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  1. A

    Date idea?

    If I were you, I'd either A) Do the drinks idea, and then try to get over there (of course you should be escalating properly and maybe even have kissed her before leaving the bar), or B) Just go over to her place, bring the booze yourself and hope for the best situation.
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    Date idea?

    Going to the zoo just screams "date" :rolleyes: Why can't you just invite her over to watch Big Bang Theory, and have some alcohol on hand? Boom.
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    New at this, need college advice

    You talk too much. That was your problem. You spoke for 5 minutes with her draped all over you? Lame. Make it 30 seconds and then make out with her. You asked if she wanted to kiss you? Dude who are you, David DeAngelo? Just kiss her. You asked if she thought you were taking...
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    When girls take ages to text back

    This is all that it really comes down to. Judge a woman by her actions and not her words IS a great saying to base your interactions with women off of, but it's not always clear what actions you should be judging, which is the problem the OP seems to be having. It COULD be low-interest...
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    Journal of fvcking

    Not much man, I was taking summer courses...hopefully more this coming semester though. You? I know you were taking a break... Epic fail tonight with HB Tennis. Went over to her house, good hug at the door...walk in, her fvcking mom is sitting on the couch. Ok... Go downstairs, she wants...
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    Journal of fvcking

    Right, so this isn't gonna be some erotic story sh!t (ahem...Pookani Maker), rather, I'm gonna start documenting my pursuits of chicks. I think this will be good because it might motivate me to keep plowing through and making an effort to get laid, rather than using the same old "I'm focusing on...
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    To text or not to text

    "Weather's lookin good for Monday, wear something sexy so you will be too ;) See you at (insert time here)!" There, killed 2 birds with one stone.
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    What would you say to this?

    Ha yeah I could see that being the case, I have a pretty good feeling that if I sent that to a chick my age she'd just label me as some sort of "creeper" and leave it at that (since I hardly know her, that is). But the OP could anyway try it, he's got nothing to lose :D
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    ive become a halo nerd that sits at home and watches porn [Vice's Journal]

    Props! Just be sure not to let your game with this one slip too much now that you've been inside her. Sounds like you'll have some fun with her.
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    What would you say to this?

    She wouldn't even respond to the second one. The 1st one is ok I guess. I'd probably try something kinda unorthodox...maybe "pssh just thought you'd be a cool girl to hang out with, some of my friends are going to XYZ bar this weekend, you should come out!" Basically just say you wanted to be...
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    ive become a halo nerd that sits at home and watches porn [Vice's Journal]

    "And the next thing I knew I has kissing her" haha isn't that the best? Gotta love bar/club/party environments. Good report, too bad you couldn't pull her home, IMO sounds like you didn't try that hard to though...instead of going for the walk you could have walked on over to your car and...
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    Should I delete my facebook?

    YES. I hate these debates about whether or not Facebook should be deleted (because of all sorts of reasons) but it all comes down to self-control. It's like candy. Or video games. Or masturbation. Or McDonald's. It's enjoyable. And in very small amounts, it's harmless. Go on, check your...
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    Good article...when a girl says she's on her period

    So last night I brought home some random chick from a party, all night she's saying "we can't have sex tonight" blah blah blah...I did the textbook stuff, was non-reactive, etc. Well needless to say we got naked in my bed, when she reveals she's on her period :eek: She still serviced me in...
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    how to respond to her text (Help)

    Your problem is deeper, you sent her a lame-@ss pvssy text to start with. Read up on how to text a girl, plenty of info on this site and others like it. You have to be memorable. Asking her how she is doing is not memorable. As for your current situation, since you are already in it, I...
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    *Sigh* Really...?

    Where do you draw the line? This is about INDIVIDUAL preferences, there can be no hard rule for what's "worth it." What if I say "I won't bother with a girl who won't suck my d*ck within 5 minutes of meeting her"? You think that's absurd, but maybe that's what I expect for her to do to show that...
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    *Sigh* Really...?

    I agree with this, actually. IF you enjoy her company, don't be so quick to abandon ship. You're 21, so she's probably young...there's a chance she's just inexperienced and shy about it. Give her the benefit of the doubt...if you want. No harm in trying other than your time, so do some...
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    Anyone have a Google plus account?

    I'll probably be able to in a few days, my roommate has one and has tried inviting me, but I haven't been getting the emails....I'm sure we'll work it out pretty soon though.
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    friendzone escape.. again.

    This isn't escaping the friendzone, this is getting with a chick that wants your c0ck...if anything, SHE is escaping the friendzone.
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    FIELD REPORT - Online Pickup, Solid 9

    HAHAHA the fake profile is TOO funny! But usually, Tagged is a goldmine!