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  1. D

    Girl taking over a week to respond to a text she initiated!

    Absolutely Awesome! I have an offer for you: I am a retired PhD who just "finished" a book on seduction and relationships. The problem is, I need an editor (I did about 5 myself but no external reader). Traditional academics are incredibly far left and would automatically hate my work out of the...
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    Girl taking over a week to respond to a text she initiated!

    You are a very thoughtful guy....I am really glad to have met you. Here are some comments upon your post. When I was young, I actually was naturally Alpha and fairly naturally good with women. I often had the hottest GF around. I was a bad boy...wrestled in high school and became a nasty bar...
  3. D

    Girl taking over a week to respond to a text she initiated!

    Waitaminute....let me see if I have this straight: You were at an Irish Pub in Amsterdam with your cat....? LOLOL. But correct you are, only have interested women in your life. May I ask, what are your relationship goals? I see you are a top contributor here, are you a PUA or someone...
  4. D

    does true love exist?

    Correct you are. I had to wait until I retired from teaching to write my book because I would have been run out on a rail had I not. One study found that 98% of psychologists holding a PhD had far left political leanings. Another found that it was 30 out of 31. In such an environment you put...
  5. D

    does true love exist?

    Absolutely, 100%. Tomassi was an influence on me many, many years ago. However, in the last 10 years there has been work in the fields of Evolutionary Biology, Evolutionary Anthropology, and Nueral Biology that FINALLY studies relationships from the perspective of brain differences. This is my...
  6. D

    Girl taking over a week to respond to a text she initiated!

    Yep. This is why we need systems, game, community and men supporting men. Honestly...and this is coming from a 62 year old man, there is a war against good men who want to become pillars of their communities, fathers, husbands. These goals are so very hard in todays world, and that is why so...
  7. D

    Girl taking over a week to respond to a text she initiated!

    As stated in my other post, it was sooo much easier before cell phones. You kids (anyone under 45, LOL) REALLY DO have it harder. I would take having to talk to a parent ANYDAY over the technological obstacles you have nowadays. All you had to do back then is be polite..."may I speak with...
  8. D

    does true love exist?

    I dated a very strict Muslim woman many years ago...I actually picked my wife over her (and it was a very tough choice). She was a virgin when I met her but turned out to be one of the sexiest gals I ever knew. If this women really likes you she will let you escalate things very far, it is all...
  9. D

    Girl taking over a week to respond to a text she initiated!

    Ah good old Doc Love. I used to listen to his radio shows 25 years ago. He was, of course, way before texting but he was also right about 80% of the time. Having said that, I was never willing to pay $200 for his book, LOL. In your case he would tell you that you should have, and be hustling...
  10. D

    Girl taking over a week to respond to a text she initiated!

    I am 62 and back in the day it was soooo much better. Especially before caller ID. Call a gal, let it ring, no answer no problem. Call a day or two later, space things so she does not know it is you and nearly every time you would get her on the phone. Then you could chat her up, get some convo...
  11. D

    I gained 15 kg in a month... How can I lose this fast?

    You need to get on a program and stick to it. I assume that you are working out regularly, yes? You must do a combination of weight training and cardio. If not already on a good program it would be worth it to hire a personal trainer until you can do the program on your own. 4 days a week is...
  12. D

    does true love exist?

    Thank you. My primary focus is upon helping other men. I will put a link to my YouTube channel in my signature. 20 years ago, when developing my own program, I was helped by Pook and Anti-Dump from this forum, so I want to give back. Also, I push all my viewers to join the seduction and...
  13. D

    Girl taking over a week to respond to a text she initiated!

    BPH is correct. Excessive texting back in forth does nothing to increase her interest level. Ideally, call her, get her on the phone and have a date/plan already in hand. Don't take her out Friday or Saturday. If she does not answer the phone, text her one more time with a concrete plan. You...
  14. D

    does true love exist?

    Sorry for the late reply. I was involved very intimately with the old MASForum 20 years ago and achieved PUG (pick up guru) status before I left the community to marry my wife. I apologize for bragging...the truth is my success was/is the result of plenty of failure (a divorce) and many years of...
  15. D

    How do I let go, or should I even?

    This relationship was over the second she said she was moving to Florida. You should not have devoted any thought to her after that moment.
  16. D

    does true love exist?

    Correct. OP is mismanaging this relationship in a classic fashion. I have been happily married for 18 years because I know how to keep my wife in love.
  17. D

    Anyone else missing the OG Roosh V forum?

    Since the thread has been revived I will go further back. My days as a PUA were before the Roosh forum, although I did read and like articles of his. I was in the final stages of developing my system from 2004-2006 (soon before I got married). I was very active on the old Mass Seduction forum...
  18. D

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    No...but we must have a system and tactics to even a very uneven playing field. I developed a system. This forum enables its members to develop a system.
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    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    WE are already seeing a dearth of young people here in America. We need a larger supply or else our civilization will be at risk.
  20. D

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    Much worse things have been said by other feminists. One claimed that all marriage is rape.