Basic In-Field Approach Videos [GLL]


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2012
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The Windy City
Risky move taking a swig of her coffee.


That's great! About 1/10 of these women you cold approach will follow through on a date. If you are just trying to only get numbers, congrats =)


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
Hey f*ck that guy ^

It takes crazy balls to cold approach at all. You get the same adrenaline rush as jumping out of a plane or something.

Keep posting these. I bet it inspires others to go out and talk to girls.
Aug 15, 2012
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Mintyfresh said:
Hey f*ck that guy ^

It takes crazy balls to cold approach at all. You get the same adrenaline rush as jumping out of a plane or something.

Keep posting these. I bet it inspires others to go out and talk to girls.
thanks bro.. i will

we just started making them, so they'll get better. hope to have 10-20 in a couple of months... its actually not as easy as I thought to catch these, my friend (Erik) is doing a good job with the camera.

there's an audio issue in the first one where we had to shut it down that day. (but only 8secs of audio is missing, and nothing too important)
I have a breakdown of the approaches on GLL, but the commentary covers a lot of it, which I encourage guys to listen to because there's some stuff that isn't picked up by the camera (for example, I wink at the girl on the phone... she smiles back... then I approach her and get her off the phone)

as for the "date" conversion- it really varies
*if you are being more aggressive, you'll get less numbers, but they'll be more solid since the girl is def. interested (usually pretty DTF) since she didn't walk/not give number.

*if you are being less aggressive (nice/safer game), you'll get more numbers, but they won't be as solid since a lot of girls will be polite and give a number (real/fake) since you are flattering and nice (and harmless)

if anyone is interest in actual numbers and percentages, you might benefit from this-

(in that "experiment" I did what I call 'average guy game', something that I feel most guys can do (so long as that they have a decent handle on AA).. it's not really what I do these days, I'm more aggressive. Nothing too safe-- e.g. 'get off your phone' (1st video), some kino on a working girl (2nd vid), drinking her coffee (3rd vid), ... it's not "insanely ballsy, but its not 'safe' either..." when it works, you get girls that want to chill ASAP/DTF, and don't expect a traditional "date".

thank you again for the nice words

ps- I have about ~4.5 years doing this stuff. about 1.5years with traditional PUA stuff.. the next 3 with the stuff more along the lines of what you see in the video


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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not to get off topic but is there any possibility you could make a few videos were you try to get women at the gym to come back to your place for a shower, i always tell my friend that its gotta be possible to get a chick from the gym to come back to your place and shower with you but he swears its impossible, can you make a few videos were you attempt that with women at the gym, id love to see how they would respond to something like that. i mean i know its a hard one, but theres gotta be guys who have pulled it off before.
Aug 15, 2012
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foreverAFC said:
not to get off topic but is there any possibility you could make a few videos were you try to get women at the gym to come back to your place for a shower, i always tell my friend that its gotta be possible to get a chick from the gym to come back to your place and shower with you but he swears its impossible, can you make a few videos were you attempt that with women at the gym, id love to see how they would respond to something like that. i mean i know its a hard one, but theres gotta be guys who have pulled it off before.
interesting request.. i'll see what I can do since I will do some gym stuff (thats one of my better venues).

when I lived in West Hollywood I used to have a place 2 blocks from Equinox fitness. So it was feasible possible there (I didn't have the skill however), now -- I'm a car ride away from the gym.

These same day/same night night depends sooo much on logistics and finding a girl that is DTF in small time windows

this gym shower thing is possible but there's a lot thats out of our control (moreso than your regular interactions)... logistics being the most obvious. This type of thing is probably best at AT CLOSE in most cities. LA is slightly different since a lot of these hollywood girls dont have jobs or time commitment since they don't work 9-5s. The other factor is most girls don't feel sexy when they are all sweaty and don't have full makeup, therefore not DTF at that moment. gotta subtly convince them its okay and we can 'rinse off'

we'll think of something.. the best I can probably do is leave the gym a girl, under the pretense of possibly taking her to "my place 5minutes away to try a 'protein shake" or something. or maybe bouncing her to a small place to grab a protein shake real quick and trying to get her back. it might not even be a cold approach, maybe a chick I already have some rapport with

def. can't guarantee anything since this is hard enough to just get real stuff on camera in basic situations haha... Admittedly, I haven't done anything like this b4
Aug 15, 2012
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godsgifttowomen said:
I enjoy your videos broski! A little early sipping the coffee in the 3rd video, but still great since you had frame control. Good thing that HB got off her phone in the first video too. You got the funk.

haha thanks.. my original plan was to just grab the coffee before I sat down.. but I banged my ring on the table haha, wasnt super smooth at the start hah


Mintyfresh said:
Hey f*ck that guy ^

It takes crazy balls to cold approach at all. You get the same adrenaline rush as jumping out of a plane or something.

Keep posting these. I bet it inspires others to go out and talk to girls.
Not hopping on the flame train, but this is just the pinnacle of the iceberg. It's great he is showing the confidence for cold approaches, but as we all know, the flake rate is out of our control.

Good for the OP's success, but doesn't warrant the need to post these clips. I'm sure A LOT of members, including myself, have done these approaches already. It is not worth creating a thread or video for discussion.

If not, you need to read up on the DJ Bible.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2009
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Good to see you're posting here now, I've been checking out your site for a while. Nice videos. You will find this website as really useful for improving inner game.

Check out the DJ bible if you find yourself with some down time. Really inspiring stuff to excel with women.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 12, 2012
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good looking loser said:
Thanks bro, I've been at this a while and really successful at it as well if you've seen my website. I appreciate it
that was a ballsy move where you told that girl to get off the phone then led her by the hand to get coffee. its seems so simple i could do it but im afraid ill get a bad reaction or theyll think im a creep and run away. have you ever gotten a bad reacton?


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2011
Reaction score
Goodlookingloser, did you actually date and bang any of the girls in these videos? These quick 1-2 minute closes will mostly flake. She knows nothing about you.

Numbers mean nothing in 2012. Girls give out their number like candy.
Aug 15, 2012
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spang said:
that was a ballsy move where you told that girl to get off the phone then led her by the hand to get coffee. its seems so simple i could do it but im afraid ill get a bad reaction or theyll think im a creep and run away. have you ever gotten a bad reacton?
Hey Spang--
yeah I wasn't doing this from Day 1.

No one really is, if a guy can- he probably don't need any help with women. Looks + Style + Social Freedom = Get *****.

Absolutely I get bad reactions. Always have, always will.

Somewhere in the process (late 2009) my desire to get ***** (and/or have balls) superseded my desire to avoid bad reactions.

If I touch girls (even just a little bit) the bad reactions aren't evidence that I (suck, not good looking enough, no game, no balls, dumb clothes, no friends) -- it's evidence that the girls aren't sexually available. Girls that might otherwise "like" me, will get lost if touch them and they aren't available. That's the screening process.

There's guys I know out here in LA that have ideal bodies, faces, even on the covers of fitness/fashion magazines and might even have legit social status. They get "rejected" and bad reactions if they are aggressive, it isn't because of their looks, I can bet my life on that. It's because the girls are available.

If you are aggressive, you'll get bad reactions because the girls aren't DTF. That's the screening process.

there's more to it obviously...

hope that makes sense
Aug 15, 2012
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PepperSpray said:
Goodlookingloser, did you actually date and bang any of the girls in these videos? These quick 1-2 minute closes will mostly flake. She knows nothing about you.

Numbers mean nothing in 2012. Girls give out their number like candy.
just did these videos about a week ago.

of the 5 videos, I texted 4 of the girls.

Got together with the girl in video #1, girl #3 has been texting me and we'll meet up soon. I liked her the most.

#2 and #4 weren't. Girl #4 said "just friends" and wondered what I was up to. hahaha, it meant she liked me but she wasn't DTF at all.

I didn't hit up girl #5, not my type. Talked to her because my boy could easily film the video from that vantage point.

Yeah it helps to make small talk with the girls to build some emotional connection, you are correct.

But if a girl digs you, she digs you... and leaving early will just leave her with the "i hope he texts me," "woooo he's mysterious," I prefer IN and OUT when getting phone numbers. A lot of times, chicks tell me "wow I didn't think I'd hear from you again..." because I left so quickly and they thought they did something "wrong" Part of this IN and OUT thing keeps girls wondering if they are gonna hear from me again. I'm sure I lose some in the process who "don't know me," but that's okay- they usually aren't DTF and might require some work.

This type of stuff doesn't happen too much during the day with most girls. I just make a point to touch them, even a little bit, they can see that I'm a player and if they text back- they usually know I'm not taking them to dinner. It's subtle but girls don't usually confuse me for a nice guy/total boyfriend material.

It also helps to send them a screening [aggressive] text such as "hey sexy *****" or "hey sexy biatch" if they text back... they are usually pretty DTF

good question btw, this is just my experience with this style from ~oct2009 to now


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2011
Reaction score
GLL, thanks for being honest. 1-2 out of 5 numbers is about industry standard for day game players. Even Paul Janka, the best day game player in the world (130+ day game lays) only bangs 11% of his numbers. Janka also subscribes to the same philosophy as you regarding game:

There are many examples of this, such as going out to dinner, stopping by to “meet their friends,” buying her ****, etc. And a key one for your game is that standing around chatting for an extra five minutes (not to mention thirty minutes) when you first meet will rarely have a downstream effect. That’s because women put men in categories: stranger, friend, guy they’ve slept with, boyfriend, etc.

For our purpose the categories that matter are “stranger” and “guy they’ve slept with” and getting from one to the other as fast as possible. Take my word for it since I’ve spent years doing the research (or do it yourself and waste time): you will gain nothing by talking longer and possibly you’ll torpedo the opportunity. Once you’ve gotten her number, move on.

First of all, it’s likely that you’ll say something that works against you. The “stranger” light is blinking in her head and plenty can disqualify you. If you’ve got the number, you’ve already been qualified – what more do you want? As I’ve said, women travel this world looking for reasons to disqualify otherwise decent men. If she’s given you the digits, you’re done for the moment. Save that funny line you’re dying to use.

The other reason to move on is that there are other girls around, and since it’s a numbers game, you need to get to work. On a good day, I may get seven numbers of women I think are quite attractive. I’ve found that I sleep with 11% of the women whose numbers I get (more on this later). That breaks down to two girls for every three days of numbers, more-or-less.

But back to the categories in women’s heads. They’re like bins, these categories. And what I’ve found is that you can’t move from stranger to intimate or even friend/acquaintance by bull****ting on the street. You’re better off saving it. When you text her that night, you’re still the “guy from the street,” whether you spent 30 seconds saying “hi” or thirty minutes sharing about where you went to school and what you do for work. This has been corroborated by another player here in NYC. Accept your loss ratio and work on top-line. Trying to make an “impression” on each girl also is futile because you’re up against another tenet of the game:

- A difficult woman remains difficult.

Basically, if the girl is fun and carefree, the forty-five seconds you spend are sufficient; she’ll respond and you’ll meet and shag. If she’s difficult – which is a general term for women who are skeptical, suspicious, haughty, *****y, condescending and/or rude – no amount of chatting is going to overcome her normal disposition. You won’t **** her with a 30 second stop-and-chat, but you won’t **** her with the investment of an hour of top game. Let her go. That’s the beauty of the game. Next!

- Paul Janka (Attraction Formula, p. 24)