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  1. G

    She cheated on her ex for me, BUT...

    Once a cheater always a cheater... I agree with the above comments... girls like that can't stay committed... They are selfish and do whatever it takes for them to be happy and satisfied in the moment. So be wise with your steps.
  2. G

    Tired and Fed up but still sticking around...

    well said... It just amazes me how well we hit it off... Then boom i caught her in one lie and it all went downhill from there, and the true colors finally show.. tsk tsk tsk... I been through a few relationships... and i come to the point of just saying THEY ARE ALL THE SAME
  3. G

    Tired and Fed up but still sticking around...

    It is true... I just need to snap out of it.. And i always have in the past! I just dont know why im stuck.. But these posts have helped a lot believe it or not. Also reading a little bit of the pooks book has helped also.
  4. G

    Tired and Fed up but still sticking around...

    Seriously.. Sometimes i just need to see it/read it, you are so right...I'm just gonna back off, not give her time of day, not respond how i used to with calls/texts, and just get busy setting up dates and having time for myself..
  5. G

    Tired and Fed up but still sticking around...

    Not that she's dating other guys or new guys, she just always tells me that she has a lot of guy friends and she goes out with them from time to time, and whats the big deal with me going out with my guy friends? I've told her a lot of girls text me and call me to go out, but in respect...
  6. G

    Tired and Fed up but still sticking around...

    What can i do to get the power back with this girl? Has there not been a situation where a guy loses his power but then gains it back?
  7. G

    Tired and Fed up but still sticking around...

    What does the DJ bible talk about exactly?
  8. G

    Tired and Fed up but still sticking around...

    The funny thing is that this 45 year old guy fell in love with this other chick in their class, managed to hook up with her ( mind you this other girl is married) and she was f*****G him, until her husband found out one day and everything went crazy. Now this guy is talking to my girl inviting...
  9. G

    Tired and Fed up but still sticking around...

    56 views 2 responses?
  10. G

    Tired and Fed up but still sticking around...

    I was just about to say that.. Thank you THEJAZZ
  11. G

    Tired and Fed up but still sticking around...

    Im new to this forum, i saw a lot of good advice people are giving so i thought I'd give it a shot. I will try to make it as concise as possible. I met this girl back on october of 2010 at one of the places that i work. We started dating in January so its been about 7 months now. We hit...