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  1. D

    How many of you are married ?! If so are you sleeping with other women.

    Children change everything. My son is the center piece of my life and my wife is an excellent mother. She has, over the last decades, earned my respect and loyalty. However, women still need to realize that if they left you could easily find another women.
  2. D

    How many of you are married ?! If so are you sleeping with other women.

    Correct, and here is why: It never ends. Men (with our problem solution hard wiring) like to solve a problem and one on to another problem. Women, with their process oriented minds like to keep working on something endlessly. Marriage is that way. You have to constantly manage (and hopefully...
  3. D

    Help with nightclub game

    I worked doors for years myself but nightclubs are not that bad, either. Even at my age I get plenty of women to dance with me and even had one grinding on my a few weeks ago. Night game is not dead.
  4. D

    Help with nightclub game

    This gal gave you multiple buying signals. You should have pulled her out on the dance floor and danced with her. From there depending upon her response you could escalate with kino. If you can't hear her let her know you can't using sign language, like pointing to your ear and shaking your...
  5. D

    America lowers men's self esteem

    I am much older and while I have a bodybuilder physique, my face really went downhill after the age of 60. At my local gym white/American women, if I smile and say hello give me that "don't even get near me you creepy old man" look. I am most certainly not hitting on them, just being polite. I...
  6. D

    How many of you are married ?! If so are you sleeping with other women.

    I have been happily married for 18 years. I wanted a family, especially a son that I have today. Here is a clip of my son wrestling this weekend. Shaping and molding my son into into an elite athlete has been one of the biggest pleasures of my life. 533208349249932 However if you want to get...
  7. D

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    The other concern is body fat and muscle mass. I was 212 lbs and under 11% b fat which was a really good place to be. Probably around 5 foot 9. However my body fat levels have been inching up and I am 230 now and probably around 15%. I liked being leaner. I am on TRT but keep my total test...
  8. D

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    Good. If you are high normal there is no reason to mess with that.
  9. D

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person? I tell people to do their get a knowledge base. You clearly have done that, you seem to be extraordinarily knowledgeable. From there is into action (I think that was actually the name of an article by Pook). Are you opening women every day? Have you developed the sense of...
  10. D

    Ways to use being ethnically ambiguous to my advantage?

    Oh, yeah, every way. I just don't like the way it makes me feel anymore.
  11. D

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    Doc Love was right about 80% of the time. However no way I was going to pay $200 (20 years ago) for his book, LOL. I did listen to his radio show. He died more than 10 years back BTW. There were other early guys in the seduction community that used the term interest level as well. I still use...
  12. D

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    It bears repeating: Psychologists think that communication is the key to relationships. They are wrong, wrong, wrong. It is whether or not the woman loves the man, operationalized as interest level. They also think that male and female brains are similar in design. This is a politically driven...
  13. D

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    I have posted many times about the inability to get good relationship advice from traditional academics, whether therapists and or relationship counselors with PhD's (I have one trust me when I say academics are useless). The same about 12 step programs. Therapy can be great for...
  14. D

    Ways to use being ethnically ambiguous to my advantage?

    Well, you are in the right place for weed. I have a bunch in my safe (people give it to best friend sells it) but I just don't enjoy the way it makes me feel anymore. Strange, because in my youth I smoked like a Chimney.
  15. D

    The MOST important thing you MUST understand about women: Their brains are different!

    Also, it prevents you from being found out later to be a liar. Most men think they have to lie...saying 0-100 is truthful, but funny and deflects the question. Back in the day I was running a 3 woman rotation (plates). I always took my best prospect out/had her over on Tuesday/Thursday. Soon...
  16. D

    The MOST important thing you MUST understand about women: Their brains are different!

    Gender studies here in American is a cesspool of the most man hating hard core feminists on the planet. If you even mentioned that there are brain differences between men and women they would try and assassinate you. They are part of the problem. Traditional psychology in nearly as bad. That is...
  17. D

    Ways to use being ethnically ambiguous to my advantage?

    This point cannot be emphasized enough. Just the other day we had a poster claim that he mentioned he was on the spectrum and then was surprised the gal did not want a second date. Many years ago I told a gal I was a recovering alcoholic (no alcohol in 35 years) and poof she was gone. I learned...
  18. D

    Ways to use being ethnically ambiguous to my advantage?

    First (and this is consistent with the big theme in seduction...self improvement) be an athlete. I don't know your age but this kid started in gymnastics at 4, then martial arts (real good at boxing) and eventually became a football and wrestling star. And since the age of 12 he seriously weight...
  19. D

    The MOST important thing you MUST understand about women: Their brains are different!

    You are correct. I try and strike a mid ground. Writing for other academics and for a general audience are 2 different things. Originally in my book I had tons of charts and graphs and quotations but soon realized that they would likely alienate my primary audience. BTW, what do you write...
  20. D

    Older man says he is no longer interested in dating

    Lets be more specific. First we need to define middle age. I always found it odd as meaning in your 50's...who lives to over 100? However I can share from personal experience. I just turned 45 when my son was born, my wife was 30. I was a total gym rat and competed in bodybuilding and trained...