Advice on Breaking the Worst ****block


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys, Indy95 here. Back from a long break, got busy with all of the college stuff and totally forgot to keep up with the great community around here.

So anyways, I have a huge problem, and I want to see what advice you guys can offer me. A major impediment on my social life right now is the influence of my parents. I've been working on cold approaches, greater socialization, and more confidence, but I can only get so far based on interactions at school and extracurricular activities only. To make things short, my parents have been huge ****blocks ever since I was born. I'm a first-gen Asian-American, and I think you can all guess what immigrant parents are like. Since high school, my rigid laws have been: no parties, no movies at night, no sleepovers, and no driving after 6. Completely ridiculous, right?

After 14 or so years of being bitter I realized it gets me nowhere and so I should just make the best of my situation. Is there anything I can do that maximizes my practice is school? Or am I basically screwed in the pooch on becoming less of an AFC until college in the fall? *crossing my fingers that this next half year flies by*

Thanks guys! And happy (much belated) new year hahaha.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2011
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Damn! I have asian parents, but they are really cool and they let me go anywhere almost haha. My mom is naturally very shy and nervous though, so it kind of got to me, but I don't have that much restrictions like you do... Sucks for you man.

Anyway, don't try to lie to your parents too much because if you get caught, it's over. Tell them that socializing is important for your happiness and it helps you relax. Tell your parents that it's better to go out than stay in front of the computer all day long for example. Try telling them different things.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
You're a senior, man. You need a longer leash than that.

It's a child's responsibility to push his parents. I get in trouble fairly often, but overall it's made my parents more accepting of my partying, and more aware of who I am as a person.

Sit them down and talk to them. You should be able to see movies at night. You should have a reasonable curfew, I don't even make plans until 7 or 8 at night. You should be able to sleep over at friends' houses. They probably won't budge on parties, but sleeping over at other houses sometimes works if you want to go to parties because of sneaking out.

Good luck man.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2011
Reaction score
I'll try the positive approach @mind

@learning if you knew what my dad is like you'd get why I can't deal with this problem effectively. I get slammed with the "immature" label whenever I try to tell him I'm not gonna get killed the second I drive on my own after dark. Can't remember how many times I got the silent treatment after we duked it out over movies. And parties and sleepovers are just forbidden territory. Walked out on my parents once, damn near got **** on by them for the next week.