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  1. P

    LOL at some of the POF girls.

    Some? Most of them ha ha
  2. P

    Letting go of the one

    Agreed. Lose "the one" type of thinking. There is no "one". Just a person the way they are when you meet. Even if you think she is, you might marry/have kids/ and both of you may change over the years and be divorced within ten years....then she really wasn't, was she?
  3. P

    Joke Of The Day! This is for you Laurie!

  4. P

    general advice for becoming more confident

    2 and 3 will get you there quickest, at least that was my experience. Looking good and dressing well are highly empowering on their own. It was all I needed.
  5. P

    Hypothetical sittuation with BPD's

    I can tell you from my ex, no matter how ideal and perfect the guy might have been she begins to think about cheating on them about a year in and nothing has lasted over 5 years. In the simplest term a BPD type is on a locked course of self-sabatoge.
  6. P

    Hate to ask about a specific girl, but she's super high quality!

    ^^ya and she's got a steady supply of AFC orbiters sucking her A$$ on FB every day too, of course. All of them friendzoned when her girlfriends comment/ask which one she's dating.
  7. P

    Hate to ask about a specific girl, but she's super high quality!

    You can say that again. I had a HUGE oneitus for a client of mine for way too long. (actually what lead me to this forum in 2006) I did eventually meet up with her after hours a few times. The more I got to know her the less I liked. And she was a solid 9 in my world. At her core she's a...
  8. P

    Hypothetical sittuation with BPD's

    8yrs peak? damn, bro. Mine was fully aware of her "weirdness" as she called it. 1.5 years is all I could handle on that roller-coaster ride. Glad I cut her off after that even though it was VERY difficult to do. Sucks the life out of you.
  9. P

    Sick of screwing up...help

    To get in her house. Thats an easy one. Tell her you need to use the restroom. as a bonus, while in the restroom, check the cabinet for prescription meds so you know what you're dealing with. Do it after you turn the faucet on when you wash your hands. This is the first thing I do whenever I...
  10. P

    Time where ex DIDN'T contact you?

    It's been almost a year since my ex broke it off. Haven't heard anything from her and don't expect that I will, though it was a "friendly" breakup. I am the criteria sosuave666 mentioned. If she does, I'll post it.
  11. P

    POF game

    either that or when you do get a message from her about meeting up, she will tell you she is suddenly in a foreign country and stuck with no money so you can pay to bring her back. I did yahoo dating for awhile and all of them were like that eventually.
  12. P

    Ex GF Asking Questions

    why did you text her in the first place?
  13. P

    New to forum, need some advice with new girlfriend!

    You'll know if she is BPD by a repeat of things before. Huge interest, then a letdown. put that on infinite loop and she is definitely BPD. by the 3rd time she does it, it's confirmed and you'll do best to walk away from it, if she is.
  14. P

    Do I have a right to be jealous?

    If you can keep bangin her but also keep out any emotion I say get as much as you can. I did that once and got Free poon for a year and had no regret. Just keep reminding yourself its FWB only.
  15. P

    Do I have a right to be jealous?

    I believe it to be a natural male response at least for most of us. (until we learn better, damn if I didn't learn that the hard way ha ha) The cause being we don't realize they will respond, throwing it back, it's your fault and what have you. We assume a logical/respectful response when...
  16. P

    Do I have a right to be jealous?

    ya calling them out never accomplishes anything positive. Get what you can from her, but proceed with detachment or any long term committed thoughts.
  17. P

    to confirm or not to confirm?

    thats been my experience as well.
  18. P

    Time to get the hotter babes

    congrats! You're on the right track. That's how its done, keep up the good work. Took me way later in life to figure that out and you're only 23.
  19. P

    Ex hit me up...what to do

    ^^ This
  20. P

    to confirm or not to confirm?

    Agree with what Harry said. I've planned dates before with a week later due to holidays. The girls with High interest always showed up without a confirmation. And ones who don't show up were low interest / wasting your time anyway. win/win. Use it as a $hit test to gauge their interest i say...