Like I said did you even look at the 47 other countries?
Turkey which is a highly westernized and modern country.
Dubai which is building cities, islands etc.. that are better than our NYC or LA.
So you point out a bunch of passages that suit your needs rather than look at the actual culture in real life?
Do Christians follow their book to a T? Most of them don't and the ones that do takes some passages metaphorically.
Guess what? Muslims do the same. I and many Muslims do pray, follow the five pillars of islam, fast during Ramadan but in actuality we do not want to slay "infidels" or mistreat or woman.
If you look at the Jewish book it also says anyone who does not have Jewish blood from their mother's side are not really Jewish and considered lower. But do all Jews really go around thinking that? No.
If you search for the bad in any religion you will find it, and that's what you are doing, in your mindset you paint Islam as something horrendous so you seek the bad.
How about the good like respecting your elders or donating 2.5% of your income to NON MUSLIM community projects and charities? And that's what I do, in my community here in America I donate 2.5% of my money to non-muslims because I don't care whether it goes to athiest Jew or Christian or the myriad of other faiths.
Once again stop using media and sites that specifically look for the bad.
For example:
""He who sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the Lord only, he shall be utterly destroyed." If this commandment is obeyed, then the four billion people who do not believe in the biblical god must be killed."
So the Bible says 4 billion people on Earth are infidels. And other quotes that demanded the thousands of women killed because they were witches.
And I can go on looking for the bad in Christianity, but if I don't look for the good messages it sends than I'm being ignorant. As an Abrahamic religion I respect Christianity a lot and if you ever read both books instead of hunting for quotes in each you'd find they are quite similar.
Once again the Muslim countries in the Middle East are minorities compared to Muslims world wide. And the ones that commit atrocities are an even smaller minority in each of those countries.
NN said:
So as Muslim men. How do you feel about American women? And their entitlements?
Well I was born here so I have bits of culture from here as well. I don't beat women or be a jerk to them. Nor do any of my parents or my seven Uncles who are married. So I cannot compare to how an "American" household would be. But my father was definitely not a pushover and neither were my Uncles. I was taught that women were equals to me in fact, but taught specifically not to lower myself in comparison to them.