Need some detailed tips and motivation!


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2011
Reaction score
Hey, I'm a new guy around here, saw some great motivational posts so I thought I'd join up to finally cast away the damn shell I've stayed in for much of the past 3 years.

Anyways, to describe my situation, I can basically sum it up as minor insecurity, lack of confidence, and an inability to convert my intelligence to wit and sarcasm. I watch so many TV shows but for some reason those connections just don't fire in my brain like educational things do. Other than that, basically for the past two years or so I've tried talking to a lot of girls. The thing that sucks for me though is I always watch as I lose out to other guys who apparently are better socializers than I am. Personally I don't think I have any physical flaws compared to these guys. How can I be more impulsive and unpredictable so its more attractive? Every single time I've become good friends with the girl but I end up watching some other guy I dislike ending up going out with her.

Right now I'm trying to get to know this gorgeous girl I met a few weeks ago. She's really religious and I somewhat am too and we first met at youth group and a friend's house. I already know the basics about her and we say hey to each other, but from here I have no clue how to up the ante in terms of interest. Since she just transferred to our school she's getting massive attention from every sexually deprived guy possible can I stand out? I need to learn on the fly so I can actually try something with her!


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Yeah, DJ bible and The blueprint de-coded are your best sources. I know what you mean and want, cause I wanted the exact same things 1.5 years ago, but I never made the post. However, it's not gonna help you as much. It's not gonna make you less motivated in front of your computer, and more out there. I'd be so motivated in front of my computer that I could spend 4 hours straight every day after school reading this stuff. It's not gonna help to read all the posts, all the articles and so on. Stick to a few good sources.

Also, you hopefully know that experience is the best teacher. Nothing else comes close. It's something that comes over time as you push your limits.

As for wits, it just came to me about a year ago. It's not permanent to me really. It depends on my state of mind. You will find it soon. When you're in a present state and just enjoying the moment, that's when you get fast wits. When you're not conciously thinking about it.

As for chicks, Im gonna give you one tip. Go for several at the same time. Solves most of your problems.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2011
Reaction score
Yeah, thanks for the help. I've been looking through the DJ Bible but I just wanted to see if I could get some personalized advice.

One development that I'm having trouble digesting though: I've been around this other girl who I always say hey to, we smile at each other and she laughs and things I do and say. But, two weeks ago after I posted some inside joke on her wall she replied on my wall then deleted the post on her wall. Last night, something happened and she tweeted "Just my luck :(," so I replied with a what's up? She replied "no worries, everything got fixed :)." But then this morning when I checked my mentions I happened to notice she had deleted the tweet. Is this signaling something?


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Maybe you should check (without asking people ofc) if she does that to other guys too. If not, then yeah, something is up. But as I hopefully said above, go for other chicks, and dont overanalyze.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2011
Reaction score
Norwegian: I just checked and as far as I can tell she hardly tweets back if ever. However, there is a reply to another guy two days ago: "sorry friend.. I'll be on the lookout next time."

What's bugging me is last night there was a school fb game and we were both there, first half was pretty boring, but then when I got to be around her there was definitely some kino and she was laughing at the stuff I was doing/saying. Then, she deleted the tweet so I threw me for a loop. I guess my main question is should I still be giving this a shot or should I focus on some of my other eggs?


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2011
Reaction score
As far as I can tell she might do it to other guys as well. I'm leaning 60/40 towards she did it just to me.