Be a Man, and how you should view women


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
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I don´t know if you saw "The pickup artist" on tv, with Mystery.

I must tell that mystery is really a guy who must be very smart, because of the way he sees things. One of the first things he did with the newbies was sending them to a casino with old women. Old women, were once (some at least) young hot sexy chicks, if you have no problem speaking with old women you shouldn´t have speaking to younger ones.

This is nothing new, but another thing about guys who are successful with women is that they really don´t give a sh*t. I know a few guys like that, one of them had once a girl telling him he was ugly, but his disrespect with women is so great that he just laughed hard, as if he had listened the biggest joke ever, or like he was listening to a retard who doesn´t know what is saying.
I´m becoming a little bit more like that, to the point I don´t care when I´m rejected, because my value is not decided by a chick.

Other thing about not giving a sh*t is to stop worrying about chicks and love... this is really for girls, and it´s completly homo or ***** like to think about women all the time. Your first goal should be to become a great man in what you do. A man of worth and value, a man of greatness.

When you become very good with women, you won´t care anymore.

If you need any inspiration about being a man just watch rocky vs drago ;)

These guys wouldn´t be hanging around on sosuave, think of a man you admire and become like him. Enough of gossiping about what b*tches like, 90% of them are overweight by the age of 20 they won´t make you happy by themselves..... they will come to you when you become great.... and even then you shouldn´t care. Most relationships won´t last, but your greatness as a man will.

King Of Nowhere

Don Juan
Jun 9, 2011
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JdelaSilviera said:
I don´t know if you saw "The pickup artist" on tv, with Mystery.

I must tell that mystery is really a guy who must be very smart, because of the way he sees things. One of the first things he did with the newbies was sending them to a casino with old women. Old women, were once (some at least) young hot sexy chicks, if you have no problem speaking with old women you shouldn´t have speaking to younger ones.

This is nothing new, but another thing about guys who are successful with women is that they really don´t give a sh*t. I know a few guys like that, one of them had once a girl telling him he was ugly, but his disrespect with women is so great that he just laughed hard, as if he had listened the biggest joke ever, or like he was listening to a retard who doesn´t know what is saying.
I´m becoming a little bit more like that, to the point I don´t care when I´m rejected, because my value is not decided by a chick.

Other thing about not giving a sh*t is to stop worrying about chicks and love... this is really for girls, and it´s completly homo or ***** like to think about women all the time. Your first goal should be to become a great man in what you do. A man of worth and value, a man of greatness.

When you become very good with women, you won´t care anymore.

If you need any inspiration about being a man just watch rocky vs drago ;)

These guys wouldn´t be hanging around on sosuave, think of a man you admire and become like him. Enough of gossiping about what b*tches like, 90% of them are overweight by the age of 20 they won´t make you happy by themselves..... they will come to you when you become great.... and even then you shouldn´t care. Most relationships won´t last, but your greatness as a man will.
Real talk.
May 14, 2011
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Now on when I go up to girls I say:

''Hey!!.....................I must break you!!!''

lmao thats my new chat up line for sure


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2011
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On a higher level
Having an unshakeable attitude towards life is a must. At all times you have to be standing on solid ground.

Truth is, when a man cares too much about getting good responses from women or becomes too concerned with whether or not women like him he is bound to end up being a supplicating AFC. I believe that if you spend time unlocking your potential to the point where you know you ARE the sh*t women have no choice but to acknowledge that you ARE the sh*t.

Like you said:
"Most relationships won´t last, but your greatness as a man will."

I'd rather have a life, than to make a woman my world


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
JdelaSilviera said:
I´m becoming a little bit more like that, to the point I don´t care when I´m rejected, because my value is not decided by a chick.

I love it. That's signature thread worthy :up:

If you need any inspiration about being a man just watch rocky vs drago ;)

Best movie ever.
Great post.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
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+1 Rep for this thread :rockon:


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
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Canada, eh?
Great. Let's sticky that somewhere.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2010
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I hate how us men have to have the right attitude in order to be a man, but women just have to look the right way


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2011
Reaction score
Gamtiwia said:
When a man cares too much about getting good responses from women or becomes too concerned with whether or not women like him he is bound to end up being a supplicating AFC.
Amen brotha. If that doesn't deserve a rep then I dunno what does.

That is really what it comes down to. The point where you feel the need to GAUGE THEIR INTEREST LEVEL or TRY TO GET THEM INTERESTED IN YOU is when YOU LOSE.