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    My best friend is getting married (Stupid *******!!)

    Oh, my stupid stupid friend. This is one of my best friends. I thought he was smart. But he fall in love a few months ago (6 to be exact) and now his new girlfriend is pregnant. He is 25, and she is 27. They plan to get married this next year and don't want to hear nothing about abortion or...
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    Psychotherapy plan for SOCIAL DISCOMFORT and/or LOW SELF ESTEEM

    LOW SELF ESTEEM Long-term goals 1. Elevate self-esteem. 2. Develop a consistent, positive self-image. 3. Demonstrate improved self-esteem through more pride in appearance, more assertiveness, greater eye contact, and identification of positive traits in self-talk messages. 4. Establish...
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    Psychotherapy plan for SOCIAL DISCOMFORT and/or LOW SELF ESTEEM

    I recently came across this great book called The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner. Since I find a lot of people on this board suffer from social discomfort and low self esteem I’m posting a structured plan of action to help address this issues. SOCIAL DISCOMFORT Long-term...
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    Improving upon my looks...People think I'm always depressed

    Work on the depression itself. Find a good therapist and let him/her help you out. No shame in that. During that time put your depression into play. Sadness or depression can be seductive if used in moderation. You just have to incorporate it into your game. It’s wrong to thing you have to...
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    Where DJing fails - insightful

    There's a whole chapter on this topic in Robert Greene's excellent book The Art of Seduction. In a sentence, elimination of all our vulnerabilities makes us less seductive and therefore less successful in the art of seduction. Here's the main thing from the book: We all have weaknesses...
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    Date Without a car

    I was in the same situation. On one hand it's pathetic but on the other it's kind of romantic.... like you two would like to come together but can't... there is something stopping you.. and you need to overcome this obstacle in the name of Love. It ads to the excitement of seduction and...
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    seduction of a wanna be mom

    Sh*t people! You’re absolutely right! I was being so god damn focused that I completely missed what I could be getting myself into. Dumb, dumb, dumb!
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    seduction of a wanna be mom

    Fellow seducers - how would you seduce a 25 year old woman that really wants to start a family, but has no regular income of her own, nor does she own a real estate of any kind. Would you project yourself as the protector/provider type of man, be that true or not? How would you do that? Keep in...
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    DADDY’S LITTLE GIRL: Women Revealed

    I think you started it right, but finished it wrong. Man is action and woman is reaction and women do react depending on how you treat them, but the only thing that is revealed by this is that their true nature is in part submissive and reactive and nothing more. If you treat them like...
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    tips on hiding emotions?

    Before anybody can change anything in he's life, he has to first acknowledge its existence. If one is an alcoholic, he won’t seek treatment until he acknowledges the fact that he has a problem, will he? And it would be good for him to feel bad before he does seek treatment. Feeling bad will...
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    tips on hiding emotions?

    Anger is the best emotion in this case. It gives you strength to handle rejections or mind games. But it's very important to know how to handle this emotion. Get angry, feel the anger with every cell in your body, feel the power it gives you and then assert yourself with firm and self-confident...
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    tips on hiding emotions?

    I know a lot of guys here will disagree, but feelings are great. Anger for example, empowers you, gives you self-confidence and "I don’t give a **** about you" attitude, helps you to set firm boundaries with other people, etc. Feeling down (depressed) stops you dead in the track because...
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    seduction of a friend (a situation)

    Although I am madly in love with this woman, I do full around and have sex with other women too. My mind just keeps ending up with her. Sort of crazy infatuation I guess. Could be. That's also the reason I didn't call her or initiated any kind of contact for months after I've invited her to...
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    seduction of a friend (a situation)

    Hi Guys! I’m having a situation here myself and would be very grateful for all kind of input you may have. I’ve known this girl for a couple of years now and although we don’t see much of each other we’re always happy and thrilled when we finally meet to catch up. We talk and laugh...