Are men and women too independent?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 18, 2001
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I've been thinking of this question lately. Are men and women too independent?

I was with a girl for a month, she's into me, but I'm not attracted to her. However, she did so much for me while I was visiting Paris for business. She didn't know what my business was, but she went the extra mile for me.

Now I'm back in Toronto, and I feel like most girls, it's always about what you will do for them. Where will you take me to eat? How will you support my life? Where are you taking me for fun?

Am I overly negative or just meeting the wrong people? Or women are independent nowadays?


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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if by independent you mean 'selfish' you would be right.

men and women are selfish and its increasing by the day. Selfishness is VERY PROFITABLE. It will not change anytime soon. For women since ancient times its always been a leverage game of resources, trinkets, food, and protection traded for puzzy...this has been writ large on the global scale magnified by media. The only difference now is that laws and protocol have forbidden men from owning what they pay for (women) we as men pay OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN...:) and money is made.


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2011
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Social_Leper said:
The funny thing is guys today are actually doing what Eddie Murphy is talking about. By this I mean they're spending their hard earned dollars travelling to less affluent, more traditional countries to find a suitable partner.
lol yes, Eddie was a prophet.

You go off to Africa
and get you a bush woman,
you can't let her mingle
with American women.
Because they'll change her **** up.

American women stick together.
Last thing they wanna see
is you got some trained
bush ***** in your house.

They will catch her by herself
in the kitchen
and throw a monkey wrench
in your whole program.

They get her alone, they be like,
"I can't stand the way you be
"doing everything he tell you to do.
You a human being.

"This house is too big for one person
to clean. Why don't you leave?

"You always crying. Just leave him.
You know something?
"Do you know you could take half
his money? Did you know that?

"He didn't tell you
you were entitled to half?

"He only told you half the story.
"You can take half the money,
the car, the house, the children.

"You can buy all the zebras
and bones you want.

"Go back home in style, girl.
And get your hair done right.

"Cut that Afro off, go back home
in style. Who the hell he think he is?

"Let me tell you about Eddie Murphy.
"That mother****er ain't nothing but...
Oh, hi, Eddie. How you doing?
"Oh, I didn't know you was here.
You scared me.
"No, I can't stay. I was just talking
to Uhmfufu about a couple of things.
"No, no, no, I got to go. I got to...
You two... Y'all two lovebirds talk.
"Eddie, talk to your...
Talk to Uhmfufu.
"Y'all got a lot to talk about. Go on,
Eddie. Please, talk to her. Uhmfufu..."

And leave me in the kitchen with
some bush ***** with an attitude.

"I want to talk to you!"

"What's your problem, baby?"

"I don't like the way
you treat me, Eddie.
"You treat me like animal."

"You was butt naked
on a zebra last month."

"I don't care, Eddie.
I am American woman now.
"I want what's coming to me.
"Eddie, what have you
done for me lately?"

"I want you to be happy.
Well, what you want?"

"Give me half, Eddie.
Give me half, Mr. ****-you Man.
"Suck my ****, Eddie.
"You mother****er."

Then I'd be on the front page
of the African Enquirer like this:

So be careful.
Don't get caught in a trap.
Any woman can get
any man she wants
if she puts her mind and ***** to it.
They can have you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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The problem is AFC's and manginas perpetuate all of this behavior. Its a conditioned response, they weren't born that way. Sadly, I share some of the blame with my own AFC behavior.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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PepperSpray said:
fvcking epic!

"love and money don't mix"

"Puzzy is on lease...with an option to buy...but you lose half on the trade in!"

"American women are business minded... and vindictive"

"Umf fufu!!!!"

"puzzy traps... cater to his ego...but the biggest trap is when they make you wait."

....eddie murphy was ahead of his time.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
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Burroughs said:
fvcking epic!

"love and money don't mix"

"Puzzy is on lease...with an option to buy...but you lose half on the trade in!"

"American women are business minded... and vindictive"

"Umf fufu!!!!"

"puzzy traps... cater to his ego...but the biggest trap is when they make you wait."

....eddie murphy was ahead of his time.

Interesting to note that Eddie rants about this in his stand-up as if it was a relatively recent phenomenon back in 1987. But any guy who's grown up since and experienced the dating cesspool today will accept everything Eddie says as par for course - because it's the absolute truth.

I assume American women weren't always this way prior to this period. This leads me to believe that there was a huge sea-change in gender relations around the mid 1980s. Eddie Murphy alludes to American women becoming more "business-minded" in the the Reagan years of "greed is good" materialism, which leads me to believe that American women weren't always like this.

I believe there was a golden "free love" period post birth control pill and pre-AIDS (roughly mid 60s to early 80s) when there was a lot of fvcking going on and women didn't have a laundry-list of demands and expectations - and everyone was happy. I suspect a lot more "average" guys were getting it on a lot more back in the 70s than today. I don't even know if a site like SoSuave would have existed back then.

Sadly, the majority of men today have never experienced a time when American women were better behaved.

Would be interested in the views and experiences of older guys 40+ about how American men/women have changed over the years, and how changing gender relations have affected the dating scene.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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spinaroonie said:
Sadly, the majority of men today have never experienced a time when American women were better behaved.

Would be interested in the views and experiences of older guys 40+ about how American men/women have changed over the years, and how changing gender relations have affected the dating scene.
A number of record producers my band and I worked with were in their 40s and 50s...they would wax poetical about their youth.

not just the fvcking...but with the way the girls behaved....generous and kind not shrill and demanding..which was funny to me..because I remember girls in 3rd grade being shrill and demanding:) Most girls are feminists by default by age 12 and very few regard men very highly...we have no choice in the matter...we have 17X testosterone...

men were born to fvck

...women were born to get fvcked

once upon a time women used to like it....and men.

Now women do like to fvck...but they hate men.

the balance is gone.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 18, 2001
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I never knew Eddie was this good! I grew up with the hollywood movies of the 90s. 80s are a whole diff story i guess.

I guess women make the same kinda money these days. They don't really need us as much as they used to. For this reason, the 7s think they're 9s. I guess I should just keep it real and go for 9s outright cause there ain't no difference.