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    how to ask a girl to prom? or do i even ask?!?!?!?ASAP

    King you're overthinking. She has her BF back, don't be her ***** to fall back on. A text means nothing unless she's blatantly flirting with you. And I mean girls will make it obvious if they really do care. Move on, sure you might have a "chance" in the future, but it's only going to be about...
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    Advice on Breaking the Worst ****block

    I'll try the positive approach @mind @learning if you knew what my dad is like you'd get why I can't deal with this problem effectively. I get slammed with the "immature" label whenever I try to tell him I'm not gonna get killed the second I drive on my own after dark. Can't remember how many...
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    Advice on Breaking the Worst ****block

    Hey guys, Indy95 here. Back from a long break, got busy with all of the college stuff and totally forgot to keep up with the great community around here. So anyways, I have a huge problem, and I want to see what advice you guys can offer me. A major impediment on my social life right now is...
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    Popping is fairly easy to learn and doesnt require any body strength or balance. It just takes a lot of practice to work up the fluidity in your body. There are thousands of popping and it's accompanying aspect locking tutorial videos on YouTube.
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    //The Chronicles of BPH\\

    Also, keep in mind that ED is binding and does not let you out, even if you later become unsatisfied with that school. Many things can factor in to that, the biggest being a poor financial aid package. If you're family's financial situationis well off, then this might not be as big of a problem...
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    Journey to DJism - Indy95

    Entry 4 - 10/22/11 Very interesting week. Let's start off with the lifting increases! I've always been heavily lower body strength so I lack a lot of upper body definition. Finally decided to change this a few weeks back seeing as this is a good goal to set and will help boost confidence...
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    Journey to DJism - Indy95

    Entry 3 - 10/14/11 Thought I was getting better with my internal thinking but obviously not. Was in a good mood all day, didn't do anything AFC by waiting around for girl's, too much attention, etc, but then this all crashed after school. We had a football game; for the first half I was...
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    Journey to DJism - Indy95

    Entry 2 - 10/12/11 Massive chemistry project...took up almost all my time in homeroom, no time to chat. Juggling a lot of things, orchestra, senior project, college applications. Talked to a couple girls, no problem for me to flirt, unless its with Hannah, the chick I'm getting bad oneitis...
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    Journey to DJism - Indy95

    Haha sure sounds good to me. And Rhino: Yale, Dartmouth, Stanford, Amherst, and Williams are my top choices.
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    Journey to DJism - Indy95

    Entry 1 - 10/11/11 Bad day. Had school, trying not to take **** from my guy friends but still haven't changed enough to the point that I can think normally and lead conversation. Talking to a number of girls, but I can feel oneitis coming around. Getting extremely nervous around one girl...
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    Journey to DJism - Indy95

    Hey guys, I'm currently 16, senior year with about 7 months left, decided to take my life in my hands and quit letting other people push me around. I'm starting my journal, hopefully I can see some change and get some help. I'll start from my background, and go from there: I have for as...
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    Dealing with this Situation

    Apparently one of the girls I've been gaming on is falling for another guy, one that I absolutely hate with a ****ing passion. He's a massive douchebag; for example, over the summer one of my best friends broke up with his girlfriend of two years. This guy, who had become good friends with...
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    How to get an edge over other guys?

    Thanks guys...and yeah I'm pretty sure it's all a mental thing in my head where I feel the need to be overly accepted by other people. I guess I'll just have to work on being myself more. For the time being what should I do? I have a feeling the more I have these worth sht conversations with...
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    How to get an edge over other guys?

    I have a bad feeling I'm losing the interest of nearly every girl I'm working on right now, probably because I've gotten comfortable with the position I'm in and my AFC tendencies are raging hard. Recently I've been getting extremely nervous around all of these ladies, almost like I'm trying to...
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    Advice on this Situation?

    Ok so I got the number...might have taken a little longer than I should have (2 weeks). Been talking to multiple fish but this one's the bigger catch. It just so happens that one of her best girlfriends is also a good friend of mine and we were having this conversation today. The girl...
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    Need some detailed tips and motivation!

    As far as I can tell she might do it to other guys as well. I'm leaning 60/40 towards she did it just to me.
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    Need some detailed tips and motivation!

    Norwegian: I just checked and as far as I can tell she hardly tweets back if ever. However, there is a reply to another guy two days ago: "sorry friend.. I'll be on the lookout next time." What's bugging me is last night there was a school fb game and we were both there, first half was...
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    Need some detailed tips and motivation!

    Yeah, thanks for the help. I've been looking through the DJ Bible but I just wanted to see if I could get some personalized advice. One development that I'm having trouble digesting though: I've been around this other girl who I always say hey to, we smile at each other and she laughs and...
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    Need some detailed tips and motivation!

    Hey, I'm a new guy around here, saw some great motivational posts so I thought I'd join up to finally cast away the damn shell I've stayed in for much of the past 3 years. Anyways, to describe my situation, I can basically sum it up as minor insecurity, lack of confidence, and an inability to...