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    Minnesota ! Twincities !

    That's debatable :crackup: (Note: I'm not a native Minnesotan, so screw the Vikes, go Cowboys!!) The Twin Cities are pretty cool, I grew up in Milwaukee and spent a lot of time in Chicago, there is definitely a different vibe here, less urban, more spread out, more white people, but overall...
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    keeping in contact over the summer

    NO, for several reasons. 1) First and foremost, you always have competition, with every girl you lay eyes on. You just happened to "see" some competition this time. Don't let it phase you. 2) You should be spending your summer bettering yourself and gaming as many girls as you can. This...
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    I'm a virgin but I can give advice said on here

    I gave advice on here before I lost my virginity. Good advice, I like to think some of my posts were helpful. I definitely agree with Maxtro, when you're looking at a situation objectively, you CAN give good advice even if you haven't experienced it yourself. However, in general, there's...
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    Minnesota ! Twincities !

    I live in SE MPLS (I go to the U). Don't have a lot of time with classes and whatnot (yes, even in the summer), but I'm trying to up my bar game. I think I'm way younger than all you guys though.
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    Dealing with compliments during intimate moments

    HB: Compliment Me: *pulls back for a second, smiles, gives look of pure desire, goes back in aggressively/passionately/whatever-ly* HB: *Even more turned on?*
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    Old chickens coming home to roost.

    I think your problem goes beyond this girl and you know it. You moved AWAY, and you have not had contact with her in 6 months. Yet, she sends you one message, and you're all worried! The bad news is that I don't think you're doing what you need to do to get over someone, which is improve...
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    Too much at once?

    I don't really understand this...if you are completely re-framed, why is there any part of the old you left? If you are a different, new and improved person, act like it always. Of course, the things you listed don't mean too much without an ATTITUDE change, so hopefully you have gotten that as...
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    How the hell do I reply to this?

    I think that's a little too forward to be honest, might scare her away. I'd start out by playfully accusing her of stalking you all these years...and then when she denies it tell her that you realize she can't help it since you're such an irresistible man! Do some basic fluff talk, tell her...
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    Persues me, Makes out with me, but then Flakes on me?

    I'm interested to see what the more experienced guys think but I'll take a quick stab at this... I think you're worrying a bit too much. Yeah it's kinda rude of her not to call, but girls are dumb like that. IMO I don't think you should take it as a sign of low interest necessarily, but...
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    Should I cancel or should I go?

    :crackup: HAHA It's funny because this is EXACTLY what is going to get you friendzoned. You gotta go for the kiss again. You have to show her you're man enough to go after what you want. She says she won't be kissing more than one guy. Girls say a lot of things. One of the cliches...
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    Think Like a Pirate
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    COMFORT building issues

    I've been in those situations before. What sometimes works for me is just texting her random crap every few days, like "definition of hilarious is watching people push pull doors," or something else stupid like that. Don't get dragged into long conversations, one or two fun/flirtatious texts...
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    Should I cancel or should I go?

    1) What kind of "move" did you make? Are you referring to a physical advance, like trying to kiss her? Hopefully. 2) Like Tiguere said, if you are (you should) spinning plates, why can't she? You're not dating her, so it's none of your business. 3) What do you want from this girl? Even...
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    First date tips

    I think dinner dates are pretty weak but hey, you can make it work. Just be sure to keep your conversation from getting boring, and make sure you have a plan for afterwards (going somewhere else, going to your place, meeting up with others, etc). And do what Htienvu said. Although...
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    First date tips

    Meh...I see where Tiguere is coming from, but don't take it too literally. Anyway, if she is constantly looking at her phone, yes, it's rude, but it means that YOU are not captivating her attention! What are you doing for a date? Hopefully it's something where you're not sitting around and...
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    I need a quick comeback for a 9.5

    I hope you didn't answer...
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    Inexperienced girl thinks she's asexual

    Idk, wolf whistle and then tug on it a little? Your scared to mess up because you really want this girl. You really want this girl because you have no other girls. You have no other girls because you don't go out and meet girls. You don't go out and meet girls because you have nobody to...
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    finally did well for once, not sure if what i plan to do next is correct?

    Don't text her that. Too much texting. Don't contact her again until you're ready to see her. You can re-establish that you're the prize IN PERSON. To be honest, it sounds like she's gonna flake. Keep us posted though.
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    What's your Biggest Down Fall With WOMEN??

    My biggest problem is putting in the effort to game them. I go to one of the largest universities in the damn country, there are girls everywhere. But, as an econ major with lot's of math/stats, etc, there are hardly ever any (attractive) girls in my classes. Parties? I'm not in a frat, and...
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    Rejected kiss, how to proceed?

    Ace, I'd agree with you...BUT, according to OP, she is still INITIATING contact. If someone has made their physical intentions known, and a girl CONTINUES to initiate contact with them, one of 2 things are going on: 1) They have *some* interest 2) They are very, very cruel I'm...