How to get in the mood to go out?


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
So im already in a great mood. Summer classes are done and im ready to start my summer off right! What is your... "ritual" before going on. How do you get in a social mood, how do you start to feel good and get excited?

Lets get a huge list of ideas going fellas.


Jul 18, 2011
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My socialness is usually directly proportionate to my horniness.


Master Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
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New York
Mike32ct said:
Play fun music that makes you want to sarge and/or dance.

Need music to get pumped up.
Same, always works for me too.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 9, 2013
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Music is huge for me (maybe we should start a music thread for getting pumped for a night out? :D)

That and taking the time to prep myself. If I know I've taken the time to look my best I'm going to go out with the mindset of feeling and looking good and enjoy myself all the more because I won't feel subconcious of how I look because I know I put in the effort when it mattered.

A short example is I was going out for one of my last uni nights the other month, I picked out a shirt, shoes, the whole shebang. Shaved my balls, pits, etc and had a wicked night out and ended up having a ONS.

Now, who's to say the same wouldn't have happened had I picked a tshirt and jeans and left everything scruffy hair wise?
But the point is I knew I hadn't and it allowed me to be that little bit more confident. ;)


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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What is your... "ritual" before going on. How do you get in a social mood, how do you start to feel good and get excited?

Great thread topic^

I feel as if "rituals" take anything to a new level. For instance im playing in my first dek hockey game tonight(of the new season) and i have a ritual that gets me focused and i do it everytime. MUSIC is a huge key to any ritual...depending on the situation: Hockey = Rock(Great guitar) or Rap Going out = Rap/Dance Music

Im in college as are you, so you no doubt know how to pregame. Me and my roommate start about 8pm and start drinking. He plays music on huge ipod system and we shower and go out. Im buzzin by the time we leave and am in a great mood. No matter what you do it should be putting you in a good mood my man.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
TheException said:
What is your... "ritual" before going on. How do you get in a social mood, how do you start to feel good and get excited?

Great thread topic^

I feel as if "rituals" take anything to a new level. For instance im playing in my first dek hockey game tonight(of the new season) and i have a ritual that gets me focused and i do it everytime. MUSIC is a huge key to any ritual...depending on the situation: Hockey = Rock(Great guitar) or Rap Going out = Rap/Dance Music

Im in college as are you, so you no doubt know how to pregame. Me and my roommate start about 8pm and start drinking. He plays music on huge ipod system and we shower and go out. Im buzzin by the time we leave and am in a great mood. No matter what you do it should be putting you in a good mood my man.
great stuff great stuff. yeah i try not to get hammered but getting tipsy, 3-4 shots is where i like to be with alcohol im not a big drinker by any means... now my sister on the other hand she can drink like a mutha****a lol.

@Dan, i agree. if you look good you feel great.

@PRF i dont, legs days are always killers hehe :p

im actually about to meet up with my buddies in a bit so ill see where this night goes , im happy as fvck my classes are done is a good start to the night.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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now my sister on the other hand she can drink like a mutha****a lol.

Whats her phone number?

Direct Approach^


Senior Don Juan
Apr 4, 2013
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Dan08 said:
Music is huge for me (maybe we should start a music thread for getting pumped for a night out? :D)

That and taking the time to prep myself. If I know I've taken the time to look my best I'm going to go out with the mindset of feeling and looking good and enjoy myself all the more because I won't feel subconcious of how I look because I know I put in the effort when it mattered.

A short example is I was going out for one of my last uni nights the other month, I picked out a shirt, shoes, the whole shebang. Shaved my balls, pits, etc and had a wicked night out and ended up having a ONS.

Now, who's to say the same wouldn't have happened had I picked a tshirt and jeans and left everything scruffy hair wise?
But the point is I knew I hadn't and it allowed me to be that little bit more confident. ;)
That's good.

I make sure my bed's made, room pretty clean, and have a candle ready with some matches near by. And make sure there's plenty of jimmies in the night stand.

Boy scout motto: Be prepared.

Do some affirmations, listen to some good music. Look in the mirror and give myself a a smile and a wink. It's on.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2011
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Be around your boys that you feel comfortable and fun around. Listen to some high-beat music, toss a few beers back, text some ladies to come over and pregame, and you're all set.


Don Juan
May 13, 2013
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JohnChops said:
really? because im drained 100% after the gym, really low energy.
Do you run in the gym or what? You can't feel drained even if you push to failure while lifting HEAVY. And by heavy I mean weight you can not possibly lift more than max. 5 sets of 5 reps. Numerous repetitions will drain you, that's true.
I am always on my top mood after the gym. And I get most of female attention as well. Probably the testosterone is higher as well.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Dom1noe said:
Do you run in the gym or what? You can't feel drained even if you push to failure while lifting HEAVY. And by heavy I mean weight you can not possibly lift more than max. 5 sets of 5 reps. Numerous repetitions will drain you, that's true.
I am always on my top mood after the gym. And I get most of female attention as well. Probably the testosterone is higher as well.
oh for sure man, my testosterone always dips after my power days. i dont really mind though. I was just tired yesterday because i woke up at 6am then stayed out till 430am lol.

Club was horrid btw, im starting to hate clubs up here in the northeast. seriously, a bunch of fvcking women having girls night outs. So me and my buddies crashed the dance floor and went to plan b :up:


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
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I find that I'm always in the mood to go out haha. I think it's because I realise that in 10-15 years I'm not really going to be able to do it so much, that and I'm at uni, so why not make the most of every opportunity.

To get myself pumped though, music is key, I don't really care what it is so long as it's loud, and upbeat, anything I can move to.

Like the others said, pre-drinking is the way to go. Start 3-4 hours before you hit town. My mates and I either chill listening to music, or we play games.

Some of the party games we play are actually really good for getting you in the mood, obviously there are the standard drinking games like 'Never have I ever' and 'Ring of Fire' which are fine, however the best nights I think I've had out are the ones with my football team (notice that's only guys ha).

Basically what we do is play real party games like pass the parcel or musical bumps. There are drinking forfeits for loosing obviously, but for some reason playing childish games like this really gets us all in the mood. There's also 'Save the Queen' whereby if somebody gets a coin in your drink while it's in your hand you have to 'save the queen' from drowning by downing your drink. We get a couple chants going while they are downing it and I find myself having a really good time.

But yeah basically to get in the mood to go out, play games and upbeat music



Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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Full upper body workout, post workout meal, shower.

Put on some badass tunes loud as faark and get dressed ready to pimp. :up:


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
Take electro or breakdance lessons... you'll want to go out to the club every chance you get.

I used to go out to clubs 3 times a week, if there was no one available, I would go by myself. If you have something to do at a club BESIDES talk to women, it makes your night much easier. Practice dancing on a free dance floor, the best dancers are all usually hooked up with women and are just there to hang out with their friends, they also carry the highest social value among un-paid club regulars. Women like guys who are not at clubs just to pick up women. Women especially like guys who are good at what they do and showing it off to others. If you are really into what you are doing, likely you'll be pushing women away who are getting into your space, that turns them on. Just like an action date, you are bringing a woman along on your adventure, not making her the center of your attention, they love it. Learn to dance. I'm the first person that my friends call when they want to hit a club because they know they will get social proof just for hanging out near me. I never drink but people always bring me free alcohol and invite me to their tables for shots. My friends get a lot of benefits from just being around a good dancer. If you are really good, you will get props and a spotlight from the DJ.

I don't know why these other guys are suggesting, going to the gym. That's what the most insecure guys at clubs do before they go. They are also the same guys that frequent the side lines and walk around awkwardly trying to hit on women with beer in hand. Learn how to dance well and the women will come to you. You have the entire summer off, you could become a fairly decent dancer by the end of your vacation with a bit of practice, it also gets you into shape quick. You never need to touch a drink and the only cost to you at a club will be the entrance fee.

Leave the gym to the meatheads, be the first to hit the dance floor running!

None of these guys have to go to the gym to get 'in the mood', the dance floor IS their gym and the music is their playground.
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Jay kay

Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
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You definitely want to be in a fun mood before you go out, as girls will want to be around you instead of the boring guys who stand around drinking pints and talking about football....Nothing wrong with that but, if your out to pull chics and have fun that's a different story.

Here's a bunch of things that work to put me in the mood before I go out.

Once a week I buy myself a nice shirt or outfit and don't wear it until I plan to go out at the weekend
Play your favorite load while your taking a shot shower or bath
Drink a shot or 2 of tequila or southern comfort and you'll be in the mood! :D
Go to the gym early in the day so you'll be on a buzz before you head out later in the night.
Go out with someone else who is already good with women - (avoid going out with guys who are afraid to approach girls).
If the person you go out with is always social and confident, it will be easy for you to hook up with girls too.

What I find that works better though is if you go out in groups instead of just one person, way more fun...esp if you all go out early, say 10pm. Approach some easy as soon as you hit the bars, and after about an hour approaching hotties will be like a walk in the park.