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    i need the name of a movie

    Don't judge me, but Air Force One is my all-time favorite movie. Get off my plane!
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    GF over text is constantly ****y

    Then beat her at her own game: Me: "Thanks" she reframes it Her: "Dont worry I didn't think u we're capable of much more words, luv u" Me: "You're gonna have to earn those words ;) love you too" You can probably come up with better examples
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    Some good field report

    Good post, thanks for sharing :up: I enjoyed the details. Bold move going for the double make-out, guess the brunette didn't notice?
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    Insanity's Journal - From DAY 1 -

    Dude, are you in Wisconsin?! Grew up there, thought I heard a familiar town name. This is awesome, thanks for posting. Also, which pic do you have for OK Cupid?
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    Whats a good plan to set dates with girls met in club?

    EDIT: Sorry, I misread the question. I agree that you should be making the date fairly soon to keep your momentum going, it's easy to forget about folks you meet in a club. And I personally don't like setting dates very far in advance, maybe 2 days max.
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    Video FRs

    Cool journal, I'll be trying to follow this. Have you had a lot of success with phone conversations in the past? More importantly, I think your texting skills are decent, but you send a lot of dumb texts. Like this last one here. "Ha where you at?" I mean wtf, that's boring, no wonder...
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    Created a Bad Vibe

    You know your game, WhitePimp. You also realize why you're over-analyzing; your obsession with her. Just take a chill pill. Like the above poster said, you didn't really eff anything up, it's likely all in your head. If she likes you, this isn't gonna kill anything. Just wait another day or...
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    should i cancel in advance..? i think she'll flake

    Dude...I'm sorry man but you seriously have no game. Anyway like I said in your previous thread, why are you doing these lame ass dates?!? Chinese food? Who the F*CK gets laid in a Chinese restaurant? You need to be somewhere where you can easily escalate. If you escalate and she's...
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    My Journal

    Good stuff AJ, I just read through some of this. If you ever get the time it would be cool to see a little more detail in some of the approaches and/or meetups with these chicks. After all, that's the point of the site, so we can learn from each other :up: Anyway, it's pretty inspirational...
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    Can you help me with this confusing flake situation

    Sorry bro but every girl out there wants a man with a better vocabulary and more wiles than she has, when you lost those Words With Friends game, her pvssy just dried up for you. But seriously, do this: But even more seriously, you should probably get better at Scrabble.
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    did i make a mistake being too cheap?

    Even if she wasn't trying to fvck that night, why are you moving so slow? Tennis? wtf I play tennis with my little brother, that's not a date sure as hell not a second date.
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    did i make a mistake being too cheap?

    Then she's not gonna go for sh!tty hot chocolate either! Either play her game (ie someplace nice and buy her pvssy), or put it on your terms and see what she does. You did the latter, and she wasn't down for it. She probably only showed up to try to justify to herself that she's not a gold...