Improving upon my looks...People think I'm always depressed


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2004
Reaction score
I've been told that I look depressed all the time. It's not a total surprise because I don't smile very much. I used to be fully depressed and I hated the world, but I've been improving on my self esteem after finding this site. Anyway, so how could I not look so depressed all the time. I was thinking about smiling or having a smirk on but would that make me look gay or sinister or whatever? I'm not quite sure how to get around this problem. Heh, maybe Im just stuck with this depressing look. Anyway, I would appreciate feedback.


Don Juan
Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
Work on the depression itself. Find a good therapist and let him/her help you out. No shame in that.

During that time put your depression into play. Sadness or depression can be seductive if used in moderation. You just have to incorporate it into your game. It’s wrong to thing you have to be happy, upbeat and successful in order to pull off a great seduction – not at all – work with what you got.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
OrlandoDaHash said:
During that time put your depression into play. Sadness or depression can be seductive if used in moderation. You just have to incorporate it into your game. It’s wrong to thing you have to be happy, upbeat and successful in order to pull off a great seduction – not at all – work with what you got.

This is what I thought - you have to be happy, upbeat and successful to pull of a great approach, seduction, etc... and what not but here is a poster who thinks you can incorporate depression or a chronic state of sadness aura (not really depression, but disposition) and ultilize this for a great seduction.

Here's the question of the hour.



Don Juan
Aug 26, 2007
Reaction score
LonelyGuy2k4 said:
I've been told that I look depressed all the time. It's not a total surprise because I don't smile very much. I used to be fully depressed and I hated the world, but I've been improving on my self esteem after finding this site. Anyway, so how could I not look so depressed all the time. I was thinking about smiling or having a smirk on but would that make me look gay or sinister or whatever? I'm not quite sure how to get around this problem. Heh, maybe Im just stuck with this depressing look. Anyway, I would appreciate feedback.

ok. i seriously get told this a few times EVERY DAY. you know what. Im still great with women. It dont really matter. Honestly. I dont smile because well. Why bother, I can be happy and not smile.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
When I smirk I look pretty evil, so be carful of that.

Don't worry about it, just try to be happier and your aura will improve. If you fake it, it'll look gay. But don't listen to these guys that say it will improve your game to be depressed, it doesn't.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Bvbidd said:
When I smirk I look pretty evil, so be carful of that.

Don't worry about it, just try to be happier and your aura will improve. If you fake it, it'll look gay. But don't listen to these guys that say it will improve your game to be depressed, it doesn't.

How can you try to change that you cant really change without looking gay?
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
So what's the deal here, you have to be pumped up, full of energy, upbeat, and in an amazing type of mood before you try an approach, especially if approaching 'cheerful' girls? - or is there really game even if the mood is not up to par.

Would you go up to a girl or group of gals that appear to be having a good time and say "you gals really look cheerful, _________ " (you can make a comment like that as an ice-breaker, and then put some sort of fluff talk afterwards or another question - you are noticing something about them and making an observation - leading to an extrapolation - what are you laughing about? talking about? etc.....)

I've even heard of some approaches where guys have gone "I've felt pretty depressed today, but the sight of you just makes me feel amazing."

So, it's a science here - I mean, if you cant change the mood, I guess you'll have to find an approach that's congruent to the mood or something?