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  1. P

    How to Hold Interest Between the First and Second Date

    So I called her on Tuesday and set up a dessert date for Friday. No contact Wed or Thurs. Texts from Friday: Her (3:17 PM): Yo man... I already want dessert haha Me (6:52 PM): lol g working late again. I'll pick you up at 10 Her (few minutes later): Yes sir Picked her up from her...
  2. P

    How to Hold Interest Between the First and Second Date

    Date was on Friday night. Texts exchanged Saturday: Her (7:00 PM): Hey Me (7:22 PM): what's up Her (7:24 PM): Just seeing how youre doing if you had a good time last night.. Me (7:28 PM): until you passed out out again. ez on the drinks next time Her (7:31 PM): Yeah i probably could have...
  3. P

    How to Hold Interest Between the First and Second Date

    Second Date Update - so went out with her Friday night (instead of Tuesday as originally planned, she had a lot of assignments and although she said she'd come out I said "no finish your assignments we'll go out on Friday"). Hit up a pub and then a club afterwards. Drank and danced and grinded...
  4. P

    When SHE chases YOU! [Text Game Enclosed]

    Well stated Jeffst1980. You said it here: This guy executed this flawlessly.
  5. P

    When SHE chases YOU! [Text Game Enclosed]

    I posted this text exchange on a chick-dominated relationship forum. Here was some of the feedback from the (presumably American/Canadian) women. Not sure why these women are so worked up over a harmless text exchange? So American women interpret things one way and Polish women...
  6. P

    When SHE chases YOU! [Text Game Enclosed]

    Lots of examples here of guys chasing girls. Not much of the opposite. Here's a text change my buddy had recently with a girl he met off a day game cold approach on campus with an HB 7. The initial interaction was no longer than 10 minutes. Friday Oct 7, 2011 Michael (9:38 PM): so I told...
  7. P

    How to Hold Interest Between the First and Second Date

    Jeffst1980, thanks again for the solid advice and I think you're right on here. Update. After no contact since Friday, text her today: Me (8:33 PM): do you know Rachel (her last name)? Her (9:26 PM): Nope! Call her around 11. Chat for 10 minutes, ask her if she's free tomorrow. She...
  8. P

    How to Hold Interest Between the First and Second Date

    I've been sparse with the texting/calling as per the advice on this thread. I'm not calling/texting her every other day. The texts have only came after significant no contact periods (10-12 days). The calls were made to rekindle some of that spark from the initial interaction first date. Here's...
  9. P

    How to Hold Interest Between the First and Second Date

    Update: After no-contact for a week, I sent a "restart text" and called this girl on Friday and chatted for about 20 min. Got her laughing and while we're at a conversational high I cut the convo short by telling her I was gonna pre-party with friends. She asks what bar, I say I'm not sure...
  10. P

    Halloween weekend - best time of the year to get laid

    So who got laid last night?
  11. P

    How to Hold Interest Between the First and Second Date

    Hey Jeffst1980, Tried to PM your inbox but it's full! You consistently offer some of the best advice on this forum, so I'm hoping for your feedback on my situation here. I followed your advice and you were exactly right. Just wanted your advice on how to proceed from here... Thanks...
  12. P

    How to Hold Interest Between the First and Second Date

    So I text this girl tonight - first contact made in two weeks. Called her up, chatted for about 20 minutes. Some teasing, a funny travel story, and catching up with what's going on with our lives. Didn't attempt to ask her out - this was strictly a "reconnect after the freezeout" call...
  13. P

    PepperSpray's Day Game Audio Approach Log

    Not much day game of late - it's been two weeks of non-stop cold and rain. One approach from earlier this month: #9 - Oct 7 - HB 8.5 - BC
  14. P

    New Deicide Approach and Lifestyle Journal

    No need to buy a voice recorder. Do you have an iPhone? Blackberry? Smart phone? Dumb phone? Virtually all cell phones these days come equipped with a voice recorder. They work great. I've been using my iPhone to record my day game approaches:
  15. P

    How to Hold Interest Between the First and Second Date

    Solid advice. However, playing devil's advocate here... Guy likes girl. However, he doesn't want to come across as too needy. He doesn't intiate contact. Girl likes guy. However, she doesn't want to come across as too available. She doesn't initiate contact. End result - nothing comes...
  16. P

    How to Hold Interest Between the First and Second Date

    Great advice OP. I used to believe that after a great first date, preserving the "emotional momentum" of the first date was key. Now I believe that girls will interpret that as neediness and it will send them running. A more aloof approach is key - get them chasing you and feeling like they've...
  17. P

    PepperSpray's Day Game Audio Approach Log

    #7 - Oct 6 Brunette, 6.5. A little nerdy, a little snarky. #8 - Oct 6 Brunette, 8.5. Beautiful girl, sweet & feminine.
  18. P

    PepperSpray's Day Game Audio Approach Log

    # 6 - Oct 4 Brunette, 7. From earlier today. Was feeling under the weather but couldn't let a rare warm sunny day in my town go to waste. Had another number close that went better but messed up while trimming the audio recording on my iPhone. FFFFFUUUUU!!!!!
  19. P

    PepperSpray's Day Game Audio Approach Log

    Yes, mentioning the ex-girlfriend is key - it implies pre-selection (k, this guy isn't a total loser, he's had a girlfriend before.) I throw in the "she wanted to be the next Taylor Swift" to imply that she was young and hot.