Why did this happen, help?


Don Juan
May 9, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys. I'm 16, but I've been taking in all this DJ type lifestyle for the past 6 months or better. It has really improved my ability to talk to and get girls. I've flirted with 3 times as many girls as i did before and consistently get numbers and what not. I use kino and all that good stuff to escalate with girls. Things go well, and i don't get irrational feelings about anyone, until now.


That link happened about a week ago while i was visiting friends 500 miles from home. Two days after the events of that link, I ended up on a float trip sharing a tube with the same chick. She let me touch all over her body, some playfully and some was actually sexual. We flirted the rest of the way and after eating, we drove her home and she hugged me and told me she couldn't wait for me to come visit next year.

I haven't been getting any deep feelings for any girl this entire time, except for this girl. I didn't do anything that would change the way I feel about her compared to another girl. Its so pointless considering the only thing we could do is have a fling for a few weeks once a year. I haven't stopped thinking about this girl since I last saw her. I'm back home and I've hung out with friends and done things to try to keep my mind off her, but I always return. Its such terrible one-itis and I need to shake it.

I have flirted with girls trying to move on, but nothing. I'll get over it eventually, but I want to stop this so much. It can't do me any good. She messaged me after a tragedy in her family and told how much she already missed me. I wanted to spill my feelings, but I knew that would be game over. I know I can have an amazing month with her next year, but I need to realize that thats all its going to be. I need to find a girl(s) I can actually see regularly and have a normal time with.

I guess its cuz we got along so well and had so much similar taste along with the sexual tension I built with all the kino and eye contact.

Please don't bash me because I promised myself no girl would get to me like this anytime soon, but I don't know whats with this one girl.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

Slick Rick-NZ

Don Juan
May 30, 2011
Reaction score
Congradulations on starting young. You should be awsome when you are 20.
Sounds like a case of the women you can't have. Only because you live so far apart. Also it sounds like one of the first times you have gotton this far with a chick. Good memories are imprinted in your brain and you remember these feelings well and want to experience those emotions again with this person. Also puberty and hormones and all that. Sounds like you like her alot.
I have been in that situation a few times aswell. Over time you learn to not become attatched so easily so that you don't get hurt. Probly because you didn't get what you wanted also (oral or intercourse) so you still want her and want to get the job done haha. But trying to explain why isn't going to make you feel better. Every time you think of her you have to think NO don't be silly ect and slowly it dies down.


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2011
Reaction score
On a higher level
"I know I can have an amazing month with her next year, but I need to realize that thats all its going to be. I need to find a girl(s) I can actually see regularly and have a normal time with."

What you've said above is an indicator that you're facing reality. Truth is, having relations with a girl one month of the year would not be fair to either one of you (unless you're both not exclusive). I'm not sure what you want out of this relationship but in my opinion, for what it's worth, you definitely need to view this "encounter" as going nowhere though you could just enjoy the next month and after that move on. Which is not to say that you shouldn't keep in contact and maintain rapport with this girl. Can't say I've been in the long distance situation dilema but we all know what one-itis feels like and that, my friend, despite how annoying it is, will pass with time.

Remember man, you're still young