New Game

Slick Rick-NZ

Don Juan
May 30, 2011
Reaction score
So I am quite a resourceful guy and I not only want to be good with women I want to be good in a crowded room and always have the right things to say and do ect. Don't be yourself and chill that is lame won't help you much.
So what other subjects are there that you may know of that I am not aware of ect. For example cahrsima, confidence, leadership. Bascically I want to be influential and everyone listens. Pritty much the mentilist. I know he is an actor but even in real life he is charismatic. So how can I become more socially dominant ect any ideas??


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2011
Reaction score
On a higher level
1) A little humor goes a long way. One of the best ways to capture people's admiration is to make them laugh. Humor makes you seem interesting, exciting, different and approachable. You can learn jokes or learn how to turn everyday experiences in funny one's or learn to be a tease.

2) It can't hurt to dress nice. Your personality won't shine until after people have seen you and if people reject your image they may not care much for what you have to say. Picture a homeless dude trying to strike up a political discussion with a group of strangers, it just isn't going to happen.

3) Speak in rich tone. A nice toned voice with moderate to high volume is a sign of confidence, whereas a low, squeaky voice may show that you lack confidence. And we all know the importance of confidence.

4) Separate from humor, you should laugh and smile a lot. this indicates that you're friendly and that you think whole-heartedly that life is good.

Slick Rick-NZ

Don Juan
May 30, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks mate. Agreed. Humor is a must and being comfortable and confident with your humor too.