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  1. G

    PlayerSupreme exposed as a Scam Artist??

    Can't say I really know much about the legitimacy or extent of PS's exploits but it seems as if he was able to deliver a functional product and I guess that's what really counts. On the other hand, judging from the pictures in the video showing women with his name tattooed on them (the...
  2. G


    This is a biggy. But if I were in that situation, I'd walk away (but hey that's just me). Truth is, my health is my wealth, can't risk getting something that's incurable (again that's just me). However if you were thinking of going the distance for this girl, ask yourself how things would...
  3. G

    Let's ultra-simplify... What are the top 3 attraction factors?

    Pretty much agree with the OP 1) Looks or some degree of proper grooming, women love men who take care of themselves 2) A quality, achievement or goal that ups your value to women - including but not limited to confidence, a nice car(maybe) or ambition. 3) Social proof / A life - Women...
  4. G

    Dr. Phil's Test

    Pretty accurate, though I do display a couple features of the category before me. Scored 56
  5. G

    You rate this woman out of ten go

    I gave her a 7 and that's the least she could get from me. She's clearly attractive so I can't see how she could be anything less though. A 4 would imply she's below average or ugly which is not the case.
  6. G

    Why did this happen, help?

    "I know I can have an amazing month with her next year, but I need to realize that thats all its going to be. I need to find a girl(s) I can actually see regularly and have a normal time with." What you've said above is an indicator that you're facing reality. Truth is, having relations with...
  7. G

    New situation/girl (advice?)

    I guess at the end of the day you have to do what makes you comfortable. Nothing's wrong with weighing your options bro. You've got time. You say you want to see her again so even if there's a physical distance between you two ensure there isn't an emotional distance.
  8. G

    New Game

    1) A little humor goes a long way. One of the best ways to capture people's admiration is to make them laugh. Humor makes you seem interesting, exciting, different and approachable. You can learn jokes or learn how to turn everyday experiences in funny one's or learn to be a tease. 2) It...
  9. G

    When your girlfriend starts losing interest in you, dump her first

    To be honest I actually agree with a lot of the things said here. Dumping a girl would actually be a smart thing to do. I just think that a man should dump a girl for the right reasons is all. If you KNOW the relationship has run dry, the girl has lost interest to the point where she's grown...
  10. G

    Why is it that the more attention you give a girl, the less they like you?

    That about sums it up. Also in doing so you're no longer a mystery. You're too available. Say you like pizza and you have it everyday for a month. Chances you'll get bored of it and go for something a little more exquisite. It's somewhat the same concept. And yes, not all women are like this
  11. G

    Be a Man, and how you should view women

    Having an unshakeable attitude towards life is a must. At all times you have to be standing on solid ground. Truth is, when a man cares too much about getting good responses from women or becomes too concerned with whether or not women like him he is bound to end up being a supplicating AFC...
  12. G

    Should I be giving in?

    Some would say this is a sticky situation while others will say this is a no brainer. But I think you should give the girl what she wants. Not sure how you view these reasons but: 1) Nothing's wrong with letting a girl have a good time 2) IT COULD BE PRETTY FUN 3) Hanging out with your...
  13. G

    New situation/girl (advice?)

    I definitely think she's into you especially if that "smoking hot wife" she was referring to was her. Not ENTIRELY sure about her but I'm looking to see when you're going to do or say something definitively that makes the two of you exclusive. You did say you would keep things casual but when...
  14. G

    Introduction and quite a few questions.

    Your welcome When I say being about something can help in the relationship what i mean is that it can create an intervention for the woman to get into your life and share an experience. For example, let's say you like to lift weights or body building (and let's say your an expert), you COULD...
  15. G

    New situation/girl (advice?)

    Keeping it casual is proly best but seeing as you don't know when you'll see her again I guess it can't hurt to keep in touch
  16. G

    Resetting attitude..

    Women are annoyingly fickle. They are consistently inconsistent in their actions. Which is why I think these two things are very important: 1) Take opportunities as they come - women sabotage their relationships before they even begin so it's important to take advantage of openings that you...
  17. G

    Introduction and quite a few questions.

    This is really the truth. It's hard to observe the difference between friends and girlfriends. However once you're actually in a relationship the contrast between the two become more apparent. For example being in a relationship would offer benefits, comfort and assurances that differ from that...
  18. G

    I was told it was hard to get with girls b/c..

    Some good points were raised. It really highlights that there are few restrictions preventing most guys from going out and chatting up women, there certainly are incentives. There really is no excuse why a relative fit male should be missing out or finding reasons not to play the field (after...
  19. G

    Introduction and quite a few questions.

    Relationships are technically about either developing an emotional connection with someone or developing a physical connection (eg. sex). Relationships are used to develop bonds and ties with other people and fulfill one of man's most basic desires in life: the need to feel connected...
  20. G

    Resetting attitude..

    From what I see she might be playing hard to get OR maybe you just misread the signs. Whichever way, you need to NEXT her and move on. But don't beat yourself up, I know what it's like to get women's interest and not being able to capitalize on it. One thing you can do is the next time you find...