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  1. B

    journal to personal enlightenment

    Today not much, a few cute cashier girls gave me some smiles. When I am actively working at this stuff I feel I "give off" a sort of presence, and women respond. When I'm down-in-the-dumps and I'm all lost and confused, it's like they naturally repel from me. So what does this mean? This means...
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    journal to personal enlightenment

    Went out again last night, unexpectedly, drove past the primary bar in town and some mutual friends were outside -- I saw them and pulled over. Led to a night of meeting a lot othere people which was cool (a side note this dude had a huge bag of keif...I'm talking like 1/2 ounce of the...
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    Tips to last longer?

    Well jerking it too much is not always good because you'll drain your sex drive. You have to find some balance there, probably some masturbation is healthy. Have you heard of kegels? This is a way to practice strengthening your prostate and it can help reduce premature ejaculation. Also...
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    How many of you are dateless wonders and 25+

    There are tons of examples of people who were the WORST and became the BEST. Don't let yourself get discouraged and don't give up. I've attempted things MANY TIMES until I was successful. Sometimes we have to try DOZENS and DOZENS of solutions until we find success. I know that sounds...
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    Best Cities For Single Men

    Seattle, WA -- So many hot young eco-babes!!!! Oh man I'm going there to visit in a month, I may never come back!
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    BPD ex.... 3 months out - need some advice

    Just think to yourself, "I feel sorry for that guy and that evil cvnt can go to hell". Man this thread was eye-opening, quality SS posting -- this makes me much more self aware and I'm thinking of this crazy bish red-head at work...maybe she's BPD? I know that term gets thrown around all...
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    Debate on Dealing with emotions

    This is a good post man. I know even when I look at my life and how far I've come, some days I honestly feel like a garbage-bag to be placed on the curb. I think even people who are highly successful have to have days where they just question everything, themselves, or feel they've fallen short...
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    Don't let your girlfriend DISRESPECT you or you will LOSE your girlfriend

    I've got to read-up the entirety of this thread, but I think OP you are onto something and absolutely I can entirely relate. Once I moved back to be near her, sh!t went south ASAP bc she took the reigns then, I tried getting em back, lovey dovey doens't work there--the thing to note is some...
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    Im at a loss and not sure what to do

    Jesus christ the attitudes on this site sometimes are so unrealistic and self-inflated ego-driven garbage. "Don't apologize to anyone", what the hell are you talking about, have you never committed a wrong in the world? You can't just walk around this earth like an arrogant-fuk bag and never...
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    Calisthenics / Bodyweight only routine

    Dude, thanks for uploading this I'll be downloading this and give it a read. I seek the hypertrophy induced via heavy lifting to increase muscle size (for myself who used to be a fat dude this is good bc it fills in the skin). Re: 1-handed pullups, pushups, -- I think there should be some...
  11. B

    journal to personal enlightenment

    So I went to the bar last night, and the romanian girl from post 1 was there. Her and a buddy of mine along with several others were chilling. I was reading ed abbey's "desert solitaire", which is a hell of a ride. I was sort of in the mood to just chill, but I saw all of them sitting there and...
  12. B

    Wife is pissing me off for the first time after a year

    Lol man, please understand the ganja herb is not in any way akin to mainlining heroin. I'm surprised by these comments. Freedom for the ganja herb! Freedom for mother earth!
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    What da fvck..Old 50 yr old haggardly-lookin ***** just sent me an email professing

    Dude, google 'tea tree oil' -- go pick some of this up. Dab a small amount on a kleenex or toilet paper or a cotton ball, whatever, and use this on the oil...I swear to you this tea tree stuff is magic in terms of clearing up the skin (acne) but also can dry out the skin.....just something to...
  14. B

    To don juans 50+ like zekko and atom smasher

    I love these threads! Love learning from the older wiser dudes on this forum! Like access to elders who can give insight that in our modern day world is drowned out by videogames and garbage. You guys all rock and I genuinely appreciate all you contribute and share! I hope 20 years from now...
  15. B

    Hitting a low on NC

    Sounds like maybe it was crazy-universe timing, he sends you a text same time you are arguing, you merge the two together in your mind because of your mental ruminations on this dude going after the chick you are one-itis crushing on. You've got to let them both go. If he was a real friend...
  16. B

    journal to personal enlightenment

    Success :cheer: Hoorah. Sammy. I met Sammy in Seattle, she came by to visit a mutual friend. She was 22, hb7, nice body, young. This one is truly where DJ principles are correct. This was in a period before my last GF-mind-fvcked me, and where I too reverted to AFC tedancies slamming the...
  17. B

    journal to personal enlightenment

    Red-Head-Mind-Fvck Today is a lesson from my own life about what to avoid, and to have the common-sense to see through things. I think some men are more 'naturally' aware of certain things..maybe development and more experience when young..I have no idea -- I have always been a late bloomer. It...
  18. B

    How many girls have you slept with this year?

    I've been there man, don't let yourself beat your self-esteem down too far. If she was the real deal you'd still be together. Let yourself move on and put that b1tch out of your head NOW. I've only been with 1 chick this past year, a few make-out sessions, man my game was rusty and...
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    The Hypergamy Synthesis

    ebracer, I thought you wrote a really intellectually dense observation of some current trends in our system. I did feel things kinda fizzled out towards the end where you lost your writing focus -- but you have the start to a really good essay that could be refined and revised to drive home...
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    She is close friends with her ex

    This is a solid post. Letting your woman disrespect you over and over again is a sure-fire way to in the end, losing all of your confidence and self-respect. I've been that low-down before and it svcks the big balls. Direct experience: it's a setup man -- a woman going to lunch and hanging out...