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    I'm a dumbass.

    "Come on, I know you're more exciting than that." "No, come on over and we'll cook something." "Yes." "I don't do dinner on first dates." "I know this great bar with AMAZING wings (or whatever)." "(Insert whatever here)."
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    Where will Lebron James sign?

    What a joke. The NBA needs its talent spread around.
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    What's the furthest you would go with PDA?

    I live in the USA, and when I went to Mexico City, I was shocked at the PDA that was so commonplace. If you see a couple in that city under the age of 30 there's like a 90% chance they are in a heavy make-out session.
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    The Power of Friendzones

    I think your method is just fine, the305 (area code?). The problem is that a lot of guys take it to mean that you should first become friends with the girl you are trying to bang, which we all know is just an awful way about going at it. And IMO, that's the way your advice has come off in some...
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    One chick just got out of a 2 year LTR other girl's going abroad

    Yes, ignore their situations. They are in your class. Maybe have them meet you at your place to study. And then afterward, ask her if she wants to watch a movie or something. Or maybe study with her at a coffee shop close to your place, and then tell her about this great movie you have...
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    One chick just got out of a 2 year LTR other girl's going abroad

    You and your damn lunch dates. Try going for a drink instead! I think it is Rescue Mission who is always saying "food = sleep, alcohol = sex" (I know you don't like RR, but that advice is solid). Do you have either of their phone numbers? If not, that is your first step. But I'll assume you...
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    Should I quit or keep going

    I agree with this, BUT, OP HAS to realize that you can't talk to her a ton and act like you're interested in being a friend, there has to be some sort of sexuality. You don't have to ask her out or get her number the first time you meet her, but you have to be building attraction BEFORE or...
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    What to do?

    Yeah man, no need to really keep contacting her. Maybe one random text in the middle of the summer sometime..."hey you have an emo twin in VA" haha something like that. Really there's no need, when you get back to her after the summer, you'll have all the more to "catch up on" ;) And if...
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    My Oneitis, the past year and a half of my life

    Lorekeeper is correct. The fact that you realize you fvcked up is the biggest and most difficult step that many guys never even come to. Good. I had a similar situation with a oneitis my last two years of high school. After I realized she wasn't interested, I tried to remain her friend, I...
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    When Needyness and constant contact becomes attractive?

    The fact that she's banging you speaks volumes here. Go by actions, not words. Do what you want, but I think if you start with the neediness, you'll lose her. Of course if you have lot's of plates to go around and you don't really care, give it a shot and see what happens! :D
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    Girl: Situations

    Yeah the point is to make her see you in a sexual way. Don't say "Wow Jessica Alba is so pretty." Instead say "Jessica Alba has a great face and an amazing body, I would do unspeakable things to her if she was in my bed!" This can get her to talking about guys she'd like to sleep with, which can...
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    Girl: Situations

    From my experience, it's probably best to continue as if she weren't taken. If you're looking for a relationship, probably not gonna happen, but if you just wanna bang her, just continue to escalate shamelessly and see what happens.
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    Met cute girl...need some quick thoughts/advice

    Because she had nothing better to do? Because she wanted a free meal? Because she likes the attention you'd be sure to give her on this date? All of the above? Who knows. But your impression is most likely correct. I think the whole "I'd love to take you out" was weak. Better to just take...
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    Failed with this chick. Will appreciate friendly advice.

    Ah yes. I don't really know what to tell you...could have been anything. Only thing I can say is that a woman's behavior cannot always be scrutinized logically, as they are not always driven logically. Ever heard the quote "you can do everything right, yet still fail"? Well, you sure didn't do...
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    Failed with this chick. Will appreciate friendly advice.

    Ok dude, it's clear that you have a general idea as to why this didn't work out. But "hate being ignored?" Your problem here I think is going beyond this're needy! Now then, you say you don't want to be lectured, so what do you want? You want to know what we would...
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    Girl: Situations

    No offense schoolfights, but this is exactly what DOESN'T work. I'm guessing you're a girl...never take advice on how to get girls from another girl! In other words...don't ask a fish how to fish. In response to the question, you need to smile, say hi, and then flirt with her. What do I mean...
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    Were "just friends" and i dont know how to make a move

    My comments are up there in bold ^ OK, you are deep in the friendzone, and you put yourself there by not being sexual and being a wussy nice boy. You say you are scared to make a move because you don't want to lose her as a friend, but ASK YOURSELF THIS: Can you really be "just friends" with...
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    sageproduct's senior year field reports.

    Fail again! ;)
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    sageproduct's senior year field reports.

    Fail on your part, but don't worry about it too much man, sounds like you're going to a pretty big school, you'll meet tons of women. I recently stumbled upon this thread, I like the progress you've made, I look forward to seeing your college adventures. Just out of curiosity, where are you...
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    What is this chick doing?

    This. I'm in a similar situation, I got this girl's number on my last day in Minnesota, I'm going back there in September. You don't want to be talking to her over the summer...maybe like one random/funny text at the most. But when you get back there, don't just wait to "maybe run into her,"...