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  1. M

    Email Game @ Work

    I guess that would me who suggested that aspect. Look, you're assuming that she's probably not doing this for personal gain, and you may be right, but you don't really know what she's thinking. In her mind, she may see you as some sort of big fish, rising star, stepping stone or someone who has...
  2. M

    guess the honeymoon stages are over? my gf fights with me all the time

    she says that I yell at her and I never say "Please" or "Thank you" she tells me that I never give her enough credit she says I think I know everything Like we'll fight about something stupid and I have to prove her wrong Good God baurman! Open your ears and eyes and see that the problem is...
  3. M

    Today I'm Single...

    When guys meet a HB with problems and/or a past like that, and say, "I'm just gonna have a little fun with this one, no problem!" or "her past doesn't matter", and turn a blind eye to the flags, they don't realize that maybe they'll get emotionally attached in the process and get bit on the a$$...
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    Email Game @ Work

    Repeat after me: What is the Law? We never chase. We are always a challenge. Are we not Men? Anyhow... she's new on the job and 21 years old. I'd be wary of her attention.
  5. M

    Email Game @ Work

    Yeah and sometimes you can survive a ten story fall, but I wouldn't recommend trying it.
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    Email Game @ Work

    You know the hazards of dipping your pen in the company ink, right? When you consider that most hookups or relationships don't last, and that if she gets angry with you at the end, she could get you fired or sued for harassment. Or,a superior of yours has his eye on her and undermines you out of...
  7. M

    Most obvious come-on that was missed

    HB9 says, "I just wanna have fun!", and I'm thinking she means she wants to enjoy being out, instead of in... and out, in and out, in and out... if you know what I mean... Can someone explain to me WHY when the fuglies give me a come on line, I recognize it right away as a come on line?
  8. M

    AFCs make it harder to get girls

    What a riot! He's basically confessing that he doesn't find his girlfriend sexually appealing. Or is he saying that a woman's soul has a castrating effect?
  9. M

    Need help getting out of this FUNK

    Hey Str8tup, just know that what you're going through is normal. You're having a bad run currently, and so naturally it's going to make you feel lousy about things. How could it not? It gets frustrating too when it appears the same results keep happening. But no bad run lasts forever. The only...
  10. M

    need mature advice on elevating relations

    Like the others have pointed out, you're obviously not as experienced as you think you are, whether you care to hear this or not. Posts that end with a declaration of what the poster will or will not accept as a response invariably are those of posters who know deep down they're fighting against...
  11. M

    younger chick always txting me - what gives?

    It's common for people, both men and women, to ignore or discount their own bad behavior. We only live in our own skin, so we don't feel the affect of our bad behaviors on others. We only feel it when it's done to us. When we do it to others, we then further rationalize it away with thoughts...
  12. M

    Pre-emptive "breakup"/Verbal nexting too harsh?

    ketostix, interesting thread and I see you're asking questions about the various nuances, but consider the bottom line overall: Point of fact is, that all your text to her did, when she just so happened to bump into you - after two weeks of no contact following the incident - was for her to...
  13. M

    situation:dominating female at work

    She's aggressive for the reason you suspect: that she's swimming with the men and that's what she feels she needs to be like in order to be effective and gain respect. That may factor into why she has that position as well, so management will back her up, even if privately they express a...
  14. M

    What to do when ur GF takes her emotions out on you?

    ^^^^ It's beginning to sound more like I may be on the right track, I'm sorry to say. Not answering her cell phone, excuses that don't sound right, not calling when she says she will, being unavailable, someone else in the background...
  15. M

    quick input needed - this is embarassing

    Why do you feel you need to reply at all? To demonstrate to her that she can push your buttons? Silence speaks louder.
  16. M

    Sexist Vintage Ads

    Yes, the douche ad is sexist! A man ought to be able to tell his wife she stinks, I say!
  17. M

    help - chick only responds to email - help pls.

    Odds are, this is the translation: left a message saying she's been traveling: An excuse to account for why she hasn't called all this time. Because, you know, wherever she traveled, they don't have cell phones or internet cafes. And it would take months to send a note by camel, so she didn't...
  18. M

    What to do when ur GF takes her emotions out on you?

    Yeah for the moment, but, she'll also respect you. She'll understand that you're not going to stand idly by and take abuse. The listening to her vent stuff without offering advice is a good thing to do with women in relationships, but her trying to pick fights goes beyond that. I have to...
  19. M

    Filthy Rich: Permission to Cheat?

    Maybe these women are more mercenary then loving wife. And while they cry out at the men who cheat on them, they may not be so innocent either when it comes to fidelity. Just quieter. But in your example it seems like the wife's brother was the one with the blind eye. There's nothing in the...
  20. M

    Self limiting beliefs kill dreams

    Maybe instead of a 20 y.o. chick, a good first step would be contacting itself, since they have a database of artists? Other then that, less think, more do is the key. You gotta stick your toes in the water if you wanna cross the ocean. I'm in the arts and ever since high school I...