Does the Game Change after Sex?


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2011
Reaction score
After sex with a girl, is there a change that I should make to my game if I intend to stay in contact with her afterwards? Or should I just go about it business as usual and keep gaming her as I've been doing from day one?

After sex I feel like I'm in a false sense of comfort with the girl and can't do any wrong. So I kind of let my game slide and just do whatever and I've lost a few girls this way.

However, there are girls that I'd like to explore some relationship possibilities with so I don't want to screw it up. Or at the very least keep an F-buddy arrangement to maintain a steady supply of ***** without having to chase after new ***** all time.

Does the game change after sex?


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2011
Reaction score
And I'm aware that this forum takes takes a "spin more plates" approach. However, it's convenient to keep girls on lock once you have them, if for no other reason than to bang regularly without putting in the additional time and money needed to chase new girls.

I'm not transfixed on this one girl, but I think I may be doing something fundamentally wrong when it comes to keeping girls I've landed. If I could identify and correct the flaw (if it even exists), it would save a lot of time, money, and aggravation in the future with other girls.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
I think its imperitive your game stays the same after sex. That is my opinion from experience.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
st_99 said:
I think its imperitive your game stays the same after sex. That is my opinion from experience.


Also make sure to keep trying to bang her better. Women are like orgasm addicts and you are a dealer. If you give her a good one, she'll want to come back for more, and she'll brag to her friends.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
I've been having the same issue as you and have often found that I lose her interest after sex. One of the main reasons, I believe, is because I get too comfortable and too affectionate. Part of the reason I have done this is to reassure her that I want to see her again, and yet it must surely appear clingy or like I'm an emotional liability. This always scares them away in the end.

I'm learning that it's important to back off in the days following the sex (or after any date). I'm not talking about ignoring her, but you should withhold the compliments and affection, avoid calling and keep texting to a minimum and short, and just generally give her space. You need to show her that when she's with you, she can have a great time and lose herself in the moment, but when you part ways she can go back and continue her life without any dramatic changes.

This is true of women and men. For example, I went out with a former glamour model a few months ago. She turned me on so much and I couldn't stop thinking how much I'd like to fvck her. But she kept giving me indications she wanted more from me. She suggested we go on holiday together, meet twice a week and it felt totally overwhelming to me. We did have sex that night and it was incredible, but then afterwards she got soppy with me and started talking about how I made her feel special and how she's worried she won't hear from me again. If she could've just let the sex be about sex and keep it physical I would've seen her again and again, and let things develop naturally. But I didn't want to be responsible for her emotions and I pre-emptively cut ties to avoid hurting her.


Master Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
Reaction score
North America
The game most certainly does not change after sex. Its easy to get complacent and suddenly show all your cards and act like an AFC after sex since you think she is yours after you have bedded her - but you cannot be more wrong.

Its vital that you keep an air of mystery, aloofness, and general detachment for a while even after you have sex with her multiple times. If she is an attractive girl with options she will lose interest if you suddenly become predictable, boring, etc. You cannot rush into anything.