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  1. B

    Surgeons Hate Weightlifting

    I don't agree with that advice -- I say do low reps but it's all about form. If you can't do 3, 5 or 8 reps with great form, you're lifting too heavy. FORM IS KEY. There are many benefits from less than 20 reps (far too high and you're not going to get real hypertrophy)...3-5 rep range can do...
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    Calisthenics / Bodyweight only routine

    Sandbag -- genius. Re: calisthenics -- you're not going to do any damage by these exercises, a lot of them encourage good flexibility and stretching; but you're going to plateau at a certain point if you don't move into heavier-than-body-weight resistance...put that sandbag on your back and do...
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    Turning a 6 Day Split to 3 Day Split

    Hey man, this isn't a 3-day, but it's a 4-day, and each workout takes about 60-90 minutes depending how much your head is in the game. Check it out, I just finished a 12-week cycle and made some decent gains all around. The concept here is periodization, so reps cycle from 12-15, 9-11...
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    More confidence in your 30's Than 20's?

    At age 27 I'm 10x more confident than I was...I think 10 years from now I'll be 10x more confident than I am's all upwards and onwards towards something better... I was a complete sh!t with women in the past. I've got things to work on no doubt, but I'm LEVELS above where I was even 2...
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    Personal Revelation

    Thanks man. I know I have potential...I have practiced SS-philosophy and technique, and I found positive results. When living in Seattle I was interacting witha lot of women, and used each as a mechanism to practice, I made a lot of headway, was getting multiple girl's #'s and months later...
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    Personal Revelation

    @Jitterbug -- I genuinely appreciate your feedback, it is accurate man. I have to say I too completely recognized her going to lunch with me as not a good thing for a woman who is about to get married. She also gave me some pretty sweet longing eyes and I felt not good about the whole thing...
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    Barbell Curl Hurting Forearms

    Tendonitis man, lay off the curl bar and work your biceps another way if you can. Else take a week and do some other stuff -- ibuprofin or any NSAID will help bring down inflammation and help heal faster... Give it some rest, it's an over-use injury. Sometimes we need 1-2 weeks for all the...
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    Personal Revelation

    Truly man, probably the red-head I was describing, a cracked moment of weakness...I am better now... I also live a mobile-based lifestyle. Lol. What I mean by that, is I chose back in March to move outdoors again. I live around national forest areas and near canyons and open places. I have a...
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    Personal Revelation

    I have made a lot of progress in some areas -- I am not the type to sit around and do nothing when there is a problem. Sure there are still problems my man. Growing a business takes commitment and work and a lot of energy. A never-ending triathlon! I have been isolated, have not been dating...
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    Personal Revelation

    Bud, there is no rock bottom here. I've built 25lbs of extra muscle these last 9 months, created a business out of thin air 1+ year ago that has been financially profitable so far (although there is much work to be left). I work a second job and have an important role, and am just starting a...
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    Help! Fear of STDS holds me back

    This is solid. Made me laugh and man, I agree!
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    Dammit! Plates starting to drop off...

    I told a chick once I was just not looking for anything serious at the time -- she still texts me to this day and said next time I'm in Seattle we'd go out. She said she appreciated me being honest and even now 1+ yr later she still contacts. In some ways by saying you're not seeking...
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    Personal Revelation

    Die Hard, You are interesting to me, and your persistence is interesting. I will engage in a dialogue with you, but I would like you to consider in your responses: how does a personal trainer talk to the fat man? How does the drug counselor talk to the drug addict? If you belittle and insult...
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    Two Schools

    Good analogies. I hear you. But the drill bit is not the drill nor the drill operator...there to assist in the construction...
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    Grey Away

    Do you trim your eyebrows and dye your pubes too? Dude, grey hair is maturity and masculine. Lots of chicks dig speckled hair. Why are you so self-conscious... Mother issues...grey hair....watching Sex and The City...what's wrong with you man? Chick is kissing on your neck you're...
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    It's a shame...

    Maybe this is further proof that really you are a latent homosexual. She dressed you up huh? Did you both wear matching panties? Whaaa Whaa Whaa! When are you going to quit whining and MAN up dude? A DJ-MASTER knows what he wants. He doesn't let his GIRLY comb his hair....did she...
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    This is just part of the reason you are a trash hole of a mind. Look buddy, the women you are fvcking are piles of garbage. Do you understand that? You disregard a sweet woman as being Cluster B. Instead of recognizing you fvked up, you classify her as crazy but really YOU are the Crazy One...
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    A bump in the road..

    Learning to be less faggoty would help your Game Die Hard. I know you want to improve yourself..but there is this one part of you that you aren't willing to change--your love for the Penis.
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    Personal Revelation

    //violence and aggression directed to Die Hard.
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    Personal Revelation

    You are a little boy Never Hard (whoops I meant Die Hard). Tiny balls you must have. Don't you know rabbit holes rarely end little boy? A big boy has big talk. You'd rather sit behind your glowing brave and strong you are Master DJ, if we could all just be like you. Do you know how...