You guys are nerds. DJ Bible is garbage.


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2011
Reaction score
I took the DJ bible and threw it in the garbage. I read it twice and its a piece of outdated trash geared more towards teenage boys and club goers. Cheesy stuff.

I have been with more women then you can shake a your little stick at and I lied about being rejected by 50 women. I bedded them all and laugh at this website.

You are all bunch weak minded nerds who buy into some guys fantasy about how to pick up women in night clubs. You nerds still s*ck your thumbs and hope to get laid by reading some gay, goofy manual by some fag named POOK??? LOL A BUNCH OF FOLLOWERS AND CONFORMISTS.

DELETE MY ACCOUNT. I DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' WEBSITE with terms like HB8, LTR, AFC, C&F, DTF, and FClose, etc, etc---is that Star Trek lingo for picking up women and getting laid? LOL

Gets out my walkie talkie in a night club----"Hey guys I am macking on a HB10 who is talking to an AFC 12 o clock. Some AFC is moving in on me, he is trying to be C&F and thinks he will get an LTR with her, but I will just add my C&F routine on him and diss him in front of my HB10 and then we will be DTF later. 10-4 over and out." LOL

Go back to read your online DJ bible and playing your Warcraft with women.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
South Africa
Lol I sadly agree to this.

This post cracked me up!


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
I fail to see the point in this rant. It's like insulting a republican for being republican. What you complain about is what this crowd is. The guys here want to get with hot girls, so they do these kind of things. Not that its not a waste of time - but it is what it is.


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
I fail to see the point is this rant also... So then what was the point of you signing up to the site and posting paragraphs about your situations, and then saying you "lied" about being with a certain amount of women...


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2011
Reaction score
He thought he was being cheeky and would get a rise out of people. Hey, buddy. You forgot a term in there. AW, = attention wh0re. But I think it's obvious to everyone why you left that one out, now isn't it? :)

@Sam, if you agree so adamently, why have you stuck around for 8 months? Sucker for abuse? You never contribute anything more than "lol" half the time anyway. Go back to the Shire, brah. On that note, how do you think you have room to call others nerds when your name is "Samthehobbit?"


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
South Africa
joverby said:
He thought he was being cheeky and would get a rise out of people. Hey, buddy. You forgot a term in there. AW, = attention wh0re. But I think it's obvious to everyone why you left that one out, now isn't it? :)

@Sam, if you agree so adamently, why have you stuck around for 8 months? Sucker for abuse? You never contribute anything more than "lol" have the time anyway. Go back to the Shire, brah. On that note, how do you think you have room to call others nerds when your name is "Samthehobbit?"
Some of the threads here interest me, but most the posts here are by people looking for green dots and nothing more.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
maverick72 said:
DELETE MY ACCOUNT. I DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' WEBSITE with terms like HB8, LTR, AFC, C&F, DTF, and FClose, etc, etc---is that Star Trek lingo for picking up women and getting laid?
I find this offensive.
Star Trek is much cooler than this website.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
maverick72 said:
I took the DJ bible and threw it in the garbage. I read it twice and its a piece of outdated garbage geared more towards teenage boys and club goers. Cheesy stuff.

I have been with more women then you can shake a your little stick at and I lied about being rejected by 50 women. I bedded them all and laugh at this website.

You are all bunch weak minded nerds who buy into some guys fantasy about how to pick up women in night clubs. You nerds still s*ck your thumbs and hope to get laid by reading some gay, goofy manual by some fag named POOK??? LOL A BUNCH OF FOLLOWERS AND CONFORMISTS.

DELETE MY ACCOUNT. I DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' WEBSITE with terms like HB8, LTR, AFC, C&F, DTF, and FClose, etc, etc---is that Star Trek lingo for picking up women and getting laid? LOL

Gets out my walkie talkie in a night club----"Hey guys I am macking on a HB10 who is talking to an AFC 12 o clock. Some AFC is moving in on me, he is trying to be C&F and thinks he will get an LTR with her, but I will just add my C&F routine on him and diss him in front of my HB10 and then we will be DTF later. 10-4 over and out." LOL

Go back to read your online DJ bible and playing your Warcraft with women.
brilliant!!! I love this troll I'm dead serious this guy is right lol

*waits for KBJ's to come in and get all huffy*


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
*Smelling for expiring pvssy*


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
We will probably find a link to this thread in some women forum where some newbye is trying to prove how cool she can be by "hurting" those "bad guys from the sexist site".


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
Reaction score
OP is hilarious and makes a few good points about the lingo seeming like you are trying too hard with Military sounding lingo.

I just got an image of 2-3 wing men wearing blue tooth headsets helping a guy get laid going "Jon we got a HB in sector Bravo. GO GO GO!!!" and the guy approaches the girl to have his wing men sector off the area from "AFCs." Gave me a chuckle.

The Bible talks about a bunch of things but the thing it lacks is telling you to get a good job that carries status along with a hefty paycheck by means of hard work/education or both. Having status is better in the long run as eventually your DJ days will either bore you or will come back to bite you by tales of chatty women when they talk amongst yourself to "warn" their friends of you since you aren't a sucker to get "locked into" a relationship.

I mean how do you think Hue Hefner gets sex? Is it because of his personality, his good looks or his status of helping women "make it big?"


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2011
Reaction score
Gets my walkie talkie

Maverick to DJ forumn do you read me?

****Latest update****8:04pm @ Wet Willies Nightclub

"BREAKER BREAKER" "Guys, I used some massive C&F on the AFC who was talking to my HB10. He walked away with his tail betwen his legs because he was omega and knew it! I am alpha and he sensed it. The chump finally walked....
Meanwhile, me and the HB10 macked for ten minutes. I used some SS on her, then I tryed some NLP, then lastly I tryed to "neg" her with 2 failed attempts to regain her high IL but it was dropping to a low IL --- it was fading fast until she finally flaked. I got out my cape and lightsaber and said to her "let the force be with you." She looked at me like I had 3 heads?! So I just NEXTED HER!

I moved on and started gaming on a few HB 8's in the back of the club and they had their serious ASD's up. So I NEXTED them too. But I didn't care because I was spinning plates and wasn't going to be AFC tonight.
I finally went back to the chump BAFC (who was standing at 1 o clock) who tryed to ****block me earlier. He was a weak omega and I outnumbered his C&F style in 5 minutes flat. He had no game. So I decided to game him since I couldn't pull in anything cuter than a HB 3.
Anyway, he was standing at the bar looking total "BAFC." Once again, I gave him some serious EC to let him know who the boss was ......I then went for the approach and used some C&F on him and he was turned on. I threw some "negs" at him by saying "hey man I like your hair, is it dyed?" Then I said "nice shirt where is the rest of it?" It knew it was on. He was a HS4.(hot stud -4)I then started giving him some kino around the groin area and he had some serious one-itis.. He started feeling more like a RAFC. Next thing I know we are macking on the dance floor. Cheek to scruffy cheek. I think tonight is going to be a ONS and not a LTR. "10-4 roger guys."
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Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score
maverick72 said:
Maverick to DJ forumn do you read me?

****Latest update****8:04pm @ Wet Willies Nightclub

"BREAKER BREAKER" "Guys, I finally used some C&F on the AFC who was talking to my HB10. I just BACF'd his *ss! He walked away because he was omega and knew it! I am alpha and he sensed it too. The chump finally walked....
Meanwhile, me and the HB10 macked for ten minutes until she flaked. I tryed to "neg" on her with 2 failed attempts to regain her high interest but it was fading fast. So I just NEXTED HER. I then moved on and started gaming on a few HB 8's in the back of the club and they had their ASD's up.
I went back to the chump AFC (who was standing at 1 o clock) who I earlier went "alpha on." He was a weak omega and I outnumbered his C&F style in 5 minutes flat. He had no game. Anyway, he was standing at the bar looking BAFC. I gave him some serious EC to let him know who the boss was......I then went for the approach and used some C&F on him and he got turned on. I also threw some "negs" at him by saying things like "hey man I like your hair, is it dyed?" Then I said "nice shirt where is the rest of it?" He was hard in a minute. Next thing I know we are macking on the dance floor. Cheek to scruffy cheek. I think tonight its going to be a ONS and not a LTR. "10-4 roger guys."
You have a funny personality OP. This actually made me laugh.

You really should give all this a chance and try and see it from a different perspective. You've categorized it wrong and I don't think you're seeing the pickup arts as what they really are. They're an ART. Not a science. And you may be a potential great.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
PUA's are for psychology majors, I don't consider myself a PUA. I consider myself a player in the game.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Don't feed the troll! :trouble: