I spend over an hour writing super long post on how to start your own business while attracting and meeting many woman at the same time. Originally I wanted my first post in the tip section to be great but I realize that many people will read but will never apply the advice and just looking to get rich quick and I'll just waste my time in the process. It just how it is, most of us do not want to take control of our lives. We are like sheeps running around waiting for our masters (your boss) tell us what to do. We have been conditioned to believe that in order for us to succeed we need to go to school, get a degree and get a good job. If you take your head out of the gutter, you will realize this is no longer the american dream. You will realize that you are sitting on a gold mine of opportunity.
Where is that goldmine you ask? it is ironic that you are posting on it. This board is, this website is a goldmine. No disrespect to allen, but he could turn this place into a money making machine. Do you realize how much money Mystery is making? do you realize how much money Pook can make if he started his own site? you may have an idea how you would never guess what is possible. We're all so wrap up in chasing tails that nothing eles truly matters, we simply take the comfortable road of going to school to get a job. There are countless opportunity looking at you in the face but you din't think nothing of it because you are taught money only come to those who work hard. It is partly true in the sense that you'll live well but you will never be rich. here is some fact to wrap your heads around.
Fact #1: Google aquire Youtube for 1.6 billion dollar within less then one year since its launch.
Fact #2: plenttyoffish.com owner Markus Frind makes around 1 million dollar a month. He has no staff, he and only himself manage his bussiness. He started with very little money.
Fact #3: Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, started his website in his dorm room with his friend. His website now has a value of atleast 4 billion dollars.
There are countless of stories, am sure you all read it or seen it on the news. Most of these stories just goes right through your ears. Most of you will think it will never happen to you. You know what, keep thinking that way because without blue collar worker there would be no white collar worker. Society will keep you from achieving maximum financial freedom because without people like you, there would be no Donald Trumps, no Bill gates.
Most people will read this thread and still go back to their daily grind to make "the man" money and the world will still be the same as it was, is and always will be. The majority will be sheep, the minority will be filthy rich.
So what are you?
Where is that goldmine you ask? it is ironic that you are posting on it. This board is, this website is a goldmine. No disrespect to allen, but he could turn this place into a money making machine. Do you realize how much money Mystery is making? do you realize how much money Pook can make if he started his own site? you may have an idea how you would never guess what is possible. We're all so wrap up in chasing tails that nothing eles truly matters, we simply take the comfortable road of going to school to get a job. There are countless opportunity looking at you in the face but you din't think nothing of it because you are taught money only come to those who work hard. It is partly true in the sense that you'll live well but you will never be rich. here is some fact to wrap your heads around.
Fact #1: Google aquire Youtube for 1.6 billion dollar within less then one year since its launch.
Fact #2: plenttyoffish.com owner Markus Frind makes around 1 million dollar a month. He has no staff, he and only himself manage his bussiness. He started with very little money.
Fact #3: Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, started his website in his dorm room with his friend. His website now has a value of atleast 4 billion dollars.
There are countless of stories, am sure you all read it or seen it on the news. Most of these stories just goes right through your ears. Most of you will think it will never happen to you. You know what, keep thinking that way because without blue collar worker there would be no white collar worker. Society will keep you from achieving maximum financial freedom because without people like you, there would be no Donald Trumps, no Bill gates.
Most people will read this thread and still go back to their daily grind to make "the man" money and the world will still be the same as it was, is and always will be. The majority will be sheep, the minority will be filthy rich.
So what are you?