Getting Assaulted by Women

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
What is your position on men hitting women after being assaulted by them?

Its well known that women can full on assault men and often suffer few if any repercussions. Assault on a man by a woman is almost de-criminalized unless it goes far enough to threaten his life. On the flip side, if a man simply smacks a woman in the face (causing no injury) he is jailed, shamed and prosecuted.

So obviously, the law favors women here and a simple Cost + Benefit analysis favors not hitting a woman in most cases.

But where do you stand from a moral perspective? Personally I have no problem laying down a pimp slap. :rockon:

I only bring this up because white knights seem to be on the rise these days. Its rare to meet a man who won't say: "OMG you should NEVER hit women bro! I'll f*ck up any guy who harms a hair on a precious princess!!" :box:


Jan 13, 2013
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better just learn to block- evade effectively. but if she's got a weapon, and is within use range ,treat her accordingly.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 25, 2012
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This is what drives me up the wall!!

Been through this with a raging BPD and you can do nothing .

Hit her once and the cops are called and you are done for assault for beating a woman up.

She can bruise draw blood, but you are meant to be a man and take it.


Been attacked while driving at 70mph and you are trying to fend off punches while trying to keep from crashing.

You can go to the cops but are you seen as a man or a sissy. All you can do is leave get away or lock yourself in a room.

guys if a woman hits you leave period, wether you have been with her for 5 mins or 5 years.

You turn the the other cheek and walk away.....her loss


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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man's role in society is to be used as a wage slave by women

a man's inherent personhood doesn't matter in our current age

watch and learn

oh and if you are a man and feel an urge to argue are a clueless faggot...cheers

women know they can abuse men without reprisal

they laugh about it behind closed doors

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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The funny thing is that the law is so feminine that totally represents the way women think.

There is no concept of fairness nor justice nor proportion to the offence.

A nice guy slap back a woman after being slapped first and his wallet and freedom are stolen with no second call, a top level bad man beat the hell out of her and makes it clear that more and worse is coming if the cops are involved and the b1tch probably gets wet and protect him from any further investigation.

The suggestion I feel to give is avoid violent with women involved as a general rule but if you are forced into it despite your best attempt, then raise hell and aim at the fear.

There are many more nice husbands sued for raising their voices than professional abusers arrested for playing wrestlemania on their wifes.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 3, 2013
Reaction score
that video was sad. and the cop was a faggott


Don Juan
May 13, 2013
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It's not so bad here in middle Europe. You don't get jailed until there is hospitalization and stuff. To be exact you would have to make her incapable of working for 8 days. :box: That would be quite a load for a woman. (Self defence against a serious attack is obviously a different story.)

The way I see it, if she attacks with rabbit punches and nails I either deflect or catch her hands and imobilize her. Then you can let her cool down, throw her out of the room or whatever.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Dom1noe said:
It's not so bad here in middle Europe. You don't get jailed until there is hospitalization and stuff. To be exact you would have to make her incapable of working for 8 days. :box: That would be quite a load for a woman. (Self defence against a serious attack is obviously a different story.)

The way I see it, if she attacks with rabbit punches and nails I either deflect or catch her hands and imobilize her. Then you can let her cool down, throw her out of the room or whatever.
If guess you mean "central Europe"? but both Romania and Germany are central Europe...cant really say they are ruled the same.


Don Juan
May 13, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks for the language correction. Anyway, in Europe Germany is considered western Europe, whereas Romania is eastern Europe. ;)

The exact information I gave was about Czech republic. To be honest I didn't expect you would know where it is (Amaricans think the Tsarnayev brothers are Czech because they confused it with Chechnya LOL).


Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
being unable to defend yourself sucks. I can't even imagine it, but if I hadn't gone to Korea as a soldier, I doubt if I'd have spent the time and money to get real ability here. Jesus, tho. hit by a WOMAN. That's just so beyond my ken that it makes me draw a blank. :)


Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
You sound so fcking butthurt :cry: Poor you!!!! Too bad a woman hurt you now you're gonna cry and make threads about how bad women assault is :( Grow up. Be man. And go get some inner strength you butthurt spineless jellyfish :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

The threads you make are fcking hilarious. They're so emotionally ridden! :crazy: :crazy: Woooouh

Watch this a woman is going to hit you! Be scared run!!!!! For your life hahahaha crackup: :box:

PlayHer Man said:
What is your position on men hitting women after being assaulted by them?

Its well known that women can full on assault men and often suffer few if any repercussions. Assault on a man by a woman is almost de-criminalized unless it goes far enough to threaten his life. On the flip side, if a man simply smacks a woman in the face (causing no injury) he is jailed, shamed and prosecuted.

So obviously, the law favors women here and a simple Cost + Benefit analysis favors not hitting a woman in most cases.

But where do you stand from a moral perspective? Personally I have no problem laying down a pimp slap. :rockon:

I only bring this up because white knights seem to be on the rise these days. Its rare to meet a man who won't say: "OMG you should NEVER hit women bro! I'll f*ck up any guy who harms a hair on a precious princess!!" :box:

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
backcracker said:
You sound so fcking butthurt :cry: Poor you!!!! Too bad a woman hurt you now you're gonna cry and make threads about how bad women assault is :( Grow up. Be man. And go get some inner strength you butthurt spineless jellyfish :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

The threads you make are fcking hilarious. They're so emotionally ridden! :crazy: :crazy: Woooouh

Watch this a woman is going to hit you! Be scared run!!!!! For your life hahahaha crackup: :box:

Feminist shaming tactics eh?

Here's a brilliant idea --> If you don't like my threads, don't look at them. :eek:

You write like a retarded test-tube baby so you're obviously a bored 12 year old girl. Stay out of discussions with MEN cupcake. :)


Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
Lol fck off. Feminist???? Wtf if i dont like your threads, that does NOT equate to feminist. You just don't know what to say you baby

:down: :crackup: I love men but the good ones, not the ones who are so butthurt their ass barely sticks out anymore

Im telling you i dont like them ;) Deal with it!
PlayHer Man said:

Feminist shaming tactics eh?

Here's a brilliant idea --> If you don't like my threads, don't look at them. :eek:

You write like a retarded test-tube baby so you're obviously a bored 12 year old girl. Stay out of discussions with MEN cupcake. :)


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
WomEn as in plural?

If you are getting assaulted multiple times by women perhaps it's time you do something different. We rarely take our own actions into account anymore. At first glance I'd say do a better job screening your dates. Then I'd say leave the bastard who's beating on you. You can do better.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
I got assaulted verbally, today, by a 50+ year old woman/customer sorta, she called me, yes, a "creep" and called my company, and complained. Guys I did Nothing wrong, but she was out to cause me to get fired. She made up lies, then when she thought I was gone, I walked back in to her office and she was on the phone to someone from my company Lying (loudly) her as5 off about sh!t I didn't do, then quieted when she realized I was standing there to hear. She then ordered me to step outside while she talked (lied) to them, but I refused to leave the office so I could hear the WHOLE phone convo. She asked my name, I gave her my first name only, she wanted full, I said, "nope, you're not gettin that..." Fvckin psychopath, no Way! would I give someone my full name like that when she's abusing me for no reason other than she's acting like young girls of today act tryin to act all young at 50+, guys, I've met countless #s of people in countless cities over the past 7 years and this one takes the cake and I told her so, and she probably told my company that I said this and that, bending what I said as if to make it sound like I murdered her dog, cat, whole fcking family.

Guys, if there was ever one to knock the fck out cold turkey, today, this woman, was the one. If in survival times and there was no rule of law, I would have just said, "fvck it" and laid her out cold on the ground. She was THAT verbally abusive to me, a 37 year old fvckin accomplished MAN, calling me names like a child would call someone they'd just f'in met names, so sad. I didn't stoop to that name calling, told my company what she hurled at me, and they're behind me, so far, as of today, this evening. They KNOW I'm cool, calm, and collected and didn't do/say the things she accused me of saying. They probably just to her that they were going to discipline me/fire me, to get her, this crazy b!tch, off the phone. I told my people NOT, I repeat NOT, to tell her my last name, because she seemed wealthy to an extent and may have some high-level connections to fvck with me, and cause me trouble, do me harm, those...who may be looking out for their own tribe, so-to-speak.


Feb 12, 2013
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NOPE. That is even WORSE. I never said that.

I believe there should be no reason for abuse at ALL, whether it's a man or a woman that is the victim.

If you feel as if you need to throw a punch or cut someone's limbs off for any reason whatsoever, then you are weak and the problem is you, not the person you feel the need to abuse. The abuser is living in their head with their problems bundled up inside :down:

That is cruelty. Disrespect to a living human's body.

Abuse is WRONG - Whether man or woman. WRONG. :up:

My opinion. Carry on.

Danger said:

Is this the "equality" you want so badly? To be able to hit men without repercussion?



Senior Don Juan
Apr 4, 2013
Reaction score
backcracker said:
You sound so fcking butthurt :cry: Poor you!!!! Too bad a woman hurt you now you're gonna cry and make threads about how bad women assault is :( Grow up. Be man. And go get some inner strength you butthurt spineless jellyfish :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

The threads you make are fcking hilarious. They're so emotionally ridden! :crazy: :crazy: Woooouh

Watch this a woman is going to hit you! Be scared run!!!!! For your life hahahaha crackup: :box:

Someone's panties are in a bunch. Anger management issues I assume.

backcracker said:
Abuse is WRONG - Whether man or woman. WRONG. :up:
No physical abuse, but apparently emotional abuse is okay? Jumping into a thread of mature men having a logical, mature conversation about an issue. Just jump in and start giving personal attacks? So, that's perfectly fine and dandy?

Piece of advice backcracker: If you want to give your opinion that is okay, throw in your 2 cents, perfectly fine. As long as you do it in a respectful manner then you will get respect back. But if you come in here with arms flailing from side to side, smoke coming out of your ears, attacking posters. It's not going to be received well.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
Danger said:
If you want to *win*, call the cops anyways to report it. Refuse to let them or anyone shame you, make sure it is being taped, and demand that they arrest her. If not, then request their badge number and start escalating. If still nothing happens, file suit.

If you are ok with paying the price, give back what you get. But be ready for a $hitstorm to come down on you.
yeah I think it is better to escalate it to police , the woman will never try it . women only attack silent men .
another option , stay away from hostile women , I cant understand why you are with women who may slap you on your face at any moment


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
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The Viagra Pill you wish you had...- United Kingdo
Men should NEVER be physically aggressive toward women other than in a defensive move to diffuse the situation or self-protect (hear me, defensive move DOES NOT mean hitting her back in return).

There is NO EQUALITY when it comes to physical prowess between women and men. In the court of law, you hitting a woman back even in self-defense is construed as unnecessary provocation. You are better off not getting to that point of no-return.

So set your standards high, men. Have a no-sh!t rule (and about self-love and self-respect as well) in regard to women and physical aggression. My personal boundary is to walk away at the first attempt a woman tries to harm my physically (no matter how futile it appears, it is the aggression and intent that matters).

A human being who lacks the mental and expressive ability to communicate effectively via verbal and non-verbal means, and has to resort to physical violence is not good enough to be with me, ever. It also shows a woman's lack of personal self-discipline. I have walked away from 2 marriages because of my personal boundary and you are better off too - and make sure your woman knows of this clearly and there are no 2nd chances.

Be well.


speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
Danger said:
Interesting......but when I look at your original post on the appear to have some sort of conflict in your viewpoint.

Per your earlier post below, the understanding I get is that you shame men for retaliating, as opposed to being against the initial assault.
Once again, you beat me to it Danger. Well said. This emotional b1tch can't see the forest for the the trees. First post she says men should man up and take the abuse, second post she says abuse is wrong.

I swear there is no other way to handle these issues than good old fashioned FEAR.

Watch this clip, about 1:30: