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  1. R

    Going to the mall alone

    dude..I go to the mall alone A LOT...ive had fun with and without a wingman...YOU make the fun remember? not your wingman,not the guy across the way,not the girls,YOU. Just get out there and have fun...and dont let it bother you when they ask where your friends are..just tell them that your...
  2. R

    Dating co-workers?

    never dip your pen in the company ink unless you are absolutely sure one of you is leaving very DO NOT wanna get caught up in a wierd situation if you 2 break up. Youll probably quit your job just from that fact alone...Where do u really wanna be is the question you have to ask...
  3. R

    on eye contact...

    first things first...RELAX...secondly if you havent approached a girl by the second glance she WILL start to think your a wuss or worse yet a stalker. Remember this...if she makes eye contact and you force her to break it and she looks again GO FOR IT. Sometimes you wont be so lucky to get a...
  4. R

    Nice car owners: a question...

    I never tell my potentials about my car...I have a Bright red 2001 Mustang Cobra...Its like makes you seem snobby and stuck up...just not the way I like things if she is a gold digger your definately going to see dollar signs spinning in her eyes if you start...
  5. R

    need help

    the thing that helps me overcome that period of being on the downside of picking up women is to get your mind off of them completely...get yourself involved with something that will keep your mind busy...for me its working on cars...women love guys with a passion and this is your time to devote...
  6. R

    how do I tell...

    if she breaks it then reinstates eye contact... it is by all means a good sign but dont let just body lanuage be the determining factor in the whole deal...just go for it. You will NEVER know unless you talk to her and get a feel for her. Who might get the green light through body...
  7. R

    Anyone have good girl hanging out with her friends tips?

    treat her friend like you treat her....bust her balls too...and dont let yourself fall into the trap of oneitis. you never know you might end up having 2 numbers in your pocket
  8. R

    Older chick

    first things should let your AGE stop you from enjoying an older woman. I have dated plenty of girls much older than I am..If you do things right and lay it on thick with the confidence and comedy... your age will not matter to her.
  9. R

    my gf kissed another guy

    think of it this way...satitistically she is about 60 percent MORE likely to cheat on you if shes under the age of 18 and has slept with less than 3 people..this goes to the notion she may be wondering IS THIS ALL THERE IS TO SEX...she cuirous and is BOUND to think about it
  10. R

    how do I tell...

    while it may not seem natural at first it can be pulled off...confident men flash teeth...wether it be bottom teeth showing or not...look at yourself in the mirror to see if it dose come across as never may see something you didnt before...REAL smiles hold themselves in...
  11. R

    how do I tell...

    keep up the eye contact and trust me on this one...have you ever noticed when you do make good eye contact with a female and she keeps it kida get a euphoric almost queezy kind of feeling...that my friend is the euphoric feeling she may be feeling..its a feeling like being in...
  12. R

    What do women think of smoking?

    think of it this made me are 7 times more likely to have sex with a woman if you do not smoke. Men who smoke are unattractive, stink and your breath stinks. Take it from a guy who used to smoke and has been smoke free for over 2 years. Im not saying your garunteed...
  13. R

    big blue veins

    be happy with what you have....I have the same thing... dont let something like a physical feature get in the way of a suave personality...if they like you, they like you,.... they dont...well NEXT em. Dont be concerned about something you cant do anything about. Get over it and if you show...
  14. R

    i confronted her! read!~

    seems to me you came across as too desperate and needy...I wouldnt bother with this girl anymore...just next her and learn from your mistake...if you think about it you learned something so its no big deal...think about how you can do things diffrently when it comes to the next girl