Bible correction - Gave her too much atention, but corrected it in time


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2004
Reaction score
Well, in Pook's anti-dump machine, it is stated that you shouldnt be with a girl more than once a week in the 1st month, to keep the mistery and the excitment of getting to know eachother, letting her wish to be with you again.

I started dating a girl a month ago. And during the first 3 week i gave her a lot of atention. Since she had little spare time during the day, and can only go out on saturdays, if i wanted to be with her, it had to be in her free time, which kinda bothered me in terms of keeping the control.

So i gave her a lot of atention for 3 weeks, i was kinda loosing control and even tough i knew i shouldnt be talking to her again so soon, or in msn in the next day, i did, and did again.

I knew i had to be the strong link, and finally i did it. Last weekend i setup going out with friends, and she went along. This weekend im going to dinner with 5 of my best friends, and she said she will meet me there cause all she wants is to be with me. This week i spend it all away from her, at other town, and guess what when i come back.. She told me she called me twice last day, but my phone was off, that she felt a pain in her heart cause of not being able to reach to me, thinking to herself about my whereabouts. And then told me she's in love with me.

3 weeks of hard atention, and 1 week of no atention at all, made her see how much she misses me, and that she's in love with me.


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
I hardly believe you can contribute one week of not seeing her to your success. Maybe your just a good catch ? After one week of not seeing you, she's not going to go head over heals for you in such a rapid transformation.

You made the right moves, and she wanted you. By you not calling her for a week just showed you that she still did want you, and if you weren't going to make the initiative in that one week of not calling, then she was going to.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2004
Reaction score
Yea, i think i did all the right moves. The thing is, she was like, never saying nothing special about her feelings for me, and sometimes not showing to be totally in me.
After a little taste of what would be no-me, she got the picture.

Im posting this cause i really think this can be a very good thing to do depending of the girls intead of anti-dump's 1 time/week for 1 month tip.
If you do that, and she has a lot of interested guys, she will be dating, or at least go for a cofee with other guys too, and therefor, dont miss your atention as much, beside that you dont create a strong bond right from the start.

Doing a strong coming in at the start, can really create a bond in a girl's heart.


Don Juan
Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
3 weeks of hard atention, and 1 week of no atention at all, made her see how much she misses me, and that she's in love with me.
if a girl falls in love with me after a month, Id be kinda scared IMO.

but good job
