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  1. M

    DJs, your advice has worked once again!! but now...

    OK so i was "talking" to this girl at my job for like 7 or 8 months, and we got really close. Too close, we texted every day, and when i went on vacation for a month we kept contact every day. You know how this story goes, she lost interest lol. We lost contact for about a month (we didnt even...
  2. M

    Kino Rejection

    bro honestly she's a HB5 lol forget her if shes not DTF
  3. M

    hb and i are going to study together in the evening

    i hope youre banging her as im typing this:crackup:
  4. M

    Cold approach on a large campus

    well being on a large campus its so easy to meet girls, you dont even really have to do any cold approaches. You have beautiful women in your classes, clubs, social circles, etc. Opportunities all around you man!!
  5. M

    Getting the Ex back?

    Well the No Contact approach works pretty good i've heard. Ive never personally tried it but i think there's a big post in the tips or archive section that can help you out.
  6. M

    what to do in college?

    Like the guy above me said, "lets study together". I you have a dorm or apartment on campus, getting lays is so easy. After you get her comfortable/interested in you, invite her back to the dorm for a movie or a nice "study session" lol
  7. M

    how to next a girl at work?

    thanks man, I'll do just that and see what happens. I just think its messed up how girls will be so in love with a you, and then when you gives in (loves her back), she just blows you off..
  8. M

    Most obvious come-on that was missed

    here's a few funny ones: -so me and this girl are sitting in my car in front of her house, making out.. So i start to finger her for a while and she says "we should have sex" and i laugh it off and continue making out with her. -Im spending the night at this girl's house, and she's on her...
  9. M

    2 Contradictory Techniques

    Yea i agree that its gotta be a mix of the two. But i feel like if you're really confident/successful, women will come. All you really have to do is go with the flow. But then again on the other hand, there's nothing like someone with alot of game with women, successful or not.
  10. M

    how to next a girl at work?

    OK so Ive been involved with this girl from my work for about 7 or 8 months now. (its weird we kiss and say we love each other but she doesnt wanna be "official") At first she really liked me, we hung out/texted all the time, had sex a few times, but now shes acting really cold and distant. At...
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    If Muslim culture becomes popular in the US

    I honestly think most women wouldnt give a sh!t. Unless of course your REALLY muslim, and you show and express it alot. Long term, differences in religion can be a pain though : (
  12. M

    What do you guys think about this?

    wow so all you guys pretty much agree that shes talking to someone else? So Should i confront her about it? Or should i just say fuvk it and just completely move on?
  13. M

    What do you guys think about this?

    This is my first post, but i've been reading the forum for months now. There is some amazing and inspiring advice from guys who really now what they're talking about. Ok so here's my little situation. Ive been talking to this girl at my job for 9 months. Everything was cool, we were texting...