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  1. D

    Sex on first date…. And she had a camera

    You work with this gal and she is recording you? Not good. Give up the view and only see her at your place.
  2. D

    How many plates are enough plates? And how do you keep'em spinning?

    You do nothing. Those 6 days of no contact are going to drive her interest level very high. She is going to wonder what you are doing and who you are doing it with. You become rare and higher value if you only see her once a week.
  3. D

    Extremely high libido on TRT, unbearable

    Have a 3 woman rotation, or as they call it here, plates. You have a Tue/Thurs/Sat gal. Have sex with each one 3 or even 4 times if you can. That is 10 times a week.
  4. D

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    Sure. The Samurai was fearless, was not deterred by the Spector of failure/death. You must approach dating the same way. You are going to open lots of women...cold approach, get a convo going and then try and number close. When you are new you are going to fail more than succeed. From those...
  5. D

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    It has. Dating and male/female relationships have gotten worse. In fact they are the worst is human history. Cave men had it better. A big driver of the problem is technology. Our culture is also terrible and has declared war on men, especially young men who want to start families However human...
  6. D

    How many plates are enough plates? And how do you keep'em spinning?

    I have been happily married for 18 years, but in the 2 years prior to that, when my game had gotten really good, I ran a 3 woman rotation, or plates, as they say here. However I was not just after casual sex, I was looking for marriage. Ironically these women gave me the best sex in my life...
  7. D

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    Precisely. You need to start at the beginning, which is getting good at opening women. There is lots of material dedicated to this topic, use both natural and canned game. We always want to eventually become naturals, but use canned game until you develop your natural abilities. Set out to open...
  8. D

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    I have not read all the posts on this thread. This is my first post on this forum, although I used to read it very often many years ago when I was developing my own system for seduction, romance, dating, and eventually marriage. I Have been happily married for 18 years. Before that I was a very...