to burn fat as it does naturally in sleep if (and only if) insulin is low or not present in the blood stream. That's the reason why DC (and others) recommend the carb cut-off at around 4-5 hours before you go to sleep (depends on your carb sensitivity, SOME people can only handle carbs after workouts, otherwise they get fat).

There are of course some lucky S.O.Bs who can eat carbs all the time and not gain fat at all, MOST of these guys are young (no older than 23/24). If you can still do this at 30, THEN you have great genes and can consider yourself in a fortunate position.

I admit that I'm "parroting" much of this information from what I've learned on (doggcrapp) and from Iron Addict, but hey, we all have to learn somewhere, don't we!

However, I recommend this on the basis of personal experience, if I keep ignoring the carb cutoffs, I gain fat, if I stick to them, I stay lean.

I also apologise for being "aggressive" in my first response to you Nightwing, I hope my explanation will cut me some slack in your book, even if you don't agree. ;)

Oh, and the source for the 20-30% response to volume training is an article by Iron Addict. I recommend you all read the information at - this guy knows what he's talking about.

No offense taken bro. It's just that I've had this type of argument before, now that you've clarified yourself I see where you're coming from. I hang around a lot of bodybuilders (they're juicin') and I train in MMA myself so I've seen what a lot of them (bodybuilders) do, and I've seen other guys go off of their advice and see no gains in thier progress. I agree with what you're saying about insulin levels and all that, fortunately for me I'm one of these people that can consume carb-rich meals after workouts and still cut weight. At least that's just me.


Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2001
Reaction score
Indpls, IN USA
Originally posted by Alpine
Volume training doesn't work for a lot of people because they aren't really doing volume training.

What they are doing is using some form of HIT and doing too much.

ie. They don't work submaximally most of the time and they don't believe in cycling intensity.

For most people, keeping it simple is the key and eating well, save the fancy stuff for when you're really big.
You can only do HIT three times a week because of the heavy workload that it puts on your muscles. If you dont give yourself enough recovery time, then you'll quickly overtrain.

de silva

Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
What sort of suggestions are you looking for?

If you're an experienced lifter, and your body can tolerate that workload, go for it -- I don't see any glaring red flags in there.


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
i dont have my own day for forearms, i do them with legs cuz i dont use my forearms when i do my legs adn they are a weak piont for me, and i do my cavles with legs but i also do them a seperate day cuz i hit them twice a week........i dont lo carb eiither, i just discontinue them as it gets closer to bed time........i dont know i just wanted to see some feedback.....basically i've tried 6 days a week, 5 days a week, and i've dried dog crap training and the 3 day split was the most effective for me so i jsut wanna know if i have it arranged for chest if u think thats too many sets what do you recommend.......chest is a strong point for me so it grows pretty easy...........