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Search results

  1. P

    Don't Ever Try To Get Closure From Your BPD

    ...or ANY woman for that matter.
  2. P

    The guy who chases a ton of women...

    one guy I knew that did this, he didn't care what her face looked like as long as she was thin. he bagged a load of fugs.
  3. P

    Don't date a girl who travels

    a girl I dated did travel a few times a year. And would casually hookup with whomever conveniently sat by her at the hotel bar each evening.
  4. P

    Moving from text to phone calls

    "if you can't beat 'em.....join 'em"
  5. P

    Am I too old to start smoking weed???

    surprised nobody mentioned how amazing food tastes when under the influence or how an orgasm seems to last a lot longer.
  6. P

    POF and STDS???

  7. P

    POF and STDS???

    I had an std scare from some pof poon...damn that was a scary few weeks. turned out to be NOT one though in the end and fixed with an ointment after a visit to the doctors office. still though, that chic easily could have had one. and yes I wore a raincoat.
  8. P

    Call vs. Text

    You should search the forum, this has been discussed endlessly since the beginning of time. If a girl is TRULY interested in you it doesn't matter one way or the other. And if her getting with you hinged on that anyway, she isn't worth it.
  9. P

    Losing your cool

    yes, but better to go ghost. confrontational texts rarely get you anywhere.
  10. P

    Ugh. Super Tinder FAIL.

    well if anything its a learning experience. I remember leaving a date like that and though I carried ALL the conversation (a testament to what I learned here btw) I couldn't wait for the lunch to be over, she knew it too after I told her I had to "go help my brother." I was so depressed later...
  11. P

    Have confidence. so much bull**** advice lol

    My understanding of it is that they feel safe that way. A confident man will size a situation, take charge, ensure her safety/ be the decision maker. If you don't have that it's perceived as a major weakness. This goes back to a primordial time having to do with ensuring the family line...
  12. P

    Bieber Game

    and now he's been in Jail...he has the street cred!!
  13. P

    Getting bored with girlfriend

    ^^This Don't break it off until you land something else or at least have something on a back burner. Having no options suddenly, sucks.
  14. P

    How many of you have a good social circle?

    I had a sizable "crew" during high school / college / and after that for roughly 5 years. Then I got to really know these people and got out of the group. I Learned a lot about people in general and back stabbers at that. Now I have 2 best friends I've known 20+ years and I'd trust my life...
  15. P

    Do Any of You Have Experience Dating Russian women?

    I've dated a Ukrainian and a Russian. Had to quote everything to the letter, as all aspects are true. LOL the Russian would YELL into my ear if I didn't respond quickly enough whenever we spoke over the phone.
  16. P

    Current State of Affairs

    it would seem "less" actually isn't more...
  17. P

    Keeping Girl from Match Interested before first meetup

    Try for it again...why not....good practice if nothing else.
  18. P

    What to do when your woman flirts with other guys in front of you?

    awesome and true. I ditched one of my plates at a bar (she had no car) when she started flirting with another guy. Very powerful experience for me (first time I ever did that, after having it happen once before)
  19. P

    friend just got dumped, no warning signs

    My last ex/LTR was like this as well. Still had Os/enjoyed it to the last day I saw her. Truth be told, I was losing interest in her the last few months and she totally picked up on it.
  20. P

    Best way to hire prostitutes

    This. One way or the other you are paying for it. Always.