If Muslim culture becomes popular in the US

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Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
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How do any of you feel should Muslim culture become more popular with the general public in the US in regards to cross culture relationships?

And how do you feel women in general will respond to dating Muslim men?

It will be a whole new ballgame for the "entitled" American women IMO.


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
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The muslims in Russia and EE in generally play it under the radar so no problem when it comes of cross culture relationships.
But being america the effeminated and weak place that is you will experience exactly what scandinavians are experiencing now,whatever they will do,they will be protected from the politically correct crew.

I think muslim culture would benefit to america,they are usually very conservative when it comes of women who overvalue themselfes and their possibilities,just like they are not so tolerant of jobless and antisocial people.
Actually islam it's probably the best religion to pick for a man,if we are forced to pick any,I would pick that.
Muslim culture would be like a medicine to american society,it will hurt but it will take away the bigger sickness.

The only problem that you have is that are not balancing elements there,men are just too weak to stand their ground,and those strong enough just don't find this society good enough for them and would benefit more from a more manly way of life.
No more lady gagas or hollywood crap.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
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Only thing is most Americans wont have it period. They are kind of still hung up about the extremists that committed 9/11 and aren't too happy about the Mosque additions going up mere blocks from Ground Zero. From my point of view, and those in my social circle, we all agree it wont ever catch on due to a few too many circumstances of mutual hatred.


Don Juan
Mar 22, 2010
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The white girls that I know would never date a Muslim man. Most Muslim men will not date white girls.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
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What I'm getting at is not a knock on Muslims or their beliefs but I don't think they'd ever accept our "non-judgemental"" politically correct 'standards' in this country. Much less the 'entitled' I am woman hear me roar, free to do what they want ladies in this country. I'd love to see how liberal standards would be imposed on them. Not going to happen. But at least it gives the libs a 'cause' to 'fight' for.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2009
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Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
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Popular, 'socially accepted" whatever. Shoot me. Kindof like the media loves to portray bi-sexuality etc as the new 'kewl' thing.


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
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U.S. East
Naughty Ninja said:
How do any of you feel should Muslim culture become more popular with the general public in the US in regards to cross culture relationships?
Well Muslims only make up .8% of America meaning if you lined up 100 people 1might be a Muslim. That being said I am a Muslim myself.

Naughty Ninja said:
And how do you feel women in general will respond to dating Muslim men?

It will be a whole new ballgame for the "entitled" American women IMO.
They respond pretty well to me actually after I learned some game and started working out which of course is a Don Juan trait not a cultural trait.


Master Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
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North America
Strelok said:
Muslim culture would be like a medicine to american society,it will hurt but it will take away the bigger sickness.
This is probably one of the most idiotic statements I have ever heard. If you believe in the repression of free speech, the killing of apostates/infidels, the treatment of women like livestock, and irrational beliefs that cant be questioned - then you could say this. Otherwise, you are deluding yourself. Islam pushes lots of things that are contrary to our western values.

Women have no rights in lots of Arab societies, and some people on this forum might love that. But I don't think this is the way to deal with the problem of AFC memes in our society.


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
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U.S. East
Serg897 said:
This is probably one of the most idiotic statements I have ever heard. If you believe in the repression of free speech, the killing of apostates/infidels, the treatment of women like livestock, and irrational beliefs that cant be questioned - then you could say this. Otherwise, you are deluding yourself. Islam pushes lots of things that are contrary to our western values.
Sorry Islam does not push that despite what you may believe.

Serg897 said:
Women have no rights in lots of Arab societies, and some people on this forum might love that. But I don't think this is the way to deal with the problem of AFC memes in our society.
Cause Arab= Muslim automatically right? Maybe you're forgetting Turkey, or Indonesia which has the world's largest Muslim population.


Or any of the 50 countries where Muslims are the majority.

Muslims in :Asia-Pacific 972,537,000
Middle East-North Africa 315,322,000

So there are three times more Muslims in Asia then the MiddleEast area of "Arabs" COMBINED with all the countries in North Africa. And North Africa adds at least another 12 Muslim majority countries as you can clearly see in the map.

Just cause the media says things about Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran, three countries we are aligned against you don't have to believe every word of it. And even if you did you are using 3 Arab cultures, scratch that Iran doesn't even count as Arab, to judge the 47 and the rest of Islam?

I don't believe as Strelok does that Muslim culture will be "medicine" for America but if you believe all this stuff about Islam then you've got it wrong.


Master Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
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North America
ArcBound said:
Sorry Islam does not push that despite what you may believe.
Allah commanding his followers to slay infidels wherever he finds them:
2:191-193; 4:76; 8:39; 9:123; 47:4; 66:9

The rewards martyrs receive in paradise:
3:140-171; 4:74; 47:5-6

Submission of women:
4:34; 4:11

There is plenty more where that came from:

I am not being bigoted or racist when I make these observations - Im only pointing out that Islam as a belief system has certain characteristics that pose a threat to an enlightened civil society. Christianity and Judaism have some passages like this in their texts too, but Muslims are in a different place in their societies right now - its like they haven't undergone the enlightenment yet. My use of the word Arab was probably off in that it doesn't describe every Muslim society - but it doesn't detract from my point.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
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So as Muslim men. How do you feel about American women? And their entitlements?


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
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U.S. East
Like I said did you even look at the 47 other countries?

Turkey which is a highly westernized and modern country.

Dubai which is building cities, islands etc.. that are better than our NYC or LA.

So you point out a bunch of passages that suit your needs rather than look at the actual culture in real life?

Do Christians follow their book to a T? Most of them don't and the ones that do takes some passages metaphorically.

Guess what? Muslims do the same. I and many Muslims do pray, follow the five pillars of islam, fast during Ramadan but in actuality we do not want to slay "infidels" or mistreat or woman.

If you look at the Jewish book it also says anyone who does not have Jewish blood from their mother's side are not really Jewish and considered lower. But do all Jews really go around thinking that? No.

If you search for the bad in any religion you will find it, and that's what you are doing, in your mindset you paint Islam as something horrendous so you seek the bad.

How about the good like respecting your elders or donating 2.5% of your income to NON MUSLIM community projects and charities? And that's what I do, in my community here in America I donate 2.5% of my money to non-muslims because I don't care whether it goes to athiest Jew or Christian or the myriad of other faiths.

Once again stop using media and sites that specifically look for the bad.

For example:
""He who sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the Lord only, he shall be utterly destroyed." If this commandment is obeyed, then the four billion people who do not believe in the biblical god must be killed."

So the Bible says 4 billion people on Earth are infidels. And other quotes that demanded the thousands of women killed because they were witches.

And I can go on looking for the bad in Christianity, but if I don't look for the good messages it sends than I'm being ignorant. As an Abrahamic religion I respect Christianity a lot and if you ever read both books instead of hunting for quotes in each you'd find they are quite similar.

Once again the Muslim countries in the Middle East are minorities compared to Muslims world wide. And the ones that commit atrocities are an even smaller minority in each of those countries.

NN said:
So as Muslim men. How do you feel about American women? And their entitlements?
Well I was born here so I have bits of culture from here as well. I don't beat women or be a jerk to them. Nor do any of my parents or my seven Uncles who are married. So I cannot compare to how an "American" household would be. But my father was definitely not a pushover and neither were my Uncles. I was taught that women were equals to me in fact, but taught specifically not to lower myself in comparison to them.

EA Gold

Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2009
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That site you pointed out serg takes many of the text too much in context on both the quran and the bible. You have to the read the entire chapter to get the real meanings in most text.

Reading about the creator of the site, the person has no degrees in divinity at all. None in Greek or hebrew, and none in bible doctrines. Many of his arguments hold no weight.

His criticism in the bible is laughable and childish and easily explained. It's kinda sad to see sites like these where answers have been giving yet with pride hatred and reluctance continue to spread deceit and false information.

Prayer is definitely needed for this site and person.

Fyi.. The term infidel was also used to label True Christians and Jews who would not bow down to the pope.

mr interesting

Don Juan
Aug 25, 2010
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I honestly think most women wouldnt give a sh!t. Unless of course your REALLY muslim, and you show and express it alot. Long term, differences in religion can be a pain though : (


Master Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
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North America
Do Christians follow their book to a T? Most of them don't and the ones that do takes some passages metaphorically.

Guess what? Muslims do the same.
Im glad that you think this. I cant speak from experience as I only know a few Muslims, but it seems from the sources I've read that this view is in the minority. The Quran is supposed to be regarded as the immutable word of God and every word must be followed to the letter.

In a sense, I agree with the fundamentalists of Christianity, Judaism, Islam on one thing - the liberal adherents of their religion are pickers and choosers - they don't actually follow what the texts say. Im just curious why you choose to ignore certain things the Quran says. Allah clearly says its okay to kill infidels and apostates.

I say that Islam is different because the state of intellectual discourse in the Muslim world seems to be abysmal right now. Why else do millions of people erupt in protest because someone bothered to draw a depiction of Muhammad as a cartoon? The man must live under constant security now and has survived two attempts at his life. Don't these people understand the concept of free speech? Its like someone opened a time portal to the 12th century and Christians from that era are pouring out. There is something inherently wrong with a society that encourages behavior that leads to honor killings, subjugation of women, etc.

Reading about the creator of the site, the person has no degrees in divinity at all. None in Greek or hebrew, and none in bible doctrines. Many of his arguments hold no weight.
You dont need a degree in divinity to understand what the Bible says. The passages are very clear in their meaning, the contradictions and absurdities plainly evident. That being said, If you want a thorough critique from someone who DOES have the credentials I recommend Bart Erhman:


He is a textual critic, graduate of Moody Bible College with a Ph.D. in Divinity from Princeton, who has arrived at the same obvious conclusion: The Bible is not the inerrent, unchanging word of God some people think it is - and its hardly useful for anything except giving us insight into the pre-enlightenment society that wrote it 2000 years ago.


Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2005
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Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the pl
Religion = Retardation.
It's used to control the masses, how do you think Christianity became popular? There were over fifty gospels yet only four comprise the bible as you know it. And the bible wasn't even a book until Constantine assembled those four gospels in three hundred A.D. and unified Rome under a Christian banner.. It's been purely political since it's inception.

Honestly if you believe any of that big man in the sky **** you should jump off of a cliff in his name... please.


Dec 17, 2009
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Religion is a great thing, faith is needed in a man's life. If you don't believe in something, you will fall for anything. But, ORGANIZED religion, will be the end of mankind.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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HalfAddict said:
Honestly if you believe any of that big man in the sky **** you should jump off of a cliff in his name... please.
Awesome way to deal with differing opinions, man. It's funny how atheists always claim how religious people lack tolerance, and then go and blurt out ignorant comments such as this.

I'm sorry if you think that anybody who has a different faith than your own should commit suicide, but unfortunately for you that's not going to happen. Tolerance is a virtue, my friend...you need to learn to embrace other viewpoints, not squash them. Fascism just does not work.
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