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  1. G

    Question about consciousness...

    Example: I am talking with someone and suddenly I become extremely aware of my surroundings, my body language and the other persons body language. Perhaps I could compare it to a first person shooter with an observer mode. When it happens It feels like I am going from action mode to observer...
  2. G

    Question about consciousness...

    Hey Guys I have a question about consciousness and am hoping to get some sensible replies on this. Sometimes when I am interacting with people it suddenly feels like my consciousness gets sucked to the top of my head and I am more observing rather than just being. do any of you guys...
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    Caffeine addiction...

    Hey Guys, It appears that I have a caffeine addiction. think of 3-4 cans of red bull per day... The problem at this point is that my body needs it to function properly. I've tried cold turkey, but after 1 day I got a terrible headache which miracuously disappeared after one cup of...
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    How to tell her you like her w/out looking like a smuck?

    I wouldn't have said it like that... IMO The chick is thinking, then why didn't he call me?? What is wrong with him?? Why does he do this?? Perhaps he likes me but doesn't have the balls... Perhaps it would be best to frame it like a test she has to pass? where she knows you were...
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    Mould your Mindset

    Excellent post It`s all in the mind believing = seeing
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    hardware configuration problem

    It could be your power supply. if it doesn`t have enough watts, your pc won't start up or will just crash during start up. try losing all the peripherals. unplug both hdds. check if it will boot. if your pc will show a bios startup screen it could be your PSU. get one with a higher...
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    Setting up a private lounge, who would be interested?

    Sounds like a good plan! count me in.
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    Whats the Biggest Part Of Being A PUA

    To me vibing encompasses most of your options, so that`s my pick.. Vibing = having fun
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    So i asked this gal out

    so, what happened..? IMO saying she doesn`t work saturday does not mean she won`t go out with you. just ask her out (DJ style ofcourse) if she declines it is her loss, and you can next her. If she is interested she will go out with you ;-)
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    Guy's Be Careful, New....

    Perhaps there are a few genuine men who just like to be friends... (hard to believe) there's nothing wrong with that. but if there are sexual intentions, sure lock that mofo up. rehabilitation is probably really hard, because something that turns you sexually on i.e. pedopfilia can`t be...
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    L-D breakup reasons

    LDR sucks as Stalluproar says, it is hard to keep up sexual tension and spontaneity in a ldr. I kind of have an ldr (pretty ****ed up, see my other posts) but it is hard to keep the tension there without kino and face to face contact. my suggestion is: let it slide, it aint worth it...
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    Using RPG games to help you overcome social anxiety

    ROFLMAO! :crackup: I like your style Don Pablo
  13. G

    Fell in love with Fbuddy

    Phloyd, thx 4 your answer. very useful :) Ikkenai:whatever...
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    Fell in love with Fbuddy

    Absinthe is really strong ****!! had half abottle of absinthe and feeling really woozy right now. Guys, thx 4 not flaming me :D been lurking since 2003, so I should know bit about the DJ tactics :$ But I`m only human.... for now i go for : let it slide, it ain`t worth it. Bible...
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    Fell in love with Fbuddy

    Thanks for all the replys :D met a cute girl in the bus last saturday, a 7.5 if u ask me. but I`m not quite sure what i want with her... sent the "ex" a really sappy love email. meant every word of it. but it was more to push her away, coz I know what happens when you get all wishy washy...
  16. G

    Fell in love with Fbuddy

    At least I think so... perhaps stupid. We didn`t have an exclusive relationship but weren`t seeing anyone else for a year. Now she is studying abroad for a year. so I don`t see her for a while. I`m 22 she is 20.. Question: how do you guys cope with knowing a woman, you are really fond...
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    How to become a MODERATOR.

    U get my vote :rockon:
  18. G

    GF or F*ck buddy?

    Hey Skullcrusher.. not quite sure what you mean by that... I`m fairly new to the game and realizing there are many more forms of relationships possible than i first thougt. My old train of thougt was: Find a girl, become BF/GF, marry, have sex, have children. Sounds kinda dumb looking back...
  19. G

    GF or F*ck buddy?

    wow, hadn`t thougt of it in that way... but (for now) I`ll stick with 1 woman, and I think she knows that.. would confronting her about it cause unnessecary trouble in our relationship? or should I just play cool and start dating other chicks?
  20. G

    GF or F*ck buddy?

    I`ve been dating this girl for 3 months and things are going great. we`re not GF BF but somewhere in between.. last nite she said kissing someone else is not what she considers cheating... now I`d like to know if she did. (and if so, how many) Would I seem weak if I just asked it? or should I...