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  1. T

    Women With BPD Have Memory Lapses or No Childhood Memories

    A solid post, Elmer. I came to SS after a particularly nasty BPD conjured up hell for me. She had a crap mother and father and didn't remember much of her childhood. I'm still in recovery a few years later, but have even helped back to the road of sanity by my new partner and baby...
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    An example of a man who got a better wife once his sexual market value increased?

    Rep to livefreex on his post. There should be a section on "successful living post marriage" for all of us playboys who are now married/settled/kidded up-but rather than people droning on about plates, it should be about positively moving forward. The effects of parents abandoning...
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    I registered here in 2003 beat my join date + life story ALPHA ****

    Call me under ambitious but I've never bought into "money is king" I've seen enough older individuals who worshipped at its alter to find it an empty end. A true DJ in my eyes is a rolling stone who rather than only perusing material gain is also there to enjoy the journey of life and...
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    BPD sorcery

    Hi guys, Just another cautionary word for current and future posters. There is something very creepy about the whole BPD thing, aside from being in the madness, being out of it can be quite tormenting too. I've been out of my one for 26 months, and I'm still in recovery mode-constantly on...
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    Pulling BPD Back In

    I would tread carefully, Driggs, I really would. For however much bravado you put up here, she's got into your grey matter and its gonna take a lot of determination, some luck, some pain and shrewdness to come out of this the winner. I think that the flaw with these creatures is that they...
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    "We have to talk. I'm moving out."

    Hey bible, I'm very sorry to hear about this. Must have been a real shock to have realised what was being done behind your back. I've recently come back to the board for advice after some recent sitings of an ex, an ex who kinda did something similar as your ex has done, and that was...
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    Hell hath no fury like a BPD scorned.

    Guys, I really cant thank you enough. Many of you have replied with some very well thought out replies and I am very very grateful for your sharing of your innate wisdom. The long and short of what many of you have said is, its not your fault and that i'm responding as expected as...
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    Hell hath no fury like a BPD scorned.

    Guys, Yes this is all well and good I'm ****ed up. The trouble is, this biyatch and her mother who is a Dr of Psychology used all kinds of tactics to ensnare me and to be honest, I feel like I was was almost hypnostised into the hell..... I know that something isn't right with my way of...
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    Hell hath no fury like a BPD scorned.

    Here I am, just turned 40, baby on the way with an amazing woman who cooks cleans and lets me do what I want when I want...... Life is all very good. I went complete GHOST on a BPD after years of tooing and froing, she finally fatally stabbed me in the back by running away after I left...
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    My travels to the Bible Belt

    From Lexington NPD~ "If you walked out onto the street and asked 20 random people what the higher status job was between a doctor and a forester, how many people would seriously say forester" The point is, AGAIN, for you to consider....where are YOUR values from? And consider...
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    My travels to the Bible Belt

    You STILL are blind to my point - that being, that "high status" is only in your perceived value.......and that your values are discriminatory based on what???? So a Dr works towards a PHD. I worked building my business. A Dr could cure you of a range of illnesses......I could cure my own by...
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    Thats it. I've had enough.

    The DJ is prepared and willing to color his life outside of Western society's paint-by-numbers system. Ha ha - a great comment fom a wise man - rep to ESP
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    Thats it. I've had enough.

    C'mon bro, so you've been what, you know the game. Some you win, some you lose. It is the perpetual cycle that makes the Game what it is, and the Game would be boring without. A change of mindset is required to overcome this obstacle. Please be more philosophical - you will...
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    My travels to the Bible Belt

    I gotta tell you Lexington, I would tear you apart in the Game. Reading your post over a couple of times indicates that you are still at the amateur stage, and really I should guide you rather than criticize. You have no idea...ha..... i'd pull anything from you....and sticking my neck out...
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    My travels to the Bible Belt

    Oh my god, your a male NPD......... WTF is all this high status/low status rubbish? I try to educate idiots like you who've been brainwashed into having the money/career obsession......dear oh dear...tut tut. If you had a shred of intelligence you would not have written such drivel as you...
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    My travels to the Bible Belt

    SOU GRAPES SON So what if the guy is a forester. Your just a bad loser. She prefers her man to you, plus he's probably more hung than you. For the record I am a forester - its a great job, who the hell are you to ty to put it down!?!?! Would you rather read plastic newspapers or sit on...
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    Old comrades no longer with us - who do you miss?

    Obviously the immortal Jophil should be the top of the list here. But there are others who no longer post, and one cant help wondering what their up too. People who only made a brief, fleeting contribution to the forum. A young man who made an impression on me was "The Third Eye". A...
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    BPD or just crazy?

    Take today for example Hey man, I'm feelin ya........ BPD or not BPD, that is the question! If your really bored, look at some of my early posts on the topic, these crazy women really are everywhere! Take today for example - I'm a tree trimmer, and I chopped down a tree adjacent...
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    Looking for mentor/wingman...

    Now then, Kevin Matthew, your post is all wrong. Atypical trait of a beta man having to look for a mentor. Kevin Matthew, I urge you to seek out the truth from within; perhaps by observing other individuals on the site, and by philosophising when things go wrong for you, and things go...
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    Would you prefer women you date to stay within their race?

    These kinds of debates always irk me, especially when you have the trumpeteers of righteousness like playherman. No, playherman, as you name implies, you'll go for any old tart with her fanny hanging out; I on the OTHER hand, CHOOSE any potential seed carriers of mine with a great deal of...