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  1. G

    To stay NC or not

    I absolutely agree with everything you said. I used to believe in 2nd chances and always gave it to them, but I realized that there really isn't no point..also depends on how severe she messed up... We just have to focus on how to better ourselves, be successful and work out. Dmedfisik thx...
  2. G

    To stay NC or not

    Perseverance... Thx for your input, you always have good advice to give.
  3. G

    To stay NC or not

    I made no contact with her... Continuing NC...
  4. G

    To stay NC or not

    It's a combination of me wanting to do it because I want to, and I also do want to talk to her... Today is her birthday, I still haven't sent her anything...
  5. G

    To stay NC or not

    I'm wondering.. Would it make matters worst between us if i dont text her for her birthday? I just don't want her to think that im so immature that i can't even send her a simple happy birthday text for her birthday.
  6. G

    To stay NC or not

    Even though its just contact regarding her b day?
  7. G

    To stay NC or not

    THE_411 your points are very valid. I do agree I do ask myself that question, and to be honest I really don't know the answer as to why I want to contact her. I'll be honest, I do miss her, and i would like to hear her voice and talk to her, but a part of me is also hurt and tells me that I...
  8. G

    To stay NC or not

    If anything, I wasn't planning to call her, it would have been a text.... I'm just really lost on whether I should get in contact with her or not...
  9. G

    To stay NC or not

    I just don't know what it is, I dont know why my mind is so cluttered With thoughts. The thought of never talking to her again does kind of bother me and a part of me tells me not to call her and stay NC. Then a part of me wants to.. Her b day is in a day and its bugging the hell out of me...
  10. G

    To stay NC or not

    Hey guys, to make it short I've been NC with my ex for over a month. Her b day is tomorrow (10/25). Im debating whether I should text or call her to wish her happy birthday or to stay NC? She was the one who told me that she needed a "break" and as time went on our communication lessened and...
  11. G

    If nothing else works, do this

    blue contacts are going to look very unnatural on people who dont originally have colored eyes... If that was the case everyone would be getting green/blue contacts.
  12. G

    Post breakup, I'm feeling devastated right now

    Great scene, i have this movie.
  13. G

    Is this worth doing?

    nothing new... We both have not contacted or seen each other since the original post.
  14. G

    Is this worth doing?

    I know i posted this a while ago, but im just bumping to get a few more responses regarding my original post. THanks again guys
  15. G

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    I',m on my 22nd day of NC. I used to work with her back in the day so i would imagine it would have been much harder seeing her every other day or every day at times. I do miss her and do think about her often. She hasn't emailed, called, or sent me a text, and neither have I. The way it...
  16. G

    You guys are nerds. DJ Bible is garbage.

    I fail to see the point is this rant also... So then what was the point of you signing up to the site and posting paragraphs about your situations, and then saying you "lied" about being with a certain amount of women...
  17. G

    Is this worth doing?

    I completely agree, and this is why i have backed off, i haven't texted her at all, its been over a week, and since weve known each other, this has been the longest weve gone without seeing/talking to each other..
  18. G

    Is this worth doing?

    Well if i went into depth about whey she texted me about her exam you would know.. I just tried to make it short and easier for you guys to read. I'm a licensed nurse and shes almost graduating her nursing school, and before when we would be much closer, dating seriously etc.. we had a lot...
  19. G

    Is this worth doing?

    Dated this girl for about 8 months, she didn't want to be exclusive, i caught her in a few lies... anyways, long story short we used to see each other work a few times throughout the week until i stopped working there and got another job. She would text me saying she would miss me , and that...