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  1. N

    Girls who hang out with ALOT of guys..?

    Girls with lots of guy friends are very suspect. When I use the word friend - I'm talking about guys she hangs out with on a regular basis. I've had girlfirends who have guy friends - but she never hung with them - perhaps exchanged email's once every few months or so. The guy friends...
  2. N

    Ex-Girlfriend Email

    ** this thread needs to be in in the bible for its content ** Agreed. Lesson learnt.
  3. N

    Ex-Girlfriend Email

    It breaks down like this. She doesn't want you. She doesn't want to fvck you. You smothered her - and pushed her away. She's feeling pitty for you. She's guilty. She want's to be able to talk to you - someone who is safe - when times are tough. When the guy(s) she is banging...
  4. N

    Once a fvcktard, always a fvcktard?

    What are you getting at? You wanna be someone your not? "Cool guys"??? Sorry man - but you've got to learn to live life the way you want to. Stop being so paranoid. Have a little confidence in your self. You may not want to be so judgemental either. Make freinds with people...
  5. N

    Over Two Months Have Passed....

    Don't deal with emails - that the pvssy way out. She gave you her business card with her number on it - so call it.
  6. N

    what am i doing wrong, guys??

    Again - Don't call her, let her call you. You've made your play - she wasn't interested - stop wasting your time with her and move on to better things. It's important though to - STOP WASTING YOUR TIME AND ENERGY ON HER. Your rebound. Your keeping her attention. Your an emotional...
  7. N

    hey friend, help me with your opinion on this please.

    This was over a long time ago. In general women love to talk about the future - with you - what your going to do, where your going to live, kids etc. etc. etc. The fact that you would not reply to her - or talk about it with her - pushed her away. She saw you as a person she was going to...
  8. N

    Problems with jealousy/hate when GF even touches another guy

    * she will leave you if you keep this sh#t up. * She choose you over everyone else - trust her decision. * You have a cool hot chick - guys give her attention - that's a compliment to your taste - but again she's with you not them. * Remember - you HAVE to have a life OUTSIDE of HER...
  9. N

    My ex and the new girl

    Pappy hit this one on the head. She see's where you are at - and that your not sitting at home crying over her and begging her to come back. She probably figured it would be reversed. Continue to live your life on your terms.
  10. N

    chics got a boyfriend, need advice.

    and... f) Pay for her Lunch....
  11. N

    Sex Question - A&F Model

    *** I don't think this is really that important. Considering that only 30 percent of females orgasm during sex, most females (and I've had quite a few actually tell me this) view an orgasm during sex as an added bonus. It's hard for men to comprihend that because that's what we strive for, and...
  12. N

    I look like a "baby"? Natural Nice guy look help.

    Your problem isn't your hair or eyes it's your sefl confidence and body. Are you a man or what? Get your hair buzzed - keep it longer on the top and wax/gel it. It's not that difficult. Spend the money on a gym membership.
  13. N

    chics got a boyfriend, need advice.

    She's getting what she wants - ATTENTION. Your NOT getting anything that you want. Women love this "Office Boyfriend" idea. Because they now have someone at home and in the office. The only way to make this happen is to be direct. If she's not willing to meet you after work - move the...
  14. N

    Long Term relationship break

    Ok - stop calling her. Let her call you. Still see her when you are close by - but cut the jealous BS. Move on in your mind and find other women. That will be the key to your success. If you can move on emotionally and mentally - you will be in a much better situation.
  15. N

    Sex Question - A&F Model

    The fact that your concerned about it, tells me you will be fine. Being good in bed is not something that you'll be right out of the bat. It's something you will work on. here are a few thoughts: 1) Don't c#m until she's c#m. A woman really appreciates a man who is concerned with her...
  16. N

    I look like a "baby"? Natural Nice guy look help.

    * Hit the cardio - loose all that flab your carrying - it shows. * Hit the gym. You need to develop a set of shoulders. Your shoulder posture there is abismal. Get some traps, thicken your neck and round off your shoulders. * work on your biceps. * develop some forarms. You body...
  17. N

    Did my girl disrespect me or something wrong with me?

    This is a re-occuring problem on the DJ forum. The problem originates in 2 ways. 1) - by your actions in this relationship - you have displayed to her that you are a pvssy when it comes to women. What I mean by this is - that you have been needy towards her. Jealous of her. Intimidated by...
  18. N

    4 Months, Good Dates, Kino, Kissing. . . Now This

    So I've been dating this girl -- "hanging out" we call it -- for about four months. No sex, everything but -- slow dancing, hour-long kisses, cooking each other dinner -- when we're together we're positively drunk with each other. I really thought I had this one going on. ****** You...
  19. N

    Bought the woman $10K ring, in a divorce...who keeps it?

    Why don't you do this.... If YOU CAN'T AFFORD A $17,000 RING - buy her q $4,000 dollar ring. If it's the ring she's after - don't get hitched anyways. When you buy your woman an engagement ring - it's hers. Plan on it.
  20. N

    help with ********

    Her: He's not my type... You: That's a good thing for you - becuase I'd only fvck you and leave you....