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  1. D

    The MOST important thing you MUST understand about women: Their brains are different!

    The composition of the human brain is an extremely complex topic. Some scientists have found hundreds of gender based differences, others (Amen et al) claim that they can be summarized as 7. I simplify the discussion greatly by boiling it down to Grey vs White matter (process vs problem...
  2. D

    Men in relationships that would rather jack off than bang their gf/wife

    The number 1 cause is weight gain. I am 62, my wife is 47 but looks much younger. We have been very happily married for 18 years. Our schedules are very different, but we still have sex twice a week. That is very good for my age. However, after she had my son she gained a lot of weight and...
  3. D

    Ways to use being ethnically ambiguous to my advantage?

    I can give you advice based upon one of the most successful people I have ever known with women. He is 62% Caucasian and 38% Asian. He is only 17 (too young IMO) and does not even drive yet, but has 1 extremely beautiful woman almost always blonde, always fair skinned a week come over to his...
  4. D

    Do you think the kind of guy that visits Disneyland 2000 days in a row is going to have a fat chick?

    Unfortunately, overweight IS the mainstream. That thing is HUGE.
  5. D

    The MOST important thing you MUST understand about women: Their brains are different!

    The word you are looking for is circumlocution.
  6. D

    The MOST important thing you MUST understand about women: Their brains are different!

    You have completely missed the point. Reading comprehension my friend. Brain based differences permeate every aspect of male/female relations. I merely gave you one example.
  7. D

    does true love exist?

    Here you go: the-most-important-thing-you-must-understand-about-women-their-brains-are-different.282776
  8. D

    The MOST important thing you MUST understand about women: Their brains are different!

    This evolutionary difference is the product of the way humans lived for more than 99% of our existence, as hunter gatherers. The male brain evolved to focus upon specific tasks, like hunting and making tools/weapons. Females had to do everything else, manage the cave, children, gather, etc. For...
  9. D

    The MOST important thing you MUST understand about women: Their brains are different!

    200 thousand years of evolution produced gender based differences in the male and female brain. Female brains utilize primarily white matter. As a result they are what I call"process oriented". Male brains utilize primarily grey matter. Male brains are what I call "problem solution oriented"...
  10. D

    does true love exist? one of my primary theories is based upon the fact that the female brain is White matter driven (what I call process oriented) while the male brain is Gray matter driven (what I call problem solution oriented). If you want success with women you have to understand this fundamental...
  11. D

    Men Women Dynamics. My biggest problem!

    As noted by XRP, search out the material by Pook on this forum about "Prizing". In fact his material in general is something I would read all of, based upon your post. Here is a link to Pook stuff: pook.6267
  12. D

    does true love exist?

    You asked me multiple times for general help and tips, I merely offered them to you. I don't have any one particular tip unless you have a specific question. I pointed you towards some of my videos because doing so was the best way, I felt, of helping you. Yet you kept asking me for tips. What...
  13. D

    does true love exist?

    Hi Duke. I posted some links to my Youtube videos for you (in the post for Chow Mein right above this one) I can repost them. It all starts from the ground up....selection is critical as only one in 3 women (probably less) are LTR material in todays world. Even once I had developed my system it...
  14. D

    I got her number-proceedings

    She already said she wants the date. You are golden....the only thing you can do at this point is screw things up. The key is minimal activity, just set up the date. No excessive texting back and forth. I am old school and still believe in waiting a couple days to contact...but as mentioned...
  15. D

    The importance of height for men remind my of (I think) Mystery's notion of "Peacocking"
  16. D

    The importance of height for men

    OK...I have not read all the posts on this thread, but I will lay out the bottom line from an Evolutionary/Biological perspective. Height increases value for the simple reason that taller men are perceived as more able to provide a feeling of safety. 20k years ago a taller cave man was more...
  17. D

    The importance of height for men

    I am going to address the height issue in another post...but I wanted to say something about baldness. My best friend...pretyy Alpha in every way (BJJ BB, nearly 6 feet tall, muscular) was hanging on desperately to the last remaining hairs on his head. I convinced him to go completely clean...
  18. D

    does true love exist?

    You are most certainly sharp and, IMO, have an excellent understanding of seduction. You have been on this forum for 4 years, what are your goals? At some point I would like very much to get feedback from you on some of my work. I think an area where I am particularly strong (and also an area...
  19. D

    does true love exist?

    You mention Gottman!!! Gottman is the main guy I am referring to when I say that academia is finally recognizing brain differences between men and women. I have only read overviews of Gottman, not his full books so I don't know if his relationship advice is any good. Gottman DID claim that there...
  20. D

    Girl taking over a week to respond to a text she initiated!

    I have a hyper dog that would drive everyone crazy.