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  1. H

    You know you are an AFC when......

    when you develop a hunchback from leaning towards women when you wear clothes for women because emo chicks think it's hot when you make-out with another guy because emo chicks think it's hot when you're allowing your body to stay in a boyish shape when you're over 16 when you ask...
  2. H

    The truth about confidence

    Confidence doesn't come from over-analyzing where it comes from. Confidence comes from not giving a shiit, knowing what you want and taking action. You don't necesarily need that much experience to be confident even though it does build confidence, if it's the correct kind of experience...
  3. H

    Describe the Cutie you Saw Today and Where.

    I don't see what's wrong in recognizing the beauty in an other woman when you're in a commited relationship. You're a mature person, you know you already have a gorgeous woman that you love. There's no need to worry about checking out other hot women if you happen to come across them. Just...
  4. H

    This is A C0CK Size Thread

    To small is doomed, I guess. Get a small and tight woman ;) Average is OK A bit above average is best I guess To big is not that good either. But this really isn't that big of deal, because women are attracted to imagination and strength/dominance, not to ****size (even though in some...
  5. H

    Recommended Book List.

    David Hawkins - Power Vs Force: the hidden determinants of human behavior Daniel Rose - Sex Revolution Handbook David Shade - Foundations/Give women wild screaming orgasms The Book of Pook David Deangelo - Attraction isn't a choice
  6. H

    Fear: It's only what you make it out to be

    I agree. If you're willing to settle for less you might end up like one of those guru's claiming they're o-so enlightened, yet have no possessions or other skills. I think it's important to have a personal dream or mission for your life and when not pursueing it, it gives you some pain. Not...
  7. H

    I am a hating and cynical bastard *Vent+ Rant*

    Now that you got that stuff out of ya (and I had a good laugh, I think you have potential for being a overly dramatic comedian using that stuff :up: ) No offense, I feel where you're coming from. I agree that most people drift aimlessly trough their life. That's why you should put full...
  8. H

    Fear: It's only what you make it out to be

    Nice posts :) I think at first it's kind of paradoxical, but once you understand it things start to make sense. For example, you have to set your standards for yourself pretty high to be able to succeed in life, but then again the standards for your own personal happyness should be easily...
  9. H

    Embarrasing sex

    Tell her to put her ass up more, so you go straight in. Or just manouver her in that position. Any normal woman should do that automaticly when she's turned on and has orgasmed (That might be the problem).
  10. H

    Sex tips needed

    How old are you? Any healthy man (under 40) should be able to go at least for 3 fuucks a day if you ask me. If not, get you sexual drive pumping and become a man of enthousiasm with loads of energy :D
  11. H

    The insanity of marriage is hitting a new level this saturday

    :eek: What's that coming over the hill? IT IS A MONSTER!!! :eek: It's pathetic, such a much younger AFC settling for an old ugly woman for marriage. Good for him he at least got the 7/7/7 thing going for him :crackup:
  12. H

    Women and Horses

    Watch how they ride that horse! I'll bet a 100$ that most of these chicks get all turned on from rubbing their **** against the front of that saddle.
  13. H

    Wake up, open your eyes!

    Soooo, Waht is your GRAND IDEA, Analytic? I mean, come on, most people know what you're talking about and I absolutely believe that this possibility lies open to practicly everyone. But few people have the balls to take a chance. I know I will. I've changed and realised to much in my life...
  14. H

    What do you do to get your girl off?

    Psychological stimulation, dominance, passion and anticipation. 2 steps forward, one step back usually makes her go wild. Just follow your gut and be a good lover and make sure you're enjoying yourself. As for finger technique, David Shade's deep spot stimulation works very well.
  15. H

    Post 5 random tips.

    1. Enjoy your moments in this lifetime You're only going to be here for some amount of years and then you leave this life behind. Are you having a great time? Having some pain? Enjoy it. Life is made of ups and downs. You win some, you lose some and if you play your cards right eventually...
  16. H

    Who is this MILF?

    Now way dude, check out the neck.
  17. H

    LTR tip...IMPORTANT!!!

    Dude, you can't logicly convince your woman that you want to be in control. You need to grab her by her hair (not to harsh, but definetly not to gentle) and MANHANDLE that girl! She'll love you for it. If your congruent and authentic, that is. She'll probably test you, like saying you're being...
  18. H

    Choose or Lose

    Brilliant! Thanks for posting!
  19. H

    your life is in your hands More GOOD stuff from Mr. Stallone. Listen to the part after the short scene.
  20. H

    your life is in your hands

    I like the post. You mentioned that you should have things that are more important then women. I agree, your long term goals and especially your dreams are much more important than any woman, even though you love her. Pook said it perfectly: "Don't make the woman your dream. Allow women into...