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  1. D

    Broke a MAJOR do I recover?

    OP: My mother got divorced and then married again and it seems to be going fine. The thing is my upbringing was already over at the time she married again. My brother was only like 10 years old when we moved in, though. A good point I saw mentioned here is the relationship with her ex. The...
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    Anyone know some good fitness tips?

    Check out Stronglifts or StartingStrength - increase your muscle mass, which will lead to your body consuming more energy just for maintanance and thus a fat reduction. :cheer:
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    Got Number, Don't Know What To Do

    Anything else? Umm... Get a part-time job! Seriously. You don't want to be broke. It's too limiting and girls will despise you as soon as they find out. You need money enough to afford your funtime. You need to be able to pay for girls as well. You don't want to actually do it, but you need to...
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    skinny to muscles

    HellNo: Check out Stronglifts and StartingStrength - both are very good newbie programs.
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    skinny to muscles

    In recent months I got from 150 lbs to 180 lbs at 5'11. I think it was more like canceling a disqualifier than anything else. Rather than hoping to get attraction based on looks, I do it because I'd like my testosterone to get higher. I am far from shredded still. I will get to some 200 lbs and...
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    Do you have a method for lasting long in the sack?

    If I'm f**king her and thinking on something else than what's the point? :cool: I just calm down. Steady breathing and actually being focused helps. You can of course adjust the position. I rarely come with her on top.
  7. D

    One hell of a story!!! Wtf is going on?!? Experts!!!

    vagrant, can you see how messed up you are? I mean this seriously. Can you sit back and look at your state of mind with at least a bit of objectivity? Probably you can't do that. Than you should probably heed to the advice of all the more experienced and uninvolved men on this forum. There's...
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    Ex made fake POF profile

    Purefilth: Details here:
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    Ex made fake POF profile

    She wants a confirmation she can still mess with you. She wants to keep you hooked around so that she can ask you 'favours' in case she needs something. She is an attention wh0re! Go to the NoContact thread and commit to it! Think of how much you did for her and how much she did for you...
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    Throwing myself off a bridge right now...

    Ignore, dude. Yes, she needs you. Because she can't find any other slave around. Get a life and ignore her.
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    One hell of a story!!! Wtf is going on?!? Experts!!!

    OP: She's giving you the instructions herself. Spin more plates. Make it more casual. She doesn't want to commit so you must be even further from it otherwise you are the needy one. I guess Pook would tell you you put her on an altar. ;)
  12. D

    How to get in the mood to go out?

    Do you run in the gym or what? You can't feel drained even if you push to failure while lifting HEAVY. And by heavy I mean weight you can not possibly lift more than max. 5 sets of 5 reps. Numerous repetitions will drain you, that's true. I am always on my top mood after the gym. And I get most...
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    Met a hot Brasilian girl on okcupid

    Too much effort for a very uncertain result. Just let her contact you before she comes, otherwise you're going to come out as needy.
  14. D

    Fill your life.

    Yep. It's good to be bussy. I got to the other extreme though, where I have always something to do and there is no time left for me to meet new people. :-/
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    I'm starting to come to the conclusion that girls don't like muscles

    I started regular workouts about two months ago and so far I got 20 lbs up. My body fat went slightly up but its mostly muscle. Now I am 6' tall, 180 lbs (sheesh ... I had to use google to translate this from cm and kg so that you guys understand ;)). My gf is all concerned that I don't end up...
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    Haven't FAP for 6+ months.

    Joining in Joining in, guys. I've been trying this for quite some time. Getting on and off the train. Now with the support of a group challenge I shall do 90 days! I am not sure when I fapped last time. My guesstimate is day 14. Certainly not less.
  17. D

    Getting Assaulted by Women

    Thanks for the language correction. Anyway, in Europe Germany is considered western Europe, whereas Romania is eastern Europe. ;) The exact information I gave was about Czech republic. To be honest I didn't expect you would know where it is (Amaricans think the Tsarnayev brothers are Czech...
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    Getting Assaulted by Women

    It's not so bad here in middle Europe. You don't get jailed until there is hospitalization and stuff. To be exact you would have to make her incapable of working for 8 days. :box: That would be quite a load for a woman. (Self defence against a serious attack is obviously a different story.)...