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  1. P

    Can't Seal the Deal on the First Date when She Drives There

    I'm on a vicious cold streak. In 2012, I've gone 1/15 on POF first dates. Only 1 bang and no second dates (I don't bother asking them out on second dates, and they never initiate contact with me afterwards). I always ask girls to meet me at a pub that's a 2 minute walk from my place. Of...
  2. P

    Success Stories of Asian/Indian Men Getting NA Women via Cold Approach/Online Dating

    Let's post some success stories of Asian/Indian men that you know personally who have success getting American women (outside their race) via cold approach or online dating. This would help out some of our minority brothers with their limiting beliefs.
  3. P

    Basic In-Field Approach Videos [GLL]

    GLL, thanks for being honest. 1-2 out of 5 numbers is about industry standard for day game players. Even Paul Janka, the best day game player in the world (130+ day game lays) only bangs 11% of his numbers. Janka also subscribes to the same philosophy as you regarding game: There are many...
  4. P

    Basic In-Field Approach Videos [GLL]

    Goodlookingloser, did you actually date and bang any of the girls in these videos? These quick 1-2 minute closes will mostly flake. She knows nothing about you. Numbers mean nothing in 2012. Girls give out their number like candy.
  5. P

    College town bars, great if you are white, nightmare if ur not

    gspshields2, you mentioned you and your wing were at a college town bar. College bars can be cliquey. A lot of times you'll see big groups out with big circles of friends. If you're approaching college girls in large groups who are all out with their friends, you will get shot down. Women are...
  6. P

    Why Girls Flake - I asked a Friend, Here's her Response

    Just had a discussion with a female friend about this. Me: sup? Her: hey what's up? Me: i'm good. lemme ask you something random. ever give your number out to a guy, then not respond to his texts? Her: yep Me: why? Her: i was probably drunk when i gave it out. or cuz i'm too busy...
  7. P

    Everytime I Get a Number, I Expect Her to Flake

    This is the mindset every player should adopt in 2012. When you get a number expect her to flake. This will free you from emotional investment and attachment to outcome. I used to feel elated when I'd get a number. I wouldn't approach any more girls that day because I wanted to coast off that...
  8. P

    She's suddenly "Not in the Mood" - Why?

    Update. So I text her (by accident) on Monday, the first contact made over a week after our last date. Me (9:45 PM): thats deep, its more involved than that hold up Her (9:57 PM): Uhh wat? Her (10:15 PM): Sup I don't respond to her text as I'm in the middle of a phone call with...
  9. P

    Are men and women too independent?

    lol yes, Eddie was a prophet. You go off to Africa and get you a bush woman, you can't let her mingle with American women. Because they'll change her **** up. American women stick together. Last thing they wanna see is you got some trained bush ***** in your house. They will...
  10. P

    Are men and women too independent?

    Eddie Murphy foreshadowed this way back in 1987:
  11. P

    She's suddenly "Not in the Mood" - Why?

    lol, your psychosexual analysis reminds of a hilarious Eddie Murphy sketch from RAW. They can figure us out. Guys, don't get trapped. We'll call them "***** traps". Let's call them ***** traps. It's a trap. They trap you with the *****. They catch you with the *****, see. And it's a...
  12. P

    She's suddenly "Not in the Mood" - Why?

    Yeah I'm beginning to feel the same way. The lack of communication at her end is about as irritating as her withholding sex - and "I don't know" is a bull**** response. I'll give it one more shot - do the old freeze-out and try something different (comedy club?) in a couple of weeks to spice...
  13. P

    She's suddenly "Not in the Mood" - Why?

    Interesting, but I honestly don't think this is the case here. I suspect she's probably having concerns about where the relationship is going, and she's defending herself against feelings for me because she suspects I'm using her for sex. There's probably zero future projection there and...
  14. P

    She's suddenly "Not in the Mood" - Why?

    FYI - she's the girl mentioned in this thread:
  15. P

    She's suddenly "Not in the Mood" - Why?

    Been seeing a 22 year old college girl for a few months now. Met her on a day game cold approach on campus. We've been out on six dates. We usually see each other every other week on a Friday/Saturday night - I pick her up from her home, we head out for dinner/dessert/bar/club, and then have...
  16. P

    When a Girl calls you "Sir"

    Brother I'm not talking about a customer service/platonic showing deference to elders context.
  17. P

    When a Girl calls you "Sir"

    Anyone experience this? Been dating a girl for a couple months now. I'm 26 and a young professional. She's 22 and still in college. We've banged twice. Girl always refers to me as "sir" in her texts. Examples: Her (3:17 PM): Yo man… I already want dessert haha Me (6:52 PM): lol g working late...
  18. P

    Does the Game Change after Sex?

    And I'm aware that this forum takes takes a "spin more plates" approach. However, it's convenient to keep girls on lock once you have them, if for no other reason than to bang regularly without putting in the additional time and money needed to chase new girls. I'm not transfixed on this one...
  19. P

    Does the Game Change after Sex?

    After sex with a girl, is there a change that I should make to my game if I intend to stay in contact with her afterwards? Or should I just go about it business as usual and keep gaming her as I've been doing from day one? After sex I feel like I'm in a false sense of comfort with the girl...